SET 1: Willin', Tube, Evening Song, Set Your Soul Free, You Sexy Thing > 46 Days, Waste > Your Pet Cat, Tweezer > Manteca > Makisupa Policeman[1] > Twist
SET 2: Energy > Soul Planet > Waves > Carini > Chalk Dust Torture -> Have Mercy > A Life Beyond The Dream, Harry Hood
ENCORE: Sweet Jane > Tweezer Reprise
Willin' was performed for the first time since October 31, 2010 (349 shows) and featured Trey on drums. On stage, Fishman changed from his Jimmy Buffet style beach tuxedo into his mumu after Willin'. Page then teased Hold Your Head Up. Trey teased Tired of Waiting for You in Tube and Walk This Way and Dave's Energy Guide in Tweezer. Manteca was performed for the first time since July 19, 2016 (136 shows) included Tweezer teases from Fish and Trey. Sweet Jane was performed for the first time since July 23, 2017 (100 shows). Makisupa Policeman was played over backing music and quotes of You Sexy Thing. Waves contained Soul Planet quotes. Trey teased The Star Spangled Banner in Tweezer Reprise.
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The Mockingbird Foundation is a non-profit organization founded by Phish fans in 1996 to generate charitable proceeds from the Phish community.
And since we're entirely volunteer – with no office, salaries, or paid staff – administrative costs are less than 2% of revenues! So far, we've distributed over $2 million to support music education for children – hundreds of grants in all 50 states, with more on the way.
Review by icculusFTW
Out of the gate with the delightful and super rare “Willin,” into a superb, swirling, stretched out Tube, a spirited SYSF jam, the joyful return of You Sexy Thing, a Tweezer>Manteca>Makisupa/Sexy thing mashup>Twist dance party...and that’s just the first set!
I could write an essay about the odyssey of Waves>Carini, and the Chalkdust>Have Mercy is wonderfully tasty and playful. Finished off with a majestic Hood jam, and the first Sweet Jane since Bakers.
I get that this wasn’t 12/30/19, but if this isn’t a 4 star show....well, it is a 4 star show. Period.