Trey teased No Men In No Man's Land in Back on the Train. My Friend My My Friend didn't contain the "Myfe" ending. Trey teased L.A. Woman and Fire (Ohio Players) in Character Zero. Mr. Completely contained Jumpin' Jack Flash teases from Page, There is a Mountain teases from Trey and Page, and a Fire (Ohio Players) tease from Trey. Mr. Completely was teased in Crosseyed. I Always Wanted It This Way contained Mr. Completely and Crosseyed teases. This was the rescheduled date from the show that had been postponed due to the coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak in 2020.

© Phish, by Jake Silco

Jam Chart Versions
No Men In No Man's Land tease in Back on the Train, L.A. Woman and Fire (Ohio Players) teases in Character Zero, There is a Mountain, Jumpin' Jack Flash, and Fire (Ohio Players) teases in Mr. Completely, Mr. Completely tease in Crosseyed and Painless, Mr. Completely and Crosseyed and Painless teases in I Always Wanted It This Way
Debut Years (Average: 2002)

This show was part of the "2021 Summer Tour"

Show Reviews

, attached to 2021-08-29

Review by DogGone

DogGone My 2 cents on the whole "rating trolls" epidemic:

Who cares? Seriously. Who cares? Was the show you were at great? Great! Enjoy that. There is no need to feel the need to control the ratings of a show you saw (or didn't see). And anyone spending time trolling the ratings is just dong some dumb kid stuff that no one should really put any time into. It doesn't matter, people. Phish is the best. And in the end, having been to almost 70 shows now in 22 years, I can say that all the ratings seems to wash out and make sense in the end. But again, it doesn't matter. Let's just love Phish, leave a review or not, and not pet the sweaty stuff. Life is a lot larger than stupid reviews. I love you all.
, attached to 2021-08-29

Review by greenrunnery

greenrunnery Super fun show, with some stellar moments and great fluidity in the second set, but for me it's not going to be one of the more talked about shows from the tour, and that's ok.

Set 1 was probably below average for this tour (which has been good!), with a typically excellent Gin as the highlight. Lonely Trip sucked the energy out for me midway through, but that was the only bum moment of the whole night.

Set 2 Mr Completely was a real treat full of high energy playing, melodic leads coming out from all over the place, and a perfect segue into Meat. Teasing Mr. Completely in the Crosseyed Jam began a melodic through-line for the set that gave it a really coherent feeling. Beneath a Sea of Stars was a beautiful moment in the show before launching into a cool IAWITW that teased both Cross-eyed and Mr. Completely in the jam. Great bow on the set at the end

Sometimes all these excellent segues and thoughtful sets come at a price. As the type II centerpiece of the show, Mr. Completely didn't really go that deep into anything. It moved effortlessly from idea to idea, but the ideas themselves were right there on the surface and versions of things we've been hearing all tour (stuff that's been good!). I never got that rush of excitement you can get when they really steer into uncharted territory. And I suspect that's what makes a lot of us go, "yeah, that show was really good, but not one of the best I've seen or heard. I'll give it a 3 because I really liked some of it, but if I'm honest, I know they can bring more. The 'more' is what gets a 4, and a 5 is what's reserved for those shows that go down in history as the all-timers." I don't really understand why that is such a controversial take. It's pretty disrespectful to say that if a Phish fan doesn't think a show is a 4 or 5 they should "move on".... I mean come on.

This was a good phish show. I had a blast. I also know they can bring extra levels, and they have brought those levels at other shows this tour. And guess what? The ratings people vote on demonstrate this.
, attached to 2021-08-29

Review by danielplainview

danielplainview Mr. Completely should have a -> to Meat. And there should be a -> from Crosseyed to -> Saw It Again. Neither one is even close to a > really. I don't know how these decisions get made, but it's one of the most glaringly wrong ones that I've seen in a long time.

Great show though, and a great tour!
, attached to 2021-08-29

Review by Racer

Racer The ratings thing. Hate to be "that's the way it's always been" but it is what it is. I have often wished it were a 1-10 which to me would help us rate these more accurately. Here's the thing though. When playing by our own rules, some may give this show a 4; but a 5?!?! Granted it's subjective but it's based on a lot of criteria and when Cypress or Saturday Magnaball (for example) is a 5, it's all relative. I rarely give a 4...and I think I've hit 5 maybe twice or three times total in 25 years of seeing/rating shows. That is for the truly exceptional out of the ballpark ridiculousness. Every 3 brings down the 4s...that's just how it works and this is a 3 for me.

I don't think it's about comparing '95 or '97 to now. Or '03 or even '15 for that matter. It's about the individual show as a whole. That's song choice, placement, how well it's played including flubs, where they took what etc. etc. etc. And seriously, the .net folks surrender their time to build this shit in real time FOR US. Sure, they make mistakes and adjust after re-listening and getting feedback from us and others in the .net world. It's always a work in progress. This site is UNMATCHED. No other band has this (at this level) and I for one, am just thankful that this site is still what it is. So, mad love to the .net cast and crew for keeping this thing rolling. Also, I'm annoying myself because this is for show REVIEWS - not bitching. Send corrections or feedback directly...I wanted to hear your take on the songs, sets, and show...not THIS. Every show has good/great moments...including this one!
, attached to 2021-08-29

Review by topherbartos

topherbartos The ratings are completely strange. I was at the show it blew my goddamn mind... Ratings don't matter anymore apparently. That show was killer. It was better than Deer Creek shows in my opinion.

