Soul Planet contained a tease of Dave's Energy Guide from Trey and a tease of Dog Log from Mike. Trey teased Midnight Rider in the first Down with Disease and No Quarter in Ghost. Shipwreck was quoted in Sleeping Monkey. Mike teased Dave's Energy Guide in Free.

2022 PHISH - Rene Huemer

Dog Log and Dave's Energy Guide teases in Soul Planet, No Quarter tease in Ghost, Midnight Rider tease in Down with Disease, Shipwreck quote in Sleeping Monkey, Dave's Energy Guide tease in Free
Debut Years (Average: 1999)

This show was part of the "2022 Summer Tour"

Show Reviews

, attached to 2022-08-05

Review by ilzniche

ilzniche When we look back in 20 years at the exact moment of time 21st century Phish peaked, it will start on 8/5/22 during Sigma Oasis and end on the last note of Free. You will never see a better 2 hours of Phish. Perfection

This is not '93-'97 Phish, but they are hitting their 2nd prime. This time not built on cow funk or machine gun Trey. At their old age Phish has discovered how to leverage their size, technology, light & effects to create something that equally amazing to the 90's in a completely different way. Feel very fortunate to be around for this
, attached to 2022-08-05

Review by PhillyPhilly

PhillyPhilly Religious experience on the Jersey Shore. Phish provided this to us tonight. This is obviously one of the best shows I’ve seen live and one of the best of the current tour, which is saying something because the band has simply been on fire. Shows this tour when the jams were not as long as tonight have still been excellently played and contained beautiful improv. Tonight was on another level / plane of existence.

It was lots of things. It was a love letter to the shore. We all want to live while we’re young even (especially) when we are pushing up there in years. High energy rocking tight Chalkdust opener, I don’t mind if I do. Seamless segue into the Wilson chords which the crowd took a beat longer than Trey wanted to recognize , which was pretty funny. Wilson slays, short / tight head bobbing power chords. Sand gave us the first very obvious direct shore reference and first opportunity to boogie and get dirty. Toes in the sand during a funky as hell Sand - check. Plasma continues the grimy funkiness as Mike starts giving us low booming reverberations, the man on the bass truly held it down tonight. Theme from the Bottom (of the ocean) was beautifully played and another indirect reference to our incredible concert environment for this weekend - this by the way was my first time on a beach at a Phish show. If you have the means, I highly recommend it.

Back on the Train straight ahead pumping jam, keeps the energy (maybe we can cheat and call it a reference since many of us took the train to AC today). Then Sigma and yet another shore reference and the first indication that we are at a truly special show. We are not alone on the beach, and we are already there as the jam washes in and out like the tide, the Phish 4-headed musical organ in full effect, telepathically creating interesting and compelling soundscapes. 20+ Min monster Sigma. Hear at all costs.

Cities, not a direct shore reference but AC may or may not *cough* have a whole lotta bad parts. The boardwalk and Phish on the beach is not one of them. Brief Cities funk and then a More S1 set closer. Oh yea , phish played a lot of new songs tonight. And they were all awesome and it is now a simple fact that this band wants to jam them out , so let them do it.
Excellent S1 in the books.

Axilla II, yes and yes. Referencing the gentlemen all around (myself included) with the unpleasant olfactory hues being emitted from their axillac regions.

Soul Planet - we are at the shore people!! The ocean is in fact love !!! This is a true story! And also it is a bop, as the kids say, again I do not understand the hate, soul planet you are welcome anytime in my book. And the jam immediately breaks down into more dirty griminess, I mean really we are really digging little trenches as we groove our feet into the beach. SP Really gets into a deep grove with rising guitar screech peaks, and then it folds up into itself and Mike squelches out those bubbling bass tones that could only mean we are getting Down with Disease. And what a Disease it was, tens of thousands of barefoot children outside were dancing on the beach. This DWD touched transcendent blissful peaks, Trey was just on another (soul) planet, the guitar was absolutely incendiary. This jam was amazing stuff that you simply go to Phish shows hoping to see.

Ruby Waves - I am telling you there was a thin layer of clouds on the open sky , there were stars peaking through touching my finger tips as I extended my hands in ecstasy with yet another unreal jam involving incredible repeated peaking triumphant segments, and Trey smiles and goes without missing a beat back into the ecstasy guitar riff from DWD. My dear lord.

It did not matter what Phish did at this point after finishing disease. The fact that they then played a sick Ghost into a fucking perfect Harry Hood cements this show as an all timer in my (afterglow still buzzing) opinion. Ghost got right back into the dirty wave-washing funk that permeated this show, and then Trey whipped that funk into a rocking groove. A powerful Ghost jam. Harry Hood , what a way to end this set. Trey and Mike get nice and cozy close to one another during the composed section and then we are treated to happy ethereal beauty before the monstrous traditional peak.

The hose was open tonight. It was an absolute privilege to be at this show.

