This show was night eight of Phish's Baker's Dozen run at Madison Square Garden and consisted of a jimmies donut theme. Donuts with a rainbow jimmies were given to fans arriving at the venue. Page teased Long Tall Glasses in Home. Trey quoted The Squirming Coil and Glass Onion during Fly Famous Mockingbird. During Harpua, Trey and Mike sat on chairs at the front of the stage, the entire band discussed cosmology, and eventually decided that the universe was in the shape of a donut. Trey mentioned donuts and teased Harpua in 2001. This show featured the Phish debut of The Wind Cries Mary.
The Squirming Coil and Glass Onion quotes in Fly Famous Mockingbird, Harpua tease in Also Sprach Zarathustra, Long Tall Glasses tease in Home
Debut Years (Average: 1991)

This show was part of the "2017 Summer Tour"

Show Reviews

, attached to 2017-07-30

Review by phish123

phish123 This is my first review but it took a show like tonight for me to finally have to write a review. I've been to about 250 phish shows and tonight stands out to me as being one of the best, if not the best show I've attended. The bust outs were as good as they get. Curtain, Esther, colonel Corbin's, fly famous mockingbird, an unbelievable Bowie to end the set. Drowned and A song I heard the ocean sing were so beautiful, ambient, and I totally agree with the other reviewer who said it felt like I was underwater during that jam. It was 40 minutes of bliss. The 2001 and rest of the set/encore were great as well. This show was the shit....
, attached to 2017-07-30

Review by kyleindeed

kyleindeed Last show of the summer for me. Got 6 total, which is the most I've had for one year.

Never would've dreamed to have Forbins>Mockingbird and Harpua in the same show, let alone get them at all in my lifetime. They're the most cherished of bust outs that actually come around every other year if ur lucky (and probably won't be around much anymore either).

I know certain songs on this show aren't complete ragers, but we get some incredible moments from other true rare selections (The Curtain With, Esther, Brian and Robert played to their maxim).

The 2 Big Boat songs yield top notch versions. Crowd favorites like Jim, Bowie and Golgi show that these songs don't deserve to be overlooked (and what a GREAT nod to Junta this show was taboot).

As if the Gamehenge and Junta nods weren't enough, we get world class all time renditions of Drowned > ASIHTOS which plunge into the deep dark waters for 40 minutes within the Garden of Jimmies.

This is an all time show. It's my favorite, probably will be for a long time and more complete than any other Phish show this run. I envy anyone who got the jam filled show and admit that it was the best BD show until tonight. Just a personal preference. I'm ok with missing 30 minute Lawn Boy and Xeyeds.. but I'd be sad if I didn't get to see this show. A must listen for everyone that enjoys Phish. Thank you community for making these shows matter so much.
, attached to 2017-07-30

Review by Laudanum

Laudanum Art is often about limitations, and that’s definitely the case at these Baker’s Dozen shows. What modern phandom terms as gimmicks are really self-imposed limits, set partly in order to provoke new forms. The twin limitations for this run, nightly themes and no repeats, are absolutely accomplishing that. In fact, it’s hard to imagine tonight’s set II without this intersection.

The sprawling Drowned (sung by Jimmy in Quadrophenia) and ASIHTOS reach no peaks but rather sink to murky depths covering 40 minutes or so—a product of song conservation. The Harpua, itself 17 minutes, ties into both the nightly and larger donut theme. The band’s running on fumes by the encore and last Jim(i) reference, The Wind Cries Mary, but by then who can blame them?

Orson Welles famously said, “The enemy of art is the absence of limitations.” Perhaps Phish have been playing with too few for too long.
, attached to 2017-07-30

Review by dublindeuce

dublindeuce Whether you take the bustouts into account or not, I'm sure it can be agreed on that this is a wonderful show.

A really nice pairing of The Curtian With > Runaway Jim opens the first set, and the band is jamming from the get-go.

This first set is notable for 2 year bust outs of Esther, and Colonel Forbin's Ascent > Fly Famous Mockingbird. All three were executed very well. I bet it will be another 2 years until we see these songs again. David Bowie gets the nod as an energetic set closer.

