This show featured several bustouts: The Landlady (first since July 10, 2016, or 122 shows), Olivia's Pool (November 17, 1997, or 694 shows), The Man Who Stepped Into Yesterday and Avenu Malkenu (August 21, 2015, or 147 shows), Strange Design (July 8, 2016, or 124 shows), Icculus (December 31, 2013, or 210 shows), and Catapult (July 27, 2014, or 191 shows). Trey teased Funiculi Funicula in Vultures. During Fish's vacuum solo in I Didn't Know, Trey did the Meatstick dance and a bit of the Landlady dance. Trey teased Dave's Energy Guide in Ruby Waves. Prior to Contact, Trey mentioned meeting a couple in his hotel lobby the day before where the man said he would propose to his girlfriend if Mike sang Contact on Sunday night at Alpine Valley. Trey teased Bridal Chorus in Contact.

© 2019 Phish (Rene Huemer)

Jam Chart Versions
Dave's Energy Guide tease in Ruby Waves, Funiculi Funicula tease in Vultures, Bridal Chorus tease in Contact
Debut Years (Average: 1996)

This show was part of the "2019 Summer Tour"

Show Reviews

, attached to 2019-07-14

Review by Shafiq

Shafiq Just some quick thoughts on this tremendous, tour-ending show. Sometimes your gut tells you quickly into a show that this is going to be a special one. We got to that point by the second song of the show with the Olivia’s Pool bust-out, and that feeling was strengthened even further as the first set and rest of the show went on. Rarities on rarities, the longest jam of 3.0 in Ruby Waves (!!), and the band having so much fun with plenty of banter (and the YEM > Catapult > Contact wedding proposal > YEM!). At some point during the show tonight, you ran out of words to say. All you could do is have your jaw dropped, maybe with your hands on your head, taking in the spiritual experience with everyone around you or frantically texting your friends because you know it’s a night you’ll never forget. This was a show that you never wanted to end, that you were happy for everyone who was at the show or listening/watching at home, and that you are just generally happy and grateful to have Phish in your life. They are really good at sucking for your pleasure.
, attached to 2019-07-14

Review by Laudanum

Laudanum "Today is one of those nights." - Trey Anastasio, 7/14/2019

When we talk about Phish not being a nostalgia act, it doesn't necessarily mean there's no nostalgia involved. Tonight it was Strange Design that got me, from out of the blue.

I hadn't thought much about the song in years, let alone listened to it. But here it was, back from the dead, and from Page's very first line it got me, got me like it did way back in 1995.

All the final songs of the first set recall 1995, in fact, all four being in common rotation that year, and all four are performed in a 1995-esque manner, yet somehow filtered through the lens of 2019. Sometimes this band is just too large, too much--it's a giant gemstone with so many facets now that there's no hope of seeing any more than a handful at any given point in time. And sometimes you forget that some of the facets even existed. But then the band tilts, catches the light, and reminds you.

What does this four song stretch do four someone who started seeing the band last year? Is it merely a novelty for them? An irritant because they're not hearing what they know? Or does it move them in a way it would have moved me so many years ago, bridging the past and reframing it, as seems to be the band's wont this year?

Yeah, give me a moment. Something in my eye.

Second set casts aside nostalgia for the new, at least at first. The front half is very 2019, the culmination of all they've been working on this year. New songs float in a sea of jam, ebbing and crashing. Ruby Waves is the apex of both the year and the aesthetic, and its liquid nature takes on a multitude of shapes over a cosmic half hour plus. It is both current and future Phish, a statement of where they're at, a promise of what's to come.

We're treated to another brief trip back in time, and a reminder to read the damn book, and then YEM. A song so timeless it sets all questions of nostalgia aside.

For all its trappings of the past, second set is rooted firmly in the now. New memories for all generations of fans, but especially the younger ones, or the ones just discovering the band. This is their 1995.

What a show. What a tour.
, attached to 2019-07-14

Review by berkeleybrian

berkeleybrian There are no words for what went down in Wisconsin tonight. The mayor of Alpine Valley just renamed the town Bustout City,
Unreal. Easily the best show of the summer. Possibly best show of 3.0. Top to bottom, this is what we chase. Trey was giving Mike the look before dropping that Catapult out of nowhere....he was making Phish evil again, that's for sure. And that 38 minute Ruby Waves is going get a relisten or 50 until it's time for Dicks. Praise Icculus!!!
, attached to 2019-07-14

Review by HarpuaTheBulldog

HarpuaTheBulldog Sometimes people get hyperbolic after a good show and put it among the best of the tour or even best show ever, until they see their next good one.

