Permalink for Comment #1373317259 by JojoeHaleysComet

, comment by JojoeHaleysComet
JojoeHaleysComet Let's just say that after 120 or so Phish shows, last night was possibly the most interesting of them all. We were getting rained on, not a light rain, but not a deluge. Rain tapered off during the second song, but during the third song ironically called "Divided Sky", the skies opened up with heavy rain and unsafe lightning conditions. Teresa was freezing, soaked and worried about the lightning, and yeah I was quite concerned about the lightning myself. After a whole sky lighting up lightning bolt, Teresa and I decided to leave. We get off the lawn and under an overhead ticket gate. The lady there so kindly told us to move along, even though we were the only people leaving the concert during the fourth song. Get out to the parking lot and Teresa sees a taxi and she jokingly says "wouldn't it be funny to take a cab to the parking lot to find our car." I thought it was a great idea and flagged down the cab. The path that we had walked from the parking lot was closed off so this poor taxi driver had to drive randomly through a few parking lots (they all look the same in pouring rain) We get to the car finally, change our clothes and we could hear the band quite well from where we were. I set up my lawn chair in the middle of the parking lot and then the overzealous law enforcement stopped to see why I was sitting on a chair in the middle of the parking lot. I mentioned the whole fearing for my life thing and he was cool with that. A little later on, a female officer saw (of all things) two guys getting into their car (in a parking lot no less). She rapidly pulls her car right behind them, blocking their escape and proceeds to give them the third degree of rapid fire questions and pretty much downright drug accusations. This is going down adjacent to me and my car and parking spot. After she was convinced that these gentlemen weren't any threat she lets them go. She asks me what my whole deal is and why am I (heaven forbid) standing next to my car in a parking lot no less. I told her the wet, fearformylife, last 1/2 hour of my existence, and she let me go with the stern warning of "don't you do any funky, hunky stuff" I have no clue what she meant by that, but after all this we decided to go home. PS, all is not lost, I am listening to the professional quality recording from our show from last night. is a non-commercial project run by Phish fans and for Phish fans under the auspices of the all-volunteer, non-profit Mockingbird Foundation.

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