Forbin's and Mockingbird were performed for the first time since July 30, 2017 (114 shows). Trey teased In Memory of Elizabeth Reed in Stash. Axilla (Part II) was performed for the first time since December 31, 1995 (858 shows). Fish mentioned Lee "Scratch" Perry (who had recently passed away) in the Hood intro. Fee featured Trey on megaphone. This was the rescheduled date from the show that had been postponed due to the coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak in 2020. The new date was originally supposed to occur at Lake Tahoe Outdoor Arena at Harveys in Stateline, NV but was changed due to wildfires in the area.

Photo © Phish, by Rene Huemer

Jam Chart Versions
Debut Years (Average: 1996)

This show was part of the "2021 Summer Tour"

Show Reviews

, attached to 2021-08-31

Review by Scott

Scott If you had told me the show's highlights were going to be Stash and Soul Planet, I might have dismissed it out of hand, but this show is a masterpiece of variety, chops, and jamming. The first half of the Soul Planet was gorgeous, anthemic, stuff and the 2nd half got darker and unformed. Proud to say that I was at the previous playings of both Forbins's-Mockingbird and Axilla II!!!

Only 10/7/00 competes with this for best show at Shoreline and only 8/19/12 competes for best Bay Area show in 3.0. It's really that good.
, attached to 2021-08-31

Review by sumac22

sumac22 Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow!!!!!
, attached to 2021-08-31

Review by DogGone

DogGone This was my 69th show. All I can say is: that was definitely a Fire On the Mountain tease to start Soul Planet. And I was right next to the Forbin’s sign from the VIP section.
I literally have no complaints about this show. Song placement, jam power, energy, how they played…. The jam kept going cuz people were absolutely feeling it. These guys are channels. What a great time. Top 5 shows of my life. Definitely deserves over a 4.5 rating in my book. Is that the second longest jam in their history?!
, attached to 2021-08-31

Review by DownWithSteam

DownWithSteam Couch Tour Disclaimer: I wasn't at the show.

I think alot of us knew this would be a special show given the circumstances of the wildfires/the empty venue/neglected west coast. But I can honestly say my expectations were shattered.

Glide opener and right away I knew it was true, this would be a heater. Then they bust out the Forbins -> Mockingbird for first time in 4 years. Even with the short narration it didn't matter. I was just glad it was back.

Wolfman's up next, and yes that ripped too, amazing peak in that jam. If I could, an old school ballad thats above average for me. The new song, INNYLTB .... played well and strong. Its a solid tune.

Now we heat up further. WHAT A STASH the tone got nuts, this thing was fantastic. Now how about a weigh? Played solid and better than usual. A nice treat. Bouncing the only "whatever" in this set. Jibboo and Daydream both ripped. Immediately after I knew this was the best first set of the tour.

Then they drop this thing on us - my God a 48ish minute soul planet... this soul planet was far into the milky way -- beautiful, fluent jam that is the 3rd longest in Phistory. It is a must hear, the best Jam of "4.0" and it soared space and time.

Hurrah came off the mind melting jam, and was a whatever choice to me but played well. Theme was welcome and played solid.Then, once again the goosebumps. This Band breaks out the first pt 2 axilla in 25 years, and trey may have flubbed a couple lyrics but it was still sick.

Tela up next, and who doesnt want a tela? Beautiful song and Page was all over it. Then, a spectacular Hood to close it all out.

Fee may have had its issues but the song is rare to hear nowadays, and its a good one. But ditch the megaphone pls. High energy Wilson to end it all, and I was salivating for more.

TLDR; this was an amazing show, and will go down in the Phishtory books no doubt. it will be talked about for a long time. Its not the single greatest show of all time But I could see this thing on a top 20 list.

Must hear this show at shoreline. See you all tomorrow
, attached to 2021-08-31

Review by RobotHeart

RobotHeart I'm a new fan - first show was actually Shoreline 2015. I had a great time. Since then, I've only been able to see shows in the Bay Area, because of life, but I've seen a few good shows. I saw the mega bustout show in 2016, along with that heavy (but short) Ghost. I got to experience that Carini at Bill Graham where Mike picked it out as one of his favorites of the tour. And, from home, I've been able to experience a few of those shows, and I've always wondered what it would be like to be at one of those. You know what I mean.

Glide and Forbins > Mockingbird had me smiling ear to ear, because I never thought I'd hear any of these songs. I'm fine with there being effectively no narration, because I got to put these in my pocket. Wolfman's Brother was up next and got pretty funky - 2021 has been a good year for Wolfman's. The big moment of the set, for me, was Stash - which got nice and dissonant and dark before landing back in Stash. Jibboo soared, and that Moonage Daydream was just heavy. I wonder what it would weigh.

