This show contained the Phish debut of (I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction, albeit a partial version containing only the first verse and chorus. The unfinished Down with Disease's lyrics were changed to reference "sand" and "beach." Trey teased Wading in the Velvet Sea in Antelope.

Photo © 2022 Phish

Wading in the Velvet Sea tease in Run Like an Antelope
Debut Years (Average: 1999)

This show was part of the "2022 Mexico"

Show Reviews

, attached to 2022-02-25

Review by User_38901_

User_38901_ So I was the naked guy that tried to get on stage last night. My sincerest apologies to anyone I may have bumped, knocked, or generally rustled in my attempt to rage against the dying of the light.

For me, that was the type of show you can’t exactly imagine until it happens, and then it breaks you down to the point of needing to be naked and get on stage, but I digress.

As my friend Jeff said at set break, the first set felt like one, long, big explosion. The jams were those moments of improv where you think the band might be losing their touch, slipping into total dissonance but then WHAM. Pure cohesion, masterful sound control, and peaks that you really haven’t heard before.

The second set is when things really went off the rails for me, but from what I do remember: Disease was astoundingly good and deep. Then to land on Numberline felt like a well earned reprieve from the nonstop onslaught that had taken place this far. “Take my hand” really met me where I was, and began to put me back together…

Until Carini exploded my mind into one million sparkling bits of love dust through which I had to fight against the dying of the light and find my way to the stage. Unfortunately, I chose to do it by sprinting naked with my eyes closed through the crowd without a care for others. I caught the encore from the medical tent, very grateful I was slowing descending back to planet earth.

All in all, my deepest apologies to anyone who had to deal with my nonsense last night, but this show is why we do what we do. And I’ll be taking it easy this evening….hoping for a Sanity opener…

I love this band, I love you all, and I’m grateful for what we have.
, attached to 2022-02-25

Review by Col_Radicones_Ascent

Col_Radicones_Ascent So, lets talk about last night shall we, what a show. Continuing with the trend the first set played like a 3.0 second set and the second set jammed with 2.0 looseness, minus the sloppy playing...what a time to be a phan huh, we are even getting some crispy guitar playing a la 1.0 (maybe we should call it 6.0 because we are getting it all). From SANTOS thru Chalk Dust we had a rip-roaring good time, plus a debut of Rolling Stones Satisfaction, seriously what was not to love about last night? The modern era is so good that last night could be perceived as just average.

Now the second set, 4 songs is always a solid benchmark to start with. Disease took it's rightful place as the 2nd set opener workhorse and jammed for a solid 25 minutes. Every year since 2009 we have witnessed the band sync up quicker and quicker and in more dynamic and creative ways and 2022 so far has continued that trend. BDTNL was (as usual) upbeat and fiery and then the foreboding Carini rift kicked the door down and again we were treated with trek into the land of serene bliss.

Now I want to bring something up, the last few nights Phish have dug into a jamming style that gets as lovely and soothing as the Bethel Waves Soundcheck. If you listen closely at the 10 minutes Trey smiling like a goof finds a pattern he likes alot and sticks with it playing with his tones until it's just right. The jam adds weight until it finally dipped below the surface and it was floating under water, that's the moment the jam became Bethel Waves (the ending segment). In my opinion (which is ever changing) the Bethel Waves soundcheck is one of the most beautiful segments of music I have ever heard Phish play and if we are entering a new jam style where they get really ethereal then I am here for it. ASIHTOS was up next and it goes from a brief foray of psychedelia into anthemic bliss. Wading and Antelope were a perfect cap from a great night Antelope was a little wonky in the beginning but it was a very playful version, that sent everyone back to the pool happy and satiated, now onto tonight's show!
, attached to 2022-02-25

Review by themayor

themayor I had taken a Phish break since NYE and finally came back to them to watch this show on the stream. Wow.
The first set was all fantastically played, not a dull moment. The segue into the debut of Satisfaction was seamless and they all seemed excited to have randomly broken into it. Chalkdust had some early/mid 90s qualities to it with Trey really going off, but Page was the star oddly on that one.

Then set 2. Disease opener turned massively patient and gorgeous 25 minute version. Mindblowing. Numberline was actually so good even with having to follow that DwD. And into Carini which was full of fun energy and an incredible ending. ASIHTOS was good to hear but then it got to the jam and it basically became Slave. No one expected that shit to peak like that. Boom, 4 song set.

The encore did its thing and it did it good, but man that 2nd set is seriously something else.
, attached to 2022-02-25

Review by starsky

starsky This show is straight fire. Anyone who tells you differently doesn't know what they are talking about.

This band has become so adept at their craft, that we often find ourselves taking it for granted. This show is a prime example of why we travel far and wide and seek out opportunities to see this band. The show is one long highlight, one of those nights where the band simply can't contain it. Honestly, my best advice: find a copy of this show and listen to it, repeat many times.
, attached to 2022-02-25

Review by MrPalmers1000DollarQ

MrPalmers1000DollarQ N2 of the 2022 Mexico run was a pretty dang good first 2-set show for the year. Getting very VERY excited for MSG in April. In the end, I didn't find Set 2 to be as praiseworthy as some of the reviews I've read online suggest; I think some folks succumb to a longer=better mindset. To me, DwD and Carini felt a little bit aimless and uninspired at times. ASIHTOS compensated nicely with some more energetic peaks.

Setlist Thoughts
- SANTOS has certainly found its place in the Phish repertoire as the favorite Kasvot Vaxt tune, and I'm happy with that. Great Type I jamming to warm us up
- SANTOS into Ghost could so easily be a -> transition (I often need a second to figure out which one is playing with the 3.0 Ghost intro sounding so similar), so there's a missed opportunity there. Jam starts nice and quiet but slowly picks up steam as the tempo increases and a soaring, reverberate peak breaks through. Page's synths are damn powerful.
- Mike give us some sweet, drippy bass soloing in Free. Trey's gritty envelope filter gets a nice workout as well. Nice funky jamming
- BOTT gets a tight Type I treatment, not too much to unpack imo.
- The Halley's jam was definitely highlight of the first set for me. I love Page's use of the synths on this one (seems Maybe We're the Visitors stuck with him!). While what is officially considered Halley's doesn't evolve tremendously, it makes its way absolutely seamlessly into the end of SANTOS again--a pretty unique method of jamming. Continuing the trend, Trey takes it into Satisfaction to wrap up the medley
- 2001 gives us a little bit more funk to dance to before CDT. Pretty laid back with Page primarily in the spotlight on the rhodes. CDT is a nice long Type I performance. Fishman really helps deliver the punch in Trey's solo here. Overall, pretty nice set 1
- Set 2's been getting a lot of hype for the 4-song jamming. 25-minute DwD will do that, alright. The Type I jamming in the earlier stages is nice, and Page gets a good amount of piano riffing in. However, the slower remainder of the tune transitions smoothly from tranquility to a looming darker tone, and then finishes with a bit more triumph.
- BDTNL has a little more pep in its step than usual, it seems. The majority of Trey's solo remains subdued, but eventually he brings the peak with the crazy sustain his Ross compressor is known for.
- Back to the regularly scheduled programming, Carini explodes with plenty more jamming. Not quite as much exploration as DwD, imo, but still enjoyable.
- ASIHTOS closes Set 2 with an appropriate grandeur. This is the energetic peak of the show, as the finale lasts several minutes after a brooding, dark jam.
- Wading and Antelope in the same encore is special in itself. Both are played really dang well (especially Antelope). Closed the night off excellently.
, attached to 2022-02-25

Review by RovingReporter

RovingReporter When SANTOS opens a show, you’re gonna have a good time. After some cool and unique jamming, they found themselves getting Satisfaction. So much fun. Chalk Dust was one of my favorite versions I’ve ever seen in person. Trey was beyond amazing, absolutely shredding.

I don’t need to say much about the second set. You all know how amazing it was. Go Phish.
, attached to 2022-02-25

Review by yEEt_1331

yEEt_1331 Very solid first set, S.A.N.T.O.S. is a great way to open things up especially. Jammed out Halley’s was also awesome, and the rest of the set is typical Phish fun.

And then there’s the four song second set. I don’t think that needs an explanation.

Wading for a first encore before mowing down the beach with Antelope. Wow.
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