The second set opens with an excellent reading of Drowned. A spectacular jam emerges from these deep waters. Fishman is on fire, and drives the jam into an energetic pace that Trey, Page, and Mike beautifully improvise in.

A subtle yet excellent transition into A Song I Heard The Ocean Sing brings us to the second water themed song of the night. What comes out of ASIHTOS is a dark and spooky jam. I felt like I was truly underwater during this phenomenal type II jam.

Harpua!!! comes next and the narration of this very special version consists of a hilarious conservation between Trey, Mike, Page, and Fishman. They discuss and then come to the logical conclusion that the universe is truly just one expanding donut!

The brilliant Harpua narration ends and we head into a funky 2001. This Harpua > 2001 is a truly great pairing, and may perhaps be a nod to the Harpua > 2001 from the fan favorite 7/16/94.

A rocking Golgi ends the set and the band leaves the stage, only to come back a couple minutes later for an acapella rendition of In The Good Old Summertime.

The band takes a longer break, and sends us all home happy with a beautiful rendition of Jimi Hendrix's The Wind Cry's Mary.

This show had some truly awesome bustouts, but let's not get completely wrapped up in the gravity of the bustouts. the jamming in this show is also some of the highest caliber 3.0 jamming you'll find.

It's a wonderful show, and must listen for any Phish fan in the year 2017.
, attached to 2017-07-30

Review by HalfdeafHippie

HalfdeafHippie Nothing is better, nothing is best
Take heed of this, get plenty of rest.

Bob Dylan said that back when he was hanging out in a basement with some guys who were once called the Hawks but were eventually The Band. When looking at these Baker's Dozen shows, it's hard to say what's better and what's best and it makes perfectly good sense to heed Dylan's advice. On paper (and on tape) this could be the best show of the run. But then again, the same could be said about night 1 or 2 or 3 or... you get the picture. It all depends on your perspective. But this was my very first Phish show, so if you ask me, this was, without question, the best show of the run, maybe the best show ever by anyone. But I'll be hitting my second show later this week, so my perspective is likely to change. I'm like that.

While this was my first Phish show in-person, I've been couch touring for a couple of years now and spending a lot of time diving into the music of a band I'd just ignored for a long time. For my efforts, I've befriended a slew of really awesome people and come to know a thing or two about the best damned band on the planet.

But my hours poring over the Phish Companion, watching dozens of live streams, and listening to hundreds of shows proved to be ill preparation for my first real live encounter with the Phish from Vermont.

[p] [/p]
As I said before, on paper, this is one helluva show. For it to be my first show? I can't even begin to put it into words. Those who've followed this band much longer and invested more hours than I can attest to the quality of the performance and make more better-informed observations on the sheer magnificence of it all. So I won't go into some long song-by-song analysis of the show, but I will tell you what my virgin eyes and ear took in...

To open a show with a complicated piece like "The Curtain With" is a statement unto itself. To mix a metaphor or three, if "The Curtain" is the cake (or donut), then the "With" is the icing. To follow it up immediately with "Runaway Jim"? Well that's just the sprinkles on top (or "jimmies", if you prefer). Speaking of donuts, mine had a TON of Jimmies on it. I mean, so many that surface of the donut itself was entirely obscured by Jimmies... but i digress. Where was I? Oh yeah, 2 songs in and we've already got a donut with icing and jimmies. And this is still my first Phish show and the rest of the set is yet to come, and when it does, whoo-weee! what a set it is! A pair of new tunes ("Home" being especially well done), perfectly executed versions of complicated classics "Esther" and "Colonel Forbin's Ascent > Fly Famous Mockingbird"? And there was this whole "name game" component to the first set. In addition to a car-driving dog named Jim and Esther and the good Colonel (and the monarch named Wilson and the walrus named Jimmy) and Nellie Kane and Brian and Robert they were all there... And if you're gonna have a set that takes names, ya gotta have the intense build-release-repeat that is "David Bowie".

And then there was the second set. Writing about music, something something, dancing about architecture, right? Yeah. That's pretty much the first 40 minutes of the second set. Group improvisation at its finest, the band relaxing and letting the music take control.