The appetizer in set one was good, but the main course was certainly this Soul Planet, for 47 minutes this thing just... goes. It flowed and ebbed. It felt effortless. There are a few moments later in the jam where it feels like they were about to transition out (I swear I heard a little bit of Twist) but then it just keeps going. And going. And going. It's so well worth a full listen. As of today, it is the third longest jam they've ever played.

Everything after Soul Planet was just dessert at this point. Final Hurrah was a ton of fun and segued beautifully out of Soul Planet; Theme From the Bottom was a good one, nice and blissful... and then, as if everything before this wasn't enough, they play Part II for the first time since the 90s, and then give us a Tela, and then end it with a blissful soaring Hood.

I've been joking around on a couch tour discord with some buddies about how "they are going to play Fee tonight." I know it's probably not going to happen, but it became a joke of sorts between us all. When they came out for encore, I was thinking, "wouldn't it be funny, if........" And well, look, I feel like this is a safe space for Phish nerds, so I'll just say that there isn't a single feeling anything close to calling a song all tour only for it to pop out in the encore of the show you're at. Wilson was another victory lap.

I can't pick a point in this show that I'd call my favorite. I'd just gesture around wildly and point at everything. Rarities I never thought I'd ever hear, a multiple decade bustout, a 47 minute jam, and an encore that I've been trying to call since night one of tour. I can't even make words properly about it when I put it all together. There's a reason why I listen to every show, why I take time off work, and why I geek out so heavily. Tonight is the payoff for six years of dedicated listening and couch touring. What a beautiful night of music. I now know what it means to be at one of those.
, attached to 2021-08-31

Review by aybesea

aybesea This is a ridiculously good show. Between the song selection (Glide, Forbin, Mockingbird, Weigh, Tela, Fee and AXILLA 2) and the jams (Stash, Hood and the now named jam Shoreline Soul Planet) this show is one for the history books. Shows like this are why I continue to take this band's tours so seriously.

Wow... just wow. 5 stars all day long!
, attached to 2021-08-31

Review by CarrotEyes

CarrotEyes I've seen only a couple shows in person since IT, but I've been following Phish from the couch with more and more interest since 2015. I've also been following the recaps and reviews of shows here more regularly since The Baker's Dozen. I really enjoy hearing what others have to say about the boys from VT, especially now that my serious touring days are likely twenty years in the past. Anyway, this is my first post, but hopefully not my last. Phish is doing great things right now, and I for one am so happy that they are.

Right, so this Soul Planet is extraordinary. I got goose bumps listening to it just now, not least because the commitment to the song itself is quite moving. When the band debuted Soul Planet, it seemed like even they thought the lyrics were hacky. What a difference real emotional investment can make! There's an intensity to the performance from everyone that backs up what Trey is singing in a way that I don't think was there before. Of course, this is true of Phish in 2021 as a whole, but I don't think they could have pulled off a 45-minute Soul Planet otherwise.

I mean, I get it now. I doubt Soul Planet will ever be one of my favorite Phish tunes, but I can hear things in the words that I don't think I was open to hearing before because I was put off by the sentimental notion of an ocean of love. Love is a funny word that way.

At the same time, it's so cool that this incredible jam developed out of a song that probably no one would have predicted could go so deep. And I think the jam is better off for it. Especially after the eighteen minute mark or so, it's pretty much uncharted territory. Not to put too fine a point on it, this jam brings it in a way that a Tweezer probably wouldn't. In many of the more recent longer Tweezers, it seems like the band is just searching for the place where this Soul Planet so beautifully arrives.

One final point: Fish is the MVP of this tour. His playing is off the hook. If in doubt, take another listen to the Boogie On from the Gorge last weekend. In my humble opinion, it is hands down the best ever performance of that song. Fish's beat is so deep, so far back in the pocket, and he just drives the jam from there. Same with this Soul Planet. Go Fish!
, attached to 2021-08-31

Review by aybesea

aybesea This is a ridiculously good show. Between the song selection (Glide, Forbin, Mockingbird, Weigh, Tela, Fee and AXILLA 2) and the jams (Stash, Hood and the now named jam Shoreline Soul Planet) this show is one for the history books. Shows like this are why I continue to take this band's tours so seriously.