This one was legit. This was the best show of the tour. This is among the best shows of 3.0, if not the very best. Pound for pound, this stacks up with Jam Night, it measures up with Fall 15, it has the rarities, the jam (s), and more. Could not believe what we were seeing. Thank you Phish.
, attached to 2019-07-14

Review by jubelale

jubelale The couple Trey mentioned was right in front of me on the lawn page side. Their crew was stoked and I believe a proposal happened. Just another crazy thing during a top show for any era! Boys were very active on stage dancing and interacting plus quite a bit of banter, vacuum and trampolines included.
, attached to 2019-07-14

Review by EducateFright

EducateFright I'm finally back in Michigan after the long drive. Right, here we go...

The stars aligned for me and Phish last night.

My wife and I arrived at Alpine Valley fairly early for our third night of Phish. We found a spot on the lawn stage left, Page side/rage side. This was the first of many things to go right: the ground was quite level there, and we were very close to some restrooms. More importantly, the people around us were chill - there were at least two people who'd brought kids, and everyone turned out to be quiet and respectful as opposed to drunk and obnoxious.

We sat down and waited for the show to start. I was quite relaxed, maybe even a little on the tired side. I didn't have many expectations... I figured we'd get a YEM and a Tweeprise, but beyond that, who knows? I texted a friend who has been to many shows (he had pavilion tickets), and he expressed a strong feeling that there would be a bust out or two. I texted that I'd like to get a Shafty, and he agreed.

I purchased a $6 Red Bull. By the time the band came on, I'd finished it and was ready to go.

They started with Landlady. So I didn't get the Tweeprise opener I was hoping for, but this... this is interesting. "Hmm, how many times in 3.0 have they played this outside of PYITE?" I wondered. Immediately, I started to dance...

Then came Olivia's Pool. I looked around, wondering if the people surrounding me had any idea what this was. Was I the only one? I texted my friend. "Well, we kind of got Shafty after all. This is fucking Olivia's Pool!"

And so here already were the bust outs my friend predicted. I figured Olivia's Pool hadn't been played since the 90s, and it turned out I was correct. Grinning widely, I began to dance harder.

Oddly enough, although I recognized Olivia's Pool immediately, it wasn't until half way through Spock's Brain that I remembered the name of this particular song, which felt oddly familiar until I was finally able to place it. Naturally, Trey destroyed About To Run. Strange Design very nearly brought tears to my eyes.

The whole first set was composed of a fantastic selection of songs, perfectly ordered, and - most importantly - everything was very well played. "Damn, so that was an absolutely stellar first set," I thought to myself. "OK, well, you know, a stellar first set isn't always an indicator of what we'll experience in set two - and that might even be particularly true of 3.0," I cautioned myself. "However, if the second set does turn out to be as quality as that first set, then this will go down as a very memorable show."

Ha. I had no idea what was in store.

Set two. Ruby Waves delivered a very long jam, during which my wife turned to me and asked me how many songs they'd played so far. "Uh, I think this is still the second song of the set," I told her. The thing about my wife is, although she generally enjoys Phish, she's hardly a fan. She has trouble discerning to what degree the band is improvising at any given time. Still, she knew very well that THIS was jamming, and exceptional jamming at that. She knew very well that they hadn't jammed like this during the first two nights.

At one point the jam fizzled out and dissipated. I braced myself for the next song. Nope. The jam picked up again and headed into new territory. "Woah... They didn't want to get off the train!" I thought to myself.

Following the ensuing Twist, we got a very pretty Swept Away and Steep pairing, followed by a Death Don't Hurt Very Long played with much enthusiasm. The crowd ate it up.

And then it happened: Icculus. OH MY GOD. I cheered in a bizarre combination of WOOing and giddy laughing. "This is happening?!" I NEVER expected to catch this song live, ever. And yet here it was. I stood still and focused on the big screen above: there was Trey, absolutely reveling in the moment, working the crowd into a frenzy with his truly bizarre and increasingly hysterical narration about the benefits of reading. He couldn't stop smiling.

Following this there was a long pause. And then... Buffalo Bill. I lost again: more WOOing and giggling. I love this short and catchy song! Yet again, another tune I wouldn't have dared to expect.

And then we got the YEM I did predict, but even this was unusual: it was a Catapult / Contact sandwich!