Oom-pa-pa, oom-pa-pa, oom-pa-pa, oom-pa-pa.
Not even a little bit improvised, and even less unexpected (the theme was Jimmies after all), Harpua came along, returning to the first set's theme of calling names, and it was Harpua. This was my first show. Okay. Of course I'm gonna say it was amazing. Of course I'm gonna drop superlatives. Of course I'm gonna say there are lumps in the cosmic gravy and that the universe is shaped like a donut. Of course I'm still ecstatic about getting a Harpua. To get it at my first show? Yeah. Insert superlatives here.

Speaking of cosmic gravy, 2001 was just that, groovy cosmic dance party gravy. And Zarathustra is a name, so the name game is still going on.... and then there's Golgi Apparatus, which bears the name of some scientist guy. And it was great. It was Golgi and it rocked. And "In the Good Old Summertime" was a nice touch, something to bring us back to earth.

Oh, and lest we forget... the theme was Jimmies (or Jimis). So to wrap it all up, one more name was called, or cried, as it were.. Mary. It was short and sweet and not at all jammed out. Trey wasn't trying to be Hendrix. The band wasn't going over the top. Just a reverent reading of the best song ever.

So we wandered out into the New York City night. Me, I was a changed man, a different person than the guy who walked into the building. As we walked out, I ran into some of my friends from the online world who I'd never met in person before. We greeted one another exchanged hugs and talked very briefly about the show. But I couldn't really say a whole lot... I went on my way, incapable of carrying on anything that remotely resembled a normal conversation. My Phish cherry was popped, but it was more complicated than that. It wasn't just the loss of virginity, it was something bigger, more profound, but I can't put a name on it. All I know is that I'll be back for more.
, attached to 2017-07-30

Review by n00b100

n00b100 Set 1: A nice mix of rarities (Curtain With, Esther, B&R) with some usual Set 1 stalwarts, peaking with (as one might expect) Forbin's > Mockingbird; some sloppiness throughout doesn't take away from the power of these tunes, or from Trey's amusing lyrical quotes during Forbin's. Good start.

Set 2: Drowned gets things going, and it doesn't take long for the band to settle into a brisk groove with Page at the forefront, Trey adding scratchy effects and occasionally firing off some tasty licks. The jam grows warmer in nature, then weirder as Page goes to the synths, then Fish switches up the beat and we enter a relaxing, dreamy zone with whale call-esque effects and Mike working his way to the forefront. Trey goes to his pedals and Page switches to piano, and a more powerful jam emerges, then after some nice trilling from Trey Page steps to the forefront and offers some wonderfully contemplative playing as a fog creeps over the proceedings and the jam winds to a close.

ASIHTOS moves in, and this is an incredible version, one of the finest ever played. Page goes to the synths right away to help set a mood during the usual ASIHTOS jam, and after some fine playing the bottom drops out and a delicately miniature jam develops, with Trey scratching on his strings, Page playing off-kilter notes, and Fish tapping away behind. Page suggests a dissonant chord pattern and Trey catches on, then the jam reignites as Mike flips on the envelope filter to really add to the depth of the jam. It sounds like they've returned to the ASIHTOS theme, but instead Fish goes to a military-style drumbeat, strange ghostly effects rise to the surface, and the band rides this stark groove to its natural conclusion. This is truly interesting and dark music, the kind they might have played in 1994, and a must-hear jam.

Harpua comes next (Jimmies night, remember), and instead of a goofy cover the band has a droll conversation about the nature of the universe, leading them to conclude the universe is a donut (and allowing our good pal Page to drop some dad jokes), to which the cat dying sort of gets shoehorned in rather amusingly. And, after the scripted silliness, Also Sprach Zarathustra makes its presence felt in a neat synth-laden version, Golgi offers a blast of rock and roll catharsis, and they wind up the set with their cover of In The Good Old Summertime (hey, can't let that go to waste). A Hendrix tune makes almost too much sense as the encore, and they skip their usual repertoire of Hendrix covers to debut The Wind Cries Mary; it's not the tightest version you'll ever hear, but neither were Hendrix's live versions, and the spirit was certainly there.

Final thoughts: A true smorgasbord of the Phish experience, with some of the deeper jams of the Baker's Dozen tempered by the fun Harpua. Well worth the listen.
, attached to 2017-07-30

Review by User_43385_

User_43385_ This was my 9 year old son Noahs first show. He is the chosen one apparently! He danced his butt off even though he didnt get his meatstick, lizards, or antelope. Thank you to everyone who gave him the high 5s, glowsticks, etc. He got a donut with rainbows jimmies, pic with treys guitar and me on vacuum at headcount booth. It could not have been a better experience for us.
, attached to 2017-07-30

Review by andrewdelnorte

andrewdelnorte What a show! So many bust-outs, so much fun. I traveled down to NYC for Saturday's show, and when I saw that the theme was Jimmies I had to stay for Sunday's. So glad I did! This run has been incredible, and this show will be in the running for the best of the dozen. For the record, the donut-universe conversation was totally legit (I'm a bit of a cosmology geek)
, attached to 2017-07-30

Review by fhqwhgads

fhqwhgads My expectations keep getting exceeded during this YEMSGBD! The Curtain With opener, which was a bustout, > Runaway Jim to reference the theme (Jimmies, or "sprinkles" if you live in a neighborhood instead of an exit, LOL.) Waking Up Dead started to get out there a little bit, but as someone said in the forum, Mike ripcorded it vocally. It was all right, though, because I like my Phish comfortable in its own skin. Esther was also somewhat of a bustout, as was Brian and Robert. I think someone noted that the bustouts in this show all last appeared in the same show, for what it's worth. Colonel Forbin's Ascent > Fly Famous Mockingbird had minimal narration, but their appearance combined with the set-closing David Bowie shows an audacious approach to a first set that I would contend is one of those I have enjoyed most this year. The second set is jam-packed. I hear Page teasing Mountain Jam during Drowned (at about 14:10 on the LivePhish soundboard), and even if I am taking crazy pills, Drowned tops the 20-minute mark only to be followed by another near-20-min. jam in A Song I Heard the Ocean Sing. Parts of these two jams wind their way down into Fall 1994-style "weird minimalism," but with more of an emphasis on space between the notes than some of Fall 1994's big jams, which often approached symphonical status in their grandeur. Harpua made me laugh several times, and certainly took a novel approach to the narration. 2001 gets a workout, and then we're firmly in fourth-quarter territory, except that the encore is a Phish debut of The Jimi Hendrix Experience's The Wind Cries Mary. They're shows like this that seem to bespeak a sort of folly in ranking or rating shows, but really the biggest impact of it to me is that for one, the Baker's Dozen is not even over yet, and for awesome, that this experimental thrust may pay dividends in Phish to come. I have to believe that Phish is having so much phun right now that they will carry some of this energy over into Dick's, at least!
, attached to 2017-07-30

Review by Piper72

Piper72 Wow, where to even start. This was the phirst show I had to take aspirin and use Ben-Gay the next morning; I was literally dancing or otherwise on my feet the entire show. Yes, even during the group's 'roundtable discussion' of Donut Cosmology (can this be a thing? Can this theory be published in some leading scientific journals???) during Harpua. HARPUA!!! Spastic dead-eyed hound!!! I have been chasing you for 23 years and 32 shows ago (7 with my girlfriend Vicky), and now I have faced off with you again...but not to be contained or trapped, as such a beast like you is to be feared and avoided. Just ask Poster Nutbag. The first set was excellent but seemed played at a mellow intensity, and not sure if due to the acoustics or Trey's energy level but it seemed like he was a bit out-of-sync with the band for the first few songs. I wouldn't blame him if he was because he has been absolutely killing it this run. That aside, it was a phenomenal first set among a plethora of phenomenal first sets this run. Even if they didn't play Forbin>Mockingbird, which was my phirst.
The SECOND set, tho...22 minute Drowned>18 minute Song I Heard the Ocean Sing??? I've always kicked myself for seeing the show AFTER the show everyone talks about, but with this run, EVERY show is like that it seems! But THIS show??? It was like its own bucket, not just a bucket list. To witness a Harpua after 40 minutes of madness like that?? It's indescribable. Maybe only between phenomenal beings of light, or astronauts, or sages. I knew with THAT kind of jam (and the biggest hint, the 'Jimmies') Phish would again open up a wormhole for us (just like at UIC, 11-25-94) and transport us into a world outside of time and space. Which, as we would bear witness to, Trey, Mike, Page and Fish had developed a theory about-Donut Theory-and shared it with us. The middle of the Donut-the Eye of the Perfect Storm of this historic run-and we were there for it.
And then, as a nod to that fated phirst show, they ripped out a raging 2001. What limbs had not been melted off me by that point I used to dance my last. At the end, band and we all spent, they took us out with a nice a cappella of "Good Old Summertime", and then the debut of Wind Cries Mary-again (like Phish) unexpected, but totally worthwhile.
Which I can say about this experience, and my experience with Phish in general.
Please me, I have no regrets.
, attached to 2017-07-30

Review by ejones642

ejones642 Finding out that Jimmies was the flavor for tonight was one of the highlights of my morning in NYC. I found myself anticipating Harpua all day long. What I didn't expect was a surprisingly good Home jam, Col. Forbin/Fly Famous, Bowie, A Song I Heard the Ocean Sing, Also Sprach, Golgi... I could go on and on. Only surprising thing was I thought we might get more than one Hendrix, with Jimmies and all. Wind Cries Mary was great though, and I couldn't possibly ask for a better show.
, attached to 2017-07-30

Review by themayor

themayor Hello all, I am a new phan as of a year ago. The last few weeks I have really been getting HEAVILY into Phish. But for the past year I have on and off been enjoying their shows. But I keep a journey spreadsheet of all the shows I've listened to. I am journeying through the Baker's Dozen. N8 seems as though it will be better just from the jump. Let's get into it!
Immediately we are thrown The Curtain With, which goes into a groovy funky jam for about half the duration and then abruptly and sloppily slows down into the beautiful melodic section. It falls into a nice driving jam with great drumming from Fish and incredible playing all around. Complimenting each other. This one song is already better than all of N7. It ends with a nice chord and then...

We hit Runaway Jim. A strong Jim composed section bursts out. It goes into a fun type 1 that really goes for it.

Waking Up Dead I had never heard before. I need to go listen to Big Boat all the way sometime. I think that this song is really odd and cool, though. I would love to hear more of it.

Then we get Esther which I can't recall ever hearing before. Which is crazy, because I know it's popular. I enjoyed it's weird buoyancy.

Home goes into a nice peak with its driving rock jam.

Brian and Robert, a more rare song from Story of the Ghost. A nice little tune that actually has a beautiful and sad meaning to it. I enjoy hearing this, and Trey's improving singing voice over the years does it justice. All of the guys for that matter.

Nellie Kane picks up the pace a bit here. Fun little Mike tune. Has a small little noodly jam section.

Next is Colonel Forbin's Ascent. Performed really well. Climbing the mountain felt intense.

It went into Mockingbird, which was cool. It was performed really well.

Bowie started off really strong. It goes into a really mellow Type II jam going really soft funky. It goes strong the whole time. Set I was fun, and I have a feeling that Set II is going to go hard.

We open with The Who song from Quadraphenia, Drowned. Mike is on vocals and its awesome. I LOVE hearing Mike! Weird, because I love hearing Mike, the bassist of Green Day (my faovorite band) sing with them as well. It went into DEEP space.

Before going into A Song I Heard the Ocean Sing. It starts off strong and rocking. It gest really really strange and creepy around 8 or 9 minutes in. It picks up a groove, albeit a soft one, not too long later. It then goes into a distant train coming space section. It fades away. Perfect. Back to Back 22 and 18 minute jams.

Then the OOM PAH PAH comes out! Harpua! My god. I thought it probably would come out at some point, but when? N8. It starts off really rocky but actually picks up the groove as Trey starts to sing. The guys debate about whether the universe is a donut. They settle that it most likely is. And then they go into the Poster Nutbag is dead bit. It really mellows out and then ends with a big bang.

Then we get the drum intro into 2001. Wow. Funk. Synth jam midway through. Peaks right at end with the main melody.

>Golgi. Great tune. Let's see where it goes. Not even 2 minutes into the song and its already really well played. That was a perfectly short but sweet version. I love it.

They bust into The Good Old Summer Time which was premiered 2 weeks earlier on 7/14. Its acapella, and they do it well.

Encore is The Wind Cries Mary by Hendrix. It was Phish debut and still the only time they played it. A great cover short and sweet to end the set. I like it. This show stood out a lot more than N7.
, attached to 2017-07-30

Review by zarathustraz

zarathustraz Reality Check for a Second

This show is basically a Phish 1.0 reprise. We get a Forbins>Mockingbird and a Harpua. On top of that, we have a Drowned jam that sounds straight out of the rolling groove trances of '00, and a Song I Heard the Ocean Sing full of the choppy go-get-'em-ship of the '93-'94 era. It's understandable why everyone is basically shitting themselves over this show, but I think we need a little reality check here. Currently, this is the highest rated show of the Baker's Dozen next to the Jam-filled night. Let's get some perspective here.

While Forbins>Mockingbird is cool, Trey phoned in the added story and butchered the Mockingbird's flight. Love ya, Trey. Just sayin'.

Harpua is cool in that it happened, but really how many people are going to be jamming out to the donut-shaped universe discussion next week?

Drowned is a beautiful piece of ethereal music. No doubt. But for me, it doesn't get too far beyond a swaying good time. There's been a helluva lot more interesting jams this run, especially if you want to get your body moving.

A Song I Hear the Ocean Sing is awesome in that it's so familiar. It's the Phish I grew up with. The '90s era badasses with that young and raw gumption determined to just make shit happen. They just plow ahead with no fear. That's great, and it creates moments of brilliance and moments of utterly enjoyable weirdness. But there's also a lot of moments of grasping for each other and clunking through phrases and transitions. Phish is typically functioning at a much higher, more streamlined, and more potent level of improvisation these days. Check out BD #6's Chalkdust Torture if you want to hear what I mean.

All that's to say, this is a great show, but it's not the best of the tour so far (tonight Phish plays show #10). It's not even the second best. BD #5 and #6 (7/26 & 7/28) deserve closer consideration for those slots. That's my two cents.
, attached to 2017-07-30

Review by s1177375

s1177375 WOWW what a show of life. . .if they played Paul and Silas instead of Nellia Cane, Marissa instead of Home I love Mikes Marissa the lyrics are adorable to his wife and Sleep instead of Waking Up Dead (but it is new so they have to put it into Page rotation and i get that) Party Time and Ha Ha Ha and Tube instead of Runaway Jim but I love Runaway Jim so maybe scratch that change, Mercury instead of A Song I Heard the Ocean Sing or The Moma Dance, Waves, or Prince Caspain instead of the ASIHTOS or any water song even Theme From the Bottom even though they just played both it and Prince Caspian - if they can top my show in Pittsurgh that would be saying something that was the best Caspian i have ever heard. If they opened w 2001 and ended the set w Curtain With instead of David Bowie or Maze instead of Bowie. Those are the only ways this show could have been anymore epic. Oh and perhaps a better Encore like Suzy Greenberg or Proud Mary into Sleeping Monkey into Rocky Top or Boogie On into Wading or Back on the Train into Boogie. . .I cant think of much else that could improve this fantastic show.
Sprinkles and Glow Stick color galour. Maybe a Hendrix Fire or hendrix Bold as Love into Tweezer Reprise. Or show of Life to close her out. I am just spitballing . . .the only better show than this is the one when Mike says they are finally ready to go crazy and Don't You Wanna Go into Crazy Sometimes into Destiny Unbounnd into Walfredo into Esther into Col Forbins into Harpua into 500 Miles into Harpua into Maze into Horn into Guyute set 1 closer or an all and I mean ALL animal 2 or it might require 3 sets or even a Big Cypress al nighter to get them all in if they include Jams like that Lawn Boy from a few nights ago in the Rasperry JAM theme. I am trying to think how that might go down when the boys are ready for Spelling shows like the Spelling of S . . maybe spell the letter E or the letter T cause then u can do all the songs that start w THE like The Curtain With. How would the all animals Noahs Ark go anyways. . lets see. .
Runaway Jim opener
The Lizards > Gone> Esther
Col Forbins>Mockingbird
Hapua (the spastic dead eyed hound pit bull mix) >Golgi Apparatus >The Squirming Coil (If microscopic ameaba counts as animals instead of micro organisms - they are alive afterall)
The Birds > My Pet Cat> The Dogs>Dog Stole Things >The Sloth>The Birds > Vultures> I am the Walrus
Fee>Wolfman's Brother(does a Jon Fishman count as an animal - - ahhh awww hell to the yes it does - Party Animal that is)
Guyute set 1 closer
Set 2 opener Funky Bitch
Birds of a Feather
Mike's Song >Martian Monster>BBFCFM>Alvenu Malkenu>I Saw it Sgain> TMWSIY>I Saw It Sgain>Weekapaug Groove>Camel Walk>Pigtail>Reba (do witches brews count as the thing that is bagged and tagged and sold to the butcher store lol) that gets me thinking of an all FOOD setlist like Gumbo and Harry Hood milk and The Mango Song and Coconuts Choc Rain Peaches en Regalia Sugar Shack Scents and SS etc
Wombat >Crazy Sometimes>Everythings Right>More>Bug Set 2 Closer
Set 3 opener Possum
Ocelot the cat >My Pet Cat >Poster Nutbag part section part of Harpua before she dies
Piper the red red worm w a sweet jam like 200-10-01
Run Like an Antelope set 3 closer
I Didnt Know >Peaches en Regalia>Life on Mars >Space Oddity
Fluffhead >Grind

That is my wet dreambut until then shows like 2-28-2003
Big Cypress
Sugar Bush 1994
Pershing 1995 Crossroads Eric Clapton the king of Rock and Roll NO NO NOT elvis
will have to suffice.
Peace and Love
Jesus loves you this I know for 66 books of love and future Revelation judgement tell me so so put down the drugs and pick up the WORD of God. Marijuana is not i repeat NOT a drug and watch Dave Chapell and Bob Sagets Family House told me that unless you suck dick for it or are willing to eat a mans ass for it, it is not a drug lmao
Weed is ok God made it but that argument only goes so far cause God made Opium and it grows in the ground to so watch your weak straw man arguments i learned this in English Creative Writing 101 and 102
Cause i am Alumini and i have the blues and a Cedarville Baptist Unvisersity acredited to prove it . . and I am not Jimmy Page nor do i wanna be a rockstar. Trey has enough on his shoulders for all of us ( DWD Tube and 2 Versions of Me and A Case of Ice and Snow all reference how hard it is to juggle family and rockstar groupies and still love your kids when u cheat on them w groupies . . oh to be Prince Caspian indeed to have stumps instead of feet and a boat instead of a car. . .if I can dream of a better land (Heaven and NO NOT vegas Elvis or Memphis GRACEland) where all my troubles melt hand in had tell me why cant my dreams come true
, attached to 2017-07-30

Review by s1177375

s1177375 Wow. . .if they played Paul and Silas instead of Nellia Cane, Marissa instead of Home I love Mikes Marissa the lyrics are adorable to his wife and Sleep instead of Waking Up Dead (but it is new so they have to put it into Page rotation and i get that) Party Time and Ha Ha Ha and Tube instead of Runaway Jim but I love Runaway Jim so maybe scratch that change, Mercury instead of A Song I Heard the Ocean Sing or The Moma Dance, Waves, or Prince Caspain instead of the ASIHTOS or any water song even Theme From the Bottom even though they just played both it and Prince Caspian - if they can top my show in Pittsurgh that would be saying something that was the best Caspian i have ever heard. If they opened w 2001 and ended the set w Curtain With instead of David Bowie or Maze instead of Bowie. Those are the only ways this show could have been anymore epic. Oh and perhaps a better Encore like Suzy Greenberg or Proud Mary into Sleeping Monkey into Rocky Top or Boogie On into Wading or Back on the Train into Boogie. . .I cant think of much else that could improve this fantastic show.
Sprinkles and Glow Stick color galour. Maybe a Hendrix Fire or hendrix Bold as Love into Tweezer Reprise. Or show of Life to close her out. I am just spitballing . . .the only better show than this is the one when Mike says they are finally ready to go crazy and Don't You Wanna Go into Crazy Sometimes into Destiny Unbounnd into Walfredo into