I cannot imagine how Phish will top this, but this is the first night of the run (!!!!), so who the F knows. I will say that I have Magnaball Day 1 vibes (it helps with the all GA venue and tent pop up surrounding, much like Bader felt in 2012), just an unreal powerhouse of a jam in S1 and then a top to bottom barn burner S2. And then if you recall Phish played Magnaball Day 2 the next day. What are we going to get on Day 2 in AC ?
, attached to 2022-08-05

Review by ArmyOfOne

ArmyOfOne Absolutely amazing show!!!!!
I’m surprised I see nothing about the Midnight Rider tease at the end of DWD????
In a summer full of heavy hitters this show was ????
From start to finish…just incredible. Free was great icing on this cake and every version this summer has already cemented it as the MVP.
Going to be a fun weekend on the shore????
, attached to 2022-08-05

Review by Museummouth

Museummouth When Sigma blasted off, they were completely on fire for the next 2 hours. Absolutely insane 2nd set with unique jam after jam. The playing was varied and experimental at times and each song I kept thinking “this’ll be the jam of the night for sure,” just to be proven wrong about 4 times. Probably the best Hood in a long time as well.
, attached to 2022-08-05

Review by Bathtub_Zen

Bathtub_Zen There is a conspiracy on .net where the jaded vets the site are keeping 3.0+ shows from being rated as the best of phish's career. This show is an example of their meddling. The morning after this show, with well over 150 ratings, this show had a 4.6+ rating. Over the past few hours, a couple hundred more have come in and suddenly it's down to 4.2? This is far beyond the statistical probability/standard deviation. There is shenanigans at play. They're contradicting phish's own media and archivist Kevin Shapiro by erasing songs/altering setlists for no reason but to gatekeep stats and take control of the written history of phish. We need to demand answers. Don't forget to vote and #stopthesteal. This was one of phish's greatest nights of their career, hands down, and they're hoping some meddling and the passing of time will change our minds about that.
, attached to 2022-08-05

Review by MrPalmers1000DollarQ

MrPalmers1000DollarQ Had a three-day pass for AC...gave it up to spend some time with family...boy I really love my family huh....

In all seriousness though, this was an awesome show to listen to, so I can only imagine how fun everyone must've had on the beach. First set had excellent song selection, including the Cities everyone's been hunting all year (even if it started out in the wrong key and had trouble finding its place). The Sigma Oasis jam was potentially the highlight of the show in my opinion, and really took of unexpectedly to a space reminiscent of 7/10/99 CDT with its high octane tempo and Trey's soaring tone. Second set was absolutely nothing but heaters: Axilla II kicked things off with great energy and slid into a Soul Planet that nicely moseyed its way to a Dog Log-esque descending jam (is it actually a tease?). The DWD->Ruby Waves->DWD certainly packs plenty of diverse jamming as well, including a great Midnight Rider tease that recalls memories of 6/22/94. The heat goes on with a gnarly Ghost which, for me, is Sigma Oasis's biggest competitor from the second set. I really love the evil groove direction they took this one in, reaching a phenomenally dirty peak and then letting it cool of to slide into a great Hood closer. Hood jam even gets some Type II props for a nice harmonic departure from the usual changes, which returns seamlessly for the closing peak. Definitely a contender for set of the tour, so far. Bake in an encore comprised of the sentimental Sleeping Monkey and an unprecedently soon return of Free (only one show gap??? Are we entering a Free renaissance??), and you've easily got yourself a Top 3 show of the summer thus far. Looking forward to experiencing FOMO for the rest of the run from home, lol
, attached to 2022-08-05

Review by HarpuaTheBulldog

HarpuaTheBulldog One of the greats, deserves 5 stars.. What Phish is doing right now is nothing short of incredible, band in their 40th year or so delivering barnburner after barnburner.. that's the way it goes and we live in the best timeline.

Quick correction to the setlist - Since the music in Cities began in a different key, and thus was different from normal versions, it shouldn't be a -> into Cities. It's just a full band tease, quotes, and jam of Cities (Talking Heads cover) in Sigma Oasis.
, attached to 2022-08-05

Review by yEEt_1331

yEEt_1331 This show will be an easy all-timer. Highlights include a super slow Chalk Dust opener with a really interesting -> Wilson, a MUST-HEAR Sigma Oasis, and an incredible set two, start to finish. Nonstop energy, creativity and fun. This is The Phish from the year 2022 kicking ass, plain and simple. Awesome show.
, attached to 2022-08-05

Review by jimmysdad

jimmysdad The Sigma jam hits the jets like no other jam I’ve seen in a looooong time. At about 14:30 all four fall into Fish’s groove and it hits a relentless Maze-like jam at light speed. Seriously one of the coolest pieces of improv I’ve heard in a while.

Second set followed suit. Not my choice of songs on paper, but man the improv is spectacular!! Some incredible modulations and flow throughout the whole set. Even the Hood intro was pretty unique. And did NOT expect that Free in the encore - many folks walking the exits when Sleeping Monkey was near its end but glad I stayed around.

