Fat Man in the Bathtub was performed for the first time since December 30, 2010 (387 shows). After Weekapaug, Trey quoted a line from Silence of the Lambs and Page added a Shipwreck quote. My Friend My Friend did not contain the "Myfe" ending. Trey teased On Broadway in Split Open and Melt. Trey teased San-Ho-Zay and Third Stone From the Sun in No Men In No Man's Land.

© 2022 Phish - Rene Huemer

Shipwreck quote, On Broadway tease in Split Open and Melt, San-Ho-Zay and Third Stone From the Sun teases in No Men In No Man's Land
Debut Years (Average: 2001)

This show was part of the "2022 Mexico"

Show Reviews

, attached to 2022-02-27

Review by Kellynicu

Kellynicu I was not asked to write this review, nor am I focused on one night. I just want to put out into the universe how grateful I am for all of you and what a time it is for us to be alive. Phish in Mexico is the greatest thing I have ever experienced, and you are all part of making it happen, so I thank you for the bottom of my heart. I needed this run unlike anything I’ve ever needed before. Living in upstate New York, with its cold gray winters and Covid restrictions, has made life anxiety ridden (for me at least) and live music almost nonexistent. The lack of human connection has been very real. Mexico changed everything for me. Free made me cry. So did Set Your Soul Free, Waste, Backwards Down the Number Line, Scents and Subtle Sounds, and many others. Many people poke fun at the “dad rock” songs that are all about love and light, and I love a dirty Carini just as much as anyone, but I do believe our world is in a place right now where these songs resonate and touch our hearts in a way they never did before. We need them. We cling to these words. We need to be reminded to love and care for each other , not to worry about the little things, and not to let the moments slip away. Phish and CID did their best possible job of creating a bubble in which we could live for a week care free and dial our souls back to their regular settings. I hope we are able to carry this overwhelming sense of love and connection back into the real world , when the sticker exchanges , jam sessions, and pool parties have passed us by. Be good Pham. We are all in this together.
, attached to 2022-02-27

Review by MrPalmers1000DollarQ

MrPalmers1000DollarQ This might have been the low point of the Mexico '22 run in my book. The band covers a wide breadth of tunes, including a fun Little Feat bustout, but there are few moments that I find really memorable (particularly in the Sea of Stars to Lonely Trip run). That isn't to say that the show isn't worth hearing if you're a 4.0 phan.

Highlights: SOaM stole the show for Set 1 and really pushed the band into more experimental jam territory than most of the rest of the show. Everything's Right also had some nice jamming, and while Caspian rudely and roughly hit the killswitch, I thought this Type I jam was also pretty sweet. Lastly, the dip into minor territory on Harry Hood was a sweet, unexpected treat.
, attached to 2022-02-27

Review by RevolutionYLuke

RevolutionYLuke Think this is a much better show that its rated.

1st set is very well played and the Split gets weird.

No Man's is fun. And then the Everything's Right jam -- awesome! Yes the caspian ripcord is a bit disappointing, but they play Caspian real well too. Lonely trip greatly executed with Page piano solo.

The Harry Hood definitely deserves a listen. Funny playful beginning and an excellent minor key jam before the end!

This show is worth the time!
, attached to 2022-02-27

Review by AShipToQuebec

AShipToQuebec "Fat Man in the Bathtub was performed for the first time since December 30, 2010 (387 shows). After Weekapaug, Trey quoted a line from Silence of the Lambs and Page added a Shipwreck quote. My Friend My Friend did not contain the "Myfe" ending. Trey teased On Broadway in Split Open and Melt. Trey teased San-Ho-Zay and Third Stone From the Sun in No Men In No Man's Land."

Wow, really went out on a limb here, considering this is the biggest cash grab by any band in history. I'ved love Phish since the mid-nineties and have seen 40+ shows, I would have been jazzed to be there, but nothing actually happened. Phish is all about innovatio and happy surprises.

Did I like Fat Man in the Bathtub surprise? No. An On Broadway tease in Mexico? Phish has more than a thousand songs ready to go, and we get another Hood? This was difficult to stomach.
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