Listen, Friday night was a bit emotional. Saturday show was awesome, but not nearly as good as this particular show.

The changes were so on point that I lost track where the band was at but I don't care. I was dancing hard. The whole show was a dance party.

These ratings are dumb. It's like people that couldn't make it are salty or maybe they are trolling Gooseband people...

All I can say was last night was f'ing incredible
, attached to 2021-08-29

Review by Combusticator

Combusticator 1st set highlights: How Many People > Gin > Back on the Train, the latter of which is a miniature wind-up jam so tight that it was deemed worthy of official video release. Then My Friend and Rift both bring a uniquely Phishy menace that’s oddly perfect for the middle-of-nowhere Gorge.

2nd set: The jam out of Mr. Completely is textured and fluid but ultimately somewhat meandering, perhaps because the rest of the band does little more that lay a canvas for Trey to paint on. There’s a deft nod to Friday’s Camel Walk before an absolutely butter segue into Meat, which is flame-broiled and full of flavor. Pregnant pause before a similarly-energetic Xeyed that Trey soon tries to take back into Mr. Completely. His bandmates (Fishman) resist, and instead there’s another effortless and surprising segue, this time into a raging Saw It Again. Head’s up to all the “Let Fishman Sing” people out there—this is your set right here. Trey seems to organically discover Mango Song’s lick amidst his trills, and the whole band then patiently transitions. It’s a beautiful call, full of light and levity after the manic dark that precedes.

Everything's Right tries to keep this momentum and then flirts with more darkness before giving way to Sea of Stars—a tune, to my ears, whose lyrics are undermined by a strangely slow and somber tone. But out there at The Gorge, with Trey calling for lights out, it offered a really lovely reflective moment. Your mileage may vary on re-listen, though. Then Always Wanted It comes swirling in and… seriously, what is this song? Dad Disco? Fortunately Trey has a riff to work with, and soon steers the tune into an Xeyed-inflected Mr. Completely reprise that very nicely bookends the set and damn-near qualifies for a proper segue.

A great encore brings this gorgeous weekend to a close, one that saw an abundance of patient, spacious playing, unique and dynamic sets, and music momentously amplified by the magic of The Gorge’s incredible natural setting.
, attached to 2021-08-29

Review by Benjier

Benjier I listened to the entire show at home with headphones on. The first set was a slightly above average 3.2. Moma thru How Many People Are You was the highlight. I really dug Lonely Trip. Sounded like an Indie Folk track.

The second set was one of the most cohesive, seemless, serene, and interesting sets this tour. Every jam and transition was nearly flawless. So many interesting sections going from high energy and funky to quiet and contemplative to Sci-Fi weirdness. The song selection was spectacular, in relative terms. Looking at the set it may just look decent to you, but you can’t understand how good it is unless you hear it. Every song makes sense based on the jam/mood that precedes each song. I would even extend that to the encore although not as profoundly as the second set alone. When Trey asked Kuroda to turn the lights off during A Sea of Stars I walked outside to find the rain and clouds in my area had cleared. The temperature had dropped from 90 to 72. It was cool and damp and visceral just like the music, and I could see a few stars not affected by light pollution. My friend was across the country at the show and I felt connected to him at that moment. This set is a must listen and a solid 5.0. The current rating does not accurately reflect the breathtaking set that was created. This show should be at least a 4.1
, attached to 2021-08-29

Review by Wolfmann

Wolfmann I noticed this the other day when I was checking setlists and it annoys me to no end.

Why are some of you people rating shows before the end of the show? This show sits at a 3.66 going into it’s fourth quarter.

The only thing I can think of is that some people are so desperate to see the show they were at reign supreme that they are downvoting other shows. Come on phans make other phans happy to be phans not embarrassed.
, attached to 2021-08-29

Review by flashdelirium

flashdelirium First rate show, and very happy to have been there. Gorge on a beautiful summer night is really on its own level as a venue. Second set absolute jamfest in many keys and moods, and some especially enjoyable deep jazzy and psychedelic explorations… Kuroda unreal, as always), first set had many spectacular moments as well. Particularly enjoyed that gin, taking free for a walk, and— well, the entire set 2 and encore. Trey seems to be unlocking more voices from his rig with each passing night. Apart from that, not sure what’s going on with this site re ratings, comments and upvotes being removed… some weird trolling stuff going on and it doesn’t make much sense to me. This should be at least 4.4 imho
, attached to 2021-08-29

Review by MrMagilla

MrMagilla Also voicing frustration with the ratings here. Is the community not shifting the frame of reference as time goes on? Is everything benchmarked against ‘95-‘97 even now?

As someone who was there this weekend, it’s asinine to see the ratings for the shows. Sure, Friday had some sloppy moments, but the show was still great. But Saturday and Sunday brought it, especially last night. Criminal to see the ratings where they are. If Sunday night was a 3 or 3.5 to people, maybe it’s time to move on and appreciate your memories from the ‘90s and let the rest of us vibe with Phish.
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