At one point I glanced behind me at the young couple I'd briefly spoke to before the show started. Their eyes were heavily glazed over, and they were having trouble standing. Man, was I ever glad to be sober! If there was ever a show I'd like to be sober for, it's this: I want to remember every detail with crystal clarity, and not have anything slowing me down. I danced harder still. Some dude approached me and asked me if I had any doses. The thing is, sometimes the phans raging the hardest are the most sober.

Before the band left the stage prior to the encore, I carefully observed their faces on the big screen. Gosh, did they ever look happy. Of course they knew it: they knew they just played one for the ages. It was all the more exciting to see it expressed in their genuine, humble smiles.

My wife and headed out of the venue just as the band played the final notes of Tweeprise. We were out of there in no time.

This is precisely the show I've dreamed of catching since 2000: a show with both rare songs/bust outs AND outstanding jamming. The dream came true tonight. It's not like I make it to nearly as many shows as some of you, which makes it feel like an even greater blessing to have managed to catch this show. Thank you Phish.
, attached to 2019-07-14

Review by gurusagdiev

gurusagdiev I'm not usually one to review a show, however in this case I will make an exception. First of all this run was the only time I've camped at a show (excluding curveball) and also the first time I've brought three friends along, two of which had never been to a show before. After this weekend I think those guys are hooked. The first two nights were spectacular, slightly songy but I generally enjoy that. The beautiful hood as well as roses were highlights of the previous two nights. Then came night three, immediately in the gates I felt a special energy culminating under that shed. The first note solidified that feeling with a major bustout and one of my all time favorite songs, landlady. After that, Olivia's TMWSIY>malkenu was just icing on the cake. Glide is another one of my all-time favorites, I was jumping up and down as high as I could on the top of the lawn at that point. About to run is such a good song, I don't think it gets enough credit but I digress. Around that time I was starting to feel like they might do something crazy. The next four songs were just that.

Let me add a bit of context to my experience, I saw my first two shows at alpine back in 09' I was 9 at the time and my dad had brought me. I recount it as one of the coolest experiences of my childhood. This weekend we spent most of our time perched up at the top of the lawn and seeing all the kids running around reminded me of that time, then I would look up and see the stars and the moon and remember that here and now is what it's all about.

Mercury is such an amazing song, every time I hear it it gets better and better. Followed by the 7th longest jam in Phish history, it's incomparable. My buddy called twist late in the first set so I'm happy he got one, that was a cool moment. I really enjoyed seeing swept away and DDHVL as well. Then came the goat, the highlight of my night. Can't get any better than icculus, never really chased this song because I thought it would be impossible but never say never when it comes to Phish. After icculus I couldn't imagine they could play anything to top or par that but buffalo bill, yem catapult contact yem definitely did the trick. This is why I love Phish, this is why we do this. Never miss a Sunday show. Thanks to this weekend I finally have a crew that will go to shows with me, everyone is pumped, I can't wait for what the future holds.

The takeaway: don't drink too much vodka, don't park too close to the venue, and it's okay to drool!
, attached to 2019-07-14

Review by VictorBottino

VictorBottino Let’s put it this way:

It is 4:47 am PST and I am listening to the last few notes of Vultures.
I literally woke up just to listen to this on the App.
UNBELIEVABLE set list! UNBELIEVABLE performance!!!
No hyperbole here, this show is life changing and answers the eternal question, “why are you going to see that band again?”

, attached to 2019-07-14

Review by DiscoStu

DiscoStu The terrible thing about hell, is that when you are there you can’t even tell... that tomorrow will be the one you’ve been chasing. I could close my eyes and write my “perfect” set list and would no doubt come up far short of the juggernaut that the boys unleashed on a poor and (maybe) unsuspecting southern Wisconsin. Shows like this are why when my wife asks me “can we go see a different band this time?” the answer is always... “well no, why would we do that?”. Alas I will just go on an oblivious fool, for my brother, sister and I all turned our cars southward on a silent Saturday morning feeling the need to get back to on the train of reality. Saturday night was my 77th show and was a blast, and I thought it had filled the void for this summer. And until right about 8:45 edt on Sunday night I was right. Being a faithful Phan since 96 (despite those few dark years where there were no shows and I had to get a real job) most of the big milestones have been checked off my list. The 8-9 hour set at Big Cypress when we all kept looking to the horizon to see if the world would end and knowing that we were all perfectly happy of it did. My first Fluffhead at my 40th show - especially after “Mike says no” at IT, the Moby Dick set at Deer Creek, finally getting a Harpua after standing like a rooted tree in the driving wind and rain so strong I couldn’t open my eyes at Northerly Island, or the moment I really fell in love at my 2nd show when they opened with Punch. Sure chronologically it’s a little sideways and backwards down the number line but the significance is more what matters...
The pre show conversations now are usually, “man I hope they play catapult again someday” or “I wonder if I’ll ever get an Icculus” or “my only swept away was my first show”. So when the first notes of The Landlady made my ears perk up I knew that this, finally tonight, could be the night. And after a gleeful Jedi began belting out lyrics to a song I thought I knew I realized that finally tonight the stars had aligned!!!
And I drove home 12 hours before.
Phish being a faithful teacher taught me a lesson that I already knew and will never forget.
I will say I felt a strong connection to this show and I watched every minute in beautiful 4K HD - thank you livephish, but my devotion to the dream of my wife and beautiful children made the drive for me.
I’m not going to write an in depth and comprehensive review of the show. At this point you all know what happened and how delightful and amazing it was for all of us. I guess I rambled on here to try to make a point or some how slip stitch and pass it all up into this...
Thank You Phish, for still giving us a reason after all these years.
It wouldn’t really be Phishing if there wasn’t a good story about the great big one that got away right?
, attached to 2019-07-14

Review by Praxis926

Praxis926 Wow, its been five days since this show and I am still buzzing from it. This is my first review, and I’m not the most articulate person, so bear with me. On the way to the venue my wife, friend, and I were speculating/debating on what the night would bring. The last Sunday show they’d played at Alpine (8/9/15) was a show for the ages. My buddy thought that because of that, and numerous other factors, they’d play it cool and include a few bust-outs, but not at the 8/9/15 level. I was adamant that Sunday was going to be on the level with 8/9/15. I thought there’d be a good number of bust-outs (2-3) the first set, then the second set would feature a lot of great playing, but in more of a “normal” setlist way. Well, we were both wrong.

As I stood on the lawn watching them walk on stage, I had no idea what to expect. I was hoping for a Soul Shakedown opener but figured that what they chose would be indictive of how the show would start to unravel. As they started to play their first few notes, I was confused as I thought it was Landlady, but also thought there was no way they’d be opening with this! Welp, they were. After Landlady was finished, there was a pause as the band discussed what to play next. The anticipation grew every second as to what was next…a bust out…..a standard….a GOTF song……but no……someone darn near no one would have called….freaking Olivia’s Pool. I was in shock. I looked around at others to see if they knew what was happening. Many did, many didn’t. But those who did, couldn’t believe it either. Almost 700 shows since this was last played. Wow.

At this point, we knew we were in for a ride. Next come a song pairing I’ve been chasing for years which is TMWSIY > Avenu Malkenu > TMWSIY. At this point they could’ve played The Line 6 times in a row and I would’ve still been ecstatic. Meatstick was a fun dance party as always & Vultures was “wootastic”. Spock’s Brain blew me away once again. This wasn’t even on my radar as I NEVER thought I would hear it live. I figure the Mexico bust out this year was a one-and-done. I wish they’d play it more as it’s a super fun and catchy song. Another two white whales of mine were next which included a short take on Pebbles and Marbles followed by the always fun Glide. As Trey started About to Run, my buddy and I turned to each other and said, this is the only GOTF song that was a fit for this set. IMO, it’s the best GOTF song (not withstanding what was to come second set). Strange Design was a fantastic way to slow things down so we could rest, and I’ve said multiple times it is criminally underplayed. Following that was Timber, which I will ALWAYS take, especially at an outdoor show in Wisconsin! Next comes I Didn’t Know with John Sullen Mellon Collie Fishman. At this point you could just hear how much fun the whole band was having in their voices. Good Time Bad Times brought the unreal set to a close.

During set break, I sat in stunned silence for a minute, trying to digest what I had just witnessed. That set includes multiple songs I NEVER thought I’d hear, nonetheless in the same set!! Now the question was, will this continue, or will the second set bring us back to reality?

Second set started with Mercury, which is one of their best new songs. I wondered if it would make it to the heights of the Mercury I saw in Vegas 2018, but 12 minutes in Trey moved onto Ruby Waves. At this point, I’ll admit it, I was disappointed. I thought this was going to be a standard set with minimal jamming and a lot of rip-cording by Trey. Well, I am happy to say I couldn’t have been more wrong. My goodness this Ruby Waves. There were MULTIPLE times during the ensuing 38 minutes that I was asked by my wife and others around me if this was still the same song. I almost second guessed myself at the 30-minute mark that this was really happening.

But I need to backtrack a bit because this part is one of the two reasons I am writing this. At around the 21-minute mark of Ruby Waves, they started to get into this heavy groove. This kept developing over the next few minutes into an intense explosion of heavy, dark Phish like I’d never heard or felt before. It’s something that just doesn’t come through in the recording or the video of it. In the video you can see a part where the camera pans to the audience and there’s glowsticks flying EVERYWHERE. This minute or so build-up and release by the band was one of the most intense moments of music I’ve ever been a part of. It’s like the audience all at once had a collective build up and release at the same time as the band. The crowd, the music, the lights, everything lined up perfectly at that moment and it was something special. Pure unadulterated intensity. I will never forget that moment.

As Ruby Wave peaked multiple times and kept on going, it finally dissipated into a short Twist, which was followed by another beautiful sequence I’d been wanting to hear which is Swept Away > Steep. This went into a dirty, and I mean filthy version of Death Don’t Hurt Very Long. I was there for the Kasvot Vaxt set in Vegas, and this version was VERY different. The whole band just put a lot of extra “stank” on it, which was shown by the fact that Trey was drooling at the end of the song. We all know this because Fishman called him out on it saying, “you know it’s good when Trey drools”.

There are things you always chase as a Phish fan. Your first Harpua, Forbin > Mockingbird, etc. On most people’s list, there is also Icculus. Now to put this into context, since 1986, Phish has only played this song 27 times (including this show). Think about that for a minute. 27 total times in 33 years. That makes Harpua seem like it’s been overplayed. So all that to say, it’s on everyone’s list, but most people realize there is a snowball’s chance in hell that it will ever get played. And then it happened. As those first notes were played, my jaw dropped and I looked over at my friend who was also in shock. Is this really happening? After that first set, and a 38-minute Ruby Waves, there’s no way we are also getting Icculus. But we were. My friend and I hugged as we came to terms with what was really happening. The joy I felt in that moment was unreal. It was a “high” like I haven’t felt before from hearing a song busted out. As always, Trey’s narration was hysterical, and it’s always fun to hear Trey drop a bunch of f-bombs. When the band plays songs like this, it makes you feel like you’re just hanging out with the 4 of them having fun as you can tell how much fun they are all having in the moment.

As that ended I stood in stunned silence. Well where do you go from there? I don’t know, how about another bust-out of Buffalo Bill! Then why not follow that up with the first ever Icculus Reprise!

The following YEM was the only song I really felt coming the whole day (minus Tweezer Reprise). BUT, even that wasn’t standard as it included a freaking ->Catapult >Wedding Proposal Explanation > Contact > YEM.

The encore of More > Tweezer Reprise was great as the lyrics to More are always great to hear. But those bass bombs by Grodo In Reprise were the loudest I’ve EVER heard him do. He definitely put a little extra into them.

The ride home that night I was in shock of what I had witnessed. The next day I woke up with an extreme feeling of joy and happiness that I have never felt the day after a show. I’ve never ridden the “high” of a show for well over 24 hours. I mean to this day, 5 days later, I am still on cloud nine. I’ve re-listened to the show daily and it keeps getting better. Every re-listen of Icculus I get goosebumps. This type of show is the reason I’ve been following them since 2003 and listening to them since well before that. I will never forget this show and I am happy that I was able to experience it with my wife and great friend. Thank you Phish for everything you do. You have brought so much joy into my life and I can never explain how much it all means to me.
, attached to 2019-07-14

Review by gbass598

gbass598 I've never been one to leave a review because my opinion really shouldn't matter to anyone but I feel like I want to comment on this show. It was my 28th show on the 19th anniversary of my first show. (Polaris, 2000)

This shows is head and shoulders above the rest. I thought the prior 2 nights were good solid shows but the Sunday night exceeded any expectations I had going into the night. I knew we were going to be in for something when they opened with the Landlady. By the time Avenu Malkanu rolled around there was no doubt in my mind this would be one to remember.

When the 2nd set started I was worried we might go back into standard territory with the Mercury opener. I'm not a terribly huge fan of that song. I enjoy Ruby Waves as well as a first time hearing live but when the jam took off I knew we were back into special territory. I remember looking down at my watch and think that this had to be going on for 30 minutes at this point. For a moment I wonder if it would just go on for the whole set. It gave me the same feeling as the 46 days from IT and was almost as long. I thought that would be the highlight and then the show would wrap up shortly once the Twist got started. But they weren't done. Icculus will forever be a highlight. I got my 3rd Buffalo Bill. You could tell they were having fun at the end. It was only fitting to wrap up the weekend with Tweeprise. I was expecting that one ever since Friday when they player Tweezer so early in the first set.

This show was easily the highlight of my live experiences seeing the band. I had great times at IT and SuperBall but this one tops them all.
, attached to 2019-07-14

Review by urbantornado

urbantornado As my friends and I prepared for the show, I asserted that for me to rate a show 5-Stars on .net it must include the following:
1) A bust out
2) A long jam
3) Antics

So what happens when the show features an embarrassment of riches in bustouts? Over a dozen songs played this night do not make regular appearances in shows, and many of those don't appear in the setlist even once in an average year. What does that mean? Well, for myself I caught 13 first-time songs (14 if you count the Icculus Reprise), in this, my 36th show. Pebbles and Marbles brings me back to being 15 and listening to Round Room in the Mazda MPV CD player with my brother. Meanwhile I am also fortunate to have also caught Vultures, Icculus and Buffalo Bill once before this night. The magnitude of what this deep catalogue of songs that I finally got to feel live cannot be overstated. It’s part of what every fan hopes for when they put up with hot campgrounds, flight delays, and wook dreadlock slaps to the face on their way cross-country to a run of shows.

I have to rank among the highest percentile of distance logged per run of shows, having learned about the band as a 13 year old in 2000 in Toronto, and then being in University 2005-2009. My age/time/location combination did not lend itself well to hitting shows, so by the time I saw the band 8/13/2009 at Darien Lake, I had already been listening for nearly half my short lifetime. From then until now, my shortest drive has been 1/2 hour to St. Paul. Next closest would be Darien Lake from Toronto, and The Gorge from Nelson, BC. I have also driven nonstop from Nelson to Dick’s and Telluride to Deer Creek. In 2013 we planned our trip back to Ontario to coincide with the Toronto show that had to be cancelled and rescheduled (we weren’t able to catch the rescheduled show). Last year I flew to Buffalo, and stepped into the terminal only to find out the first Festival I was set to attend was cancelled.

Phish has made me work for my moments, but I have been greatly rewarded by seeing the S Show in 2011 and meeting my wife at the Dick’s campground, as well as catching notable shows in Dick’s 2012, Gorge 2011, and Rosemont 2018. I have witnessed my fair share of huge jams and antics, but nothing ever combined for an experience like 7/14/2019. Jon Sullen Melancholy (later revealed as an old inside joke in Trey’s documentary), an absurd Icculus, and the Contact proposal. Everything was woven together so well with the energy flowing straight through the end of set 2 and culminating in the ultimate show closer: Tweezer Reprise.

Experiencing bustout after bustout, consuming the longest (and perhaps most interesting) jam in 15 years, and witnessing the band at its goofiest made this likely the best performance I will ever see. As I walked out of the venue, I pondered the idea of selling my stock in Phish because I truly don’t expect I will ever see a better show. Unfortunately there is nobody in this world that could possibly afford to buy it from me!

Of course my ego feels validated for all the love and energy I put into consuming from this bottomless well of art that Phish has produced for the last 19 years. Is that to say I feel more special than others for being among the ~30,000 that were there? Fuck no! And am I actually going to quit going out of my way to see this band? Of course not. But this experience galvanized me as a fan and it made me an even stronger believer in the durability and still-untapped potential of Phish and our community.

I desperately want as many people as possible to experience what I was able to last Sunday evening.

[And this site needs a 10-Star Rating system]
, attached to 2019-07-14

Review by pkristofco

pkristofco As I we make the journey back to southeast Ohio, I feel like I got away with something. It’s an odd sensation. Like when your grandpa would give you $5 and tell not to tell your brother or sister. I’ve been seeing this band since 1991. Sunday night was special. The bustouts galore, 38 minute Ruby Waves and a Trey that seemed rather pleased with the performance. The smile was contagious.
The Landlady opener signaled that this show was special. That was confirmed by the Olivia's Pool that followed. Shafty is great but I prefer Olivia's. I was at the last one in Denver so it was kind of a bizarre time machine to see it’s return. Then comes the TMWSIY sandwich. I heard parts of the sound check version at MPP, so I was thrilled that they decided to bring it out. By the time the got to Meatstick I had to pee so bad that it hurt. Meatstick as a bathroom song? It’s been a while since there hasn’t been a bathroom song in the 1st 30/40 minutes of a show. But I was glad I choose Meatstick. I think I was giggling like a schoolboy after each of the next several selections that it’s almost pointless to recant my thoughts on each. However, About to Run is maybe my favorite new addition to the catalog. I saw it a Blossom and it caught my attention. Sunday’s version took me for a ride. So much fire, so dark, so dreamy. I hope this beast continues to grow. It has a ridiculous amount of potential.
The 2nd set starter Mercury is a great tune that I’ve been blessed with seeing some very good versions. Sunday night’s was no different except it felt a little shortened. Maybe because of what was to come. The Ruby Waves floored me. I danced, I stood in stunned silence and again I giggled. People seem to love to argue the best this, the best that. The best jam of the 3.0 era? I’m not sure. That is too subjective for me. Should it be in the conversation; absolutely. The joy Trey exuded during those 38 minutes seemed to provide a level of bliss to his playing that you don’t see everyday. The Steep and Swept Away rode on this bliss to bring me almost to tears; stunningly beautiful. The Icculus carried with it all the force of band that knew it was kicking ass and taking names. Trey seemed to hardly be able to contain himself through the narrative. And the Reprise was just to remind us that yes indeed you just saw Icculus.
With the open notes of YEM, it was that I’ve died and gone to heaven moment. Well played and with a bonus Catapult and Contact thrown in for good measure. Hell, even a life altering song selection. I love the reminder that More provides. I know it’s not necessarily a lot of people’s favorite but I think it does a good job of reinforcing the lessons provided to us by the helping friendly book. It was like the band was saying, “now go back to your normal life and spread a little light”. Knowing that Tweeprise was lurking did nothing to dampen the power of its opening. It was a full on dance party with all those in attendance collectively rejoicing what they saw with a familiar yet distinct ending.
Jaw was dropped, face was melted, etc, etc
It was a great run and Sunday’s show will be talked about for years to come. And it think I was on the fence on going because of adulting.
, attached to 2019-07-14

Review by aybesea

aybesea Just when I was ready to write this tour off as a somewhat shaky, frequently ripcorded, way too many new songs for their own good, why have they declined since Summer 2015, Fall 2016, Summer 2017, Fall 2018, Kasvot Vaxt is going to be the gloom & doom of us all for every tour going forward, why does Trey keep singing these mamby pamby ballads tour... along this show!

If you're in it for the bustouts (I'm not, but they are a whole lot of fun)... then this is your show.

But wait, there's more...

If you're into it for the jams, here comes one mutha of a Ruby Waves... primed and ready to take your little head clean off!

Seriously, I've listened twice to be certain that I'm hearing what I think that I'm hearing... and I am... this show is the serious mindfuck. Boy, man, god... SHIT!!!
, attached to 2019-07-14

Review by Thicculus

Thicculus I've had plenty of time to reflect on this show and I'll say this... it's still fantastic. I don't know if I'd put it ahead of any of the Halloween shows, festival sets, NYE's, or Big Cypress, but it's going to go down in the books as one of the best shows of 3.0. Alpine N3 was so strong that the first two nights at Alpine (solid song selection, great atmosphere, etc) were rendered afterthoughts. Bustouts galore, a jam for the ages, and a little chat about a book, wrapped up a fun-filled weekend with great friends.

I won't go through a rundown on the songs, as they speak for themselves, however I will say that you know a show is special when your immediate reaction is laughter... you can't finish sentences...just pure laughter. Laughing at setbreak as you try to piece together your favorite moments of the first set.
Leaving the venue, voice shot, as you giddily walk to your car with friends, just laughing. That's N3 in a nutshell. It didn't make sense in the moment. It certainly doesn't make any sense now. I didn't stop laughing then and I can't stop smiling now thinking about it.

Read the book.
, attached to 2019-07-14

Review by hurdygurdy03

hurdygurdy03 Gonna have to say right away this show was special. We’re all aware now of what went down on Sunday night in Alpine 2019. This tour will be remembered for many good reasons, this show being a shining example of that.

I’ve been blessed to have Phish in my life just about a year now seeing my first shows back in Camden 2018. I have met some of the most incredible people in that short time.

Many moments make a show stand out but this performance was flooded with those. From incredible bust-outs of songs we all chase to mind melting jams, this is why we see Phish. The genuine fun that is watching these four friends have a blast on stage is what it’s all about. I was brought to tears for the first time during, you guessed it....Icculus.

Sometimes there aren’t words and that’s why you go to the show. Here’s to an awesome run at Dicks.
, attached to 2019-07-14

Review by ACDC_Bender

ACDC_Bender This show gives a new life to the saying "never miss a Sunday show" When Phish announced a three night Alpine run to wrap up the summer tour on their 20th anniversary at the venue; There was no doubt in my mind where I was going to be. Experiencing the sound at the venue, the beautiful countryside, and the great times my friends and I had soaking it all in at a rage friendly lake resort in 15'....It was hard to imagine matching that experience, let alone surpassing it? Well it did, boy did it ever! I never have seen so many phans with their jaw dropped, drooling asking wtf was going on before in my life! BRAVO BOYS!
, attached to 2019-07-14

Review by User_35719_

User_35719_ You know it’s good shit when Trey drools!

Historic show at a historic venue. This show is a reminder to read the Helping Friendly Book. Once you surrender to the flow, Phish will take care of the rest.

Personally, the weekend was as perfectly phishy as it gets. Plenty of omens signaled for a laid back, fun-fueled weekend, with a crew like no other. After a day shredding the waves at Lake Geneva via WaveRunner, Ruby Waves felt just right. Plenty of wishlist songs witnessed live had me holding my face on the whole night. Lawn boy for life.

Thanks Phish from Vermont!
, attached to 2019-07-14

Review by ITgotAway

ITgotAway In the days of my youth
I was told what it was to be a man
Now I've reached the age
I've tried to do all those things the best I can
No matter how I try
I find my way to do the same old jam

"Suck it!!!"
And it was ON!

My 20th show since '98 and absolutely the best. Proud of the boys and proud of myself for sticking with this thing through everything.
, attached to 2019-07-14

Review by TahoeDawg

TahoeDawg After a week I have finally digested last weekend at Alpine Valley. This Summer brought my wife and I (and our kids) back to our roots in the midwest. We made the plans in late Spring and committed to all three shows at Alpine and we believe it was one of the best collective decisions we every made.

Friday- Just ripping out of the gate, Saturday- Shared the show with Aunt Heather as we convinced the Wisconsin resident this was her best option to go to her first show, Sunday- My oh my. . .when we walked back to the car the collective awe that the Phans were in will never be forgotten. And after a week of revisiting each of the shows it is a hands down no doubter that Sunday will go down as an all time drooler, if you were there did you turn and drool on the one next to you? I did and will never forget it! Hope to see you at Dick's! Blaze On!

, attached to 2019-07-14

Review by bakersdozen

bakersdozen One thing that does not come through from the soundboard recordings are bass bombs, and this show was riddled with them. The band set out to make this one special and it showed. Thanks phish for one of the best nights of my life, I am still buzzing from this show a week later. This was my 50th show overall and my 18th of this summer tour. I am a 3.0 phish phan (my first show was Magnaball) and this was among the best shows that I have seen. I have been a little jaded about their show composition since the awe-inspiring Baker's Dozen, but this show absolutely knocked it out of the park.
, attached to 2019-07-14

Review by seantirello

seantirello the rating for this show is low, and summary written by is lacking. This was intentionally supposed to be the show of the decade based on the the setlist and how much fun the band was having. Trey came out and intended to blow minds with this show. for it to be rated anything short of 4.9 is just crazy. this show was perfect. a keeper and reminder to anyone that is a fan that this band will continue to blow minds for years to come and is one to be reckoned with. what an absolute treat this is. i love this band. and anyone that adds words to how awesome this night was will always be an understatement. All hail phish, forever. this is the greatest band to ever play a live show. and this may be one of the strongest and most unique shows ever to be performed.
, attached to 2019-07-14

Review by thewiz

thewiz Most things have already been said but I thought I'd point out that the week following this show was the premiere of Between Me & My Mind in theaters. Numerous references to the movie are woven throughout the show, including in the Icculus narration (Fishman as sad, sullen, melancholy man) and the Ruby Waves jam itself (in the movie Trey mentions, "this song doesn't really go anywhere").

Very Phish-y.
, attached to 2019-07-14

Review by s1177375

s1177375 Please release this video on YouTube or eventually as one of the free for a while on LivePhish The show was fucking awesome wasn’t quite to 2803 magna ball 22 but it was better than IT About as good as anything from 1998 and that is really saying somethingI just have to see this on video eventually and I don’t want to pay the 30 bucks I’m already paying 10 bucks every month just to hear them the streams which I already have flac of all the downloads on my computer anywayPlease please please I would just love to see this on video
, attached to 2019-07-14

Review by s1177375

s1177375 Finally a stellar set list we only had six great shows this tour out of like 20 shows one out of four ain’t too bad I guess you have a 25% shot of seeing a good Phish show in 2019 I guess They didn’t play Colonel forbin fly famous mockingbird Esther or Harpua but they pretty much played everything else this tour eventually. I’m glad they ended on a high note this certainly will compete for best show of the tour along with North Carolina second night of Bonnaroo and Camden night three
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