Felt that Mike and Trey were really locked in together starting with Sand, while Page and Fish seemed synced up all night. A really, really good show with many highlights.
, attached to 2022-08-05

Review by phunkytime

phunkytime 5 star show right here and my favorite that I’ve seen this tour (saw both bethel and jones). Both sets had this cohesive feel to them, tons of patience and direction in the jams and just a damn good time getting down on the beach. It was absolutely amazing in person and I can’t wait to give it another spin. As Jonathan Schwartz says, that my friends is how you phish!
, attached to 2022-08-05

Review by nesta

nesta … And Icculus said “Let there be PHiSH on the beach”, and there was PHiSH on the beach. And Icculcus saw that PHiSH on the beach was good, real phucking good!

A Tad (shout out to Cautious) after 8pm, PHiSH hit the stage and blasted the riff to Chalkdust into the earholes of 30,000+ along the Atlantic City shoreline. Great call Uncle Trey. Next, this show finds its drive, for when the crowd “Woo”s instead of “Wilson”s, Trey has to step back and pause the collective. Again…. ”Duh-Dah, Duh-Dah”, I believe, Big Red realized too many in attendance did not read the book. A homily was needed, and a cost required for that infernal display of ignorance towards Icculus.

Trey calls Sand, the heavens align, the universe is right and true, solos were melodic and absolute, and by the end of Plasma>Theme>BOTT, the truth was revealed, our souls power washed, and the tabernacle erected. Tonight, there will be a sacrament performed for the righteous. With weapons drawn, Sigma Oasis happens; the first clash in the conflict over insolence. A few minutes into the jam, Page starts these little runs, moments later, the train has lost all brakes, the assault is upon us, the fever increases, until soaring above it all, swoops T-bird. Next, Fishman kicks in his double-timing cymbal beat and before we realize it we have bitten the forbidden apple, the quartet shudders through some sinful tempo changes and slides into Cities, real smooth like a dream, quick run through, ending with More, which by this point, I was loving. Prescience?
Now the sacrifice.
Set two was a coalescing of fates, Axilla Part II> Soul Planet> Down with Disease> Ruby Waves> Down with Disease Reprise> Ghost> Harry Hood’s destinies; violent, magnificent, lechatelierite fusing ethereal compounds into an 82-minute gemstone, which was used to banish the oblivious. (S2+E=100, longest of the tour tied with Mann1 and Hartford).
Don’t shine that thing in my face, man. The musicality of Soul Planet makes me smile, not a note from here to the end was wasted. Our heroes pounce and weave around a hypnotic sonic spell, as they grasp carefree melodies to add to their arsenal. Fishman hits the “Yeah” around 7 minutes and the second attack commences, no brakes, and all bliss. The 12-minute mark, a furious pummeling, but to who? The breakdown leads into a drilling of a Disease. Evil angels and innocent demons, kisses and punches, indica and sativa, reaper peppers and cool whip, we’re guzzling a thick milkshake of quicksand. Those foolish enough to not surrender to the flow, sink! PHiSH slays the opulent, inconsiderate masses. All this punishment stains the beach. Ruby Waves is the price paid by the naïve, with three all white peaks from CK5 the struggle is brilliant. Warriors receive the strength and rare Disease Reprise as remedy. After a minute of transition, Ghost calls the souls of those powerful enough to hold on for the resurrection: this ethereal transportation, each musical sense had vivid rhythmic flow. A unique Hood intro and the dream begins, persisting through the encore of Sleeping Monkey. A validation and acknowledgement of victory, as they jam Free for those who survived the confrontation. We indeed are free! Free indeed!
My crew started with 6, at the end, Doug and I looked around and it twas just us two, picking up trash, he said “What the phuck just happened? … And where’s my wife?”
, attached to 2022-08-05

Review by phourpointoh2

phourpointoh2 BATHTUB_ZEN is right! i’m tired of seeing shows rated highly, rightly, and then a bunch of reviews coming in like a ton of bricks just because the band doesn’t sound like it didn’t 20-30 years ago.

I’ve listened to old shows, new shows and everything in between. whether what they are doing now is “better” than what they did in the 90s is besides the point. they are killing it on their terms and in a new exciting way than they ever have before. if you want to just hear what you listened to in your 20s, go to Relisten or find a band that sounds the same now as they did decades ago. The reinvention and reimagination is what i thought we were all here for. sorry if it hurts your feelings or makes you feel old that Phish of today is more interesting and exciting than what you saw in 1993. Me? I like it all! on its own terms. let the band live!
, attached to 2022-08-05

Review by dipped

dipped It's not jaded vets knocking down scores. The initial scores are made heavily by attendees. The next day is when most folks can listen to the show for the first time. There's always been a difference between ratings live v relisten. Don't be butt hurt that the scores upon relisten don't match your magical night. Two different experiences. Or go back and down rate Big Cypress if you feel so inclined. Great show though.
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