Wow... just wow. 5 stars all day long!
, attached to 2021-08-31

Review by Ryan78

Ryan78 I’ve listened to a majority of the show on Sirius and clearly it was a show full of errors. That’s not a criticism because I don’t care about the errors. Just hard not to notice when listening to Axilla II for example or Fee or even Wilson where you catch some flubs. First set had its share as well. However, when Phish has a show with Glide, Col Forbins—>Mockingbird, Axilla Part II, etc…. they deserve a massive pass. With a setlist like that, they’re clearly making it a special night. One other comment that I know I am in the minority on, length does not equal greatness. Playing a 45min type II jam is crazy impressive and takes tremendous skill but in my opinion, just because something has beast like length does not make it a beast like jam. I have heard music from these guys that was incredible that lasted for 30 seconds sometimes. Don’t get me wrong, I love when Phish go into the unknown and take us out into the ether but I just think many fans are simply judging a jam by a stopwatch instead of what is going on. To each his own! My feeling is that I am just so grateful and appreciative that these guys are still out here touring and playing live music for us that I will stand and applaud them each and every night. They may stumble here and there but I couldn’t care less. They still hit those moments that make us come back time & time again. Maybe not as consistently as before but those moments are there. And when they happen, it makes it all worth it!
, attached to 2021-08-31

Review by heathen

heathen Set 1: Trey was really out to lunch during Forbin! He got a little bit better in Mockingbird, but was still a ways off much of the time. He got back on track in Wolfman's, which is an enjoyable version though not necessarily an all-time great version. Stash was pretty good, with moments of delightful weirdness. Weigh was fun, and fun is all it ever needs to be. They probably could've stretched out Gotta Jibboo if they had time but they obviously didn't, and it didn't seem to be headed to any new territory so I don't mind the short version. Moonage Daydream was a bit rough around the edges. It's a bold choice of covers. Altogether the first set was okay. It got off to a rocky start, but they definitely redeemed themselves with the Stash at least.

Set 2/e: Soul Planet itself is a bad song IMO. Musically boring, and the lyrics are just one cliche after another. With that out of the way, let's talk about the jam. Luckily, the song itself was out of the way by the 5 minute mark. They jump with both feet into the jam, and I really like the reverse delay or whatever it is that Trey (I think) loops at the very beginning of the jam. Fish does some really interesting rhythmic stuff as they step off the cliff and unequivocally enter Type II territory (in the neighborhood of the 8:30 mark). Trey seems to be committed to plunging into the abyss in this jam, rather than pulling the ripcord and getting on to the next Dad Rock song. As I type that, though, he tries to bring them back to Soul Planet at about the 21-ish minute mark. Dude can be a pain. Then he starts noodling towards a predictable 3.0 crescendo. If I was hearing this live, without the benefit of knowing it goes for another 20+ minutes, I'd think this jam is nearing conclusion. At about 25 minutes in Trey once again brings them back to Soul Planet, which is a shame because for a while there earlier they had some interesting stuff happening. Just when they're threatening to go into the boring "cow funk" (ugh) things get spacey again. After some more interesting stuff, things stagnate a bit and then they go into The Final Hurrah which is a lame song. Theme From the Bottom is a great song. Why can't Theme get the 40+ minute jam treatment? Axilla was notable as not having been played in a while, but the actual performance wasn't anything to write home about. Tela is a great song, and this is a pretty average version (but an average Tela is better than a lot of other songs in the current rotation). Trey flubbed the ending of Tela, for those keeping score. When, oh when, will people stop with the "Hood" response? Probably never, unfortunately. Harry Hood was sloppy at times and ultimately unremarkable. Not much to say about Fee and Wilson.

I need to listen to the Soul Planet jam at least one more time to fully form an opinion about it. As of now I can say there were some great parts, and some meh parts. How it rates as a whole is a question I don't want to rush to answer. Stash was good, and there were some decent versions of other songs. This show is going to live and die by that Soul Planet jam though, because there wasn't really anything else in the show that's memorable. A lot of the songs were just average, and some were below average.
, attached to 2021-08-31

Review by namastebitches

namastebitches The setlist. The intention, the result

I never post here but have to interject tonight

I have many fond memories from Shoreline in 1.0 and 2.0, and understand the gravity and history of this venue. It was hard for me not to fly from Portland to San Jose this week especially with Dicks looming and the Gorge as another experience come and gone.

I loved the song selection first set and any Bowie is icing after the intentionally of Forbins and Mockingbird .

Here's where I feel like the effort didn't match the quality. Soul planet for 43 mins????? I mean I value exploration and any second set driver. This was too long; it was unequivocally absolutely not Ruby Waves. After this and a somewhat fun second song second set Final Hurrah, the set was exhausted.

Don't get me wrong, I loved every freakin song the rest of the show, the intentionally and soul, just wasn't there. Please play Tela another night...........right?

I understand the good reviews, and I hope kids listen and take what they loved but to be honest about what spoke to.them.

Tomorrow night yall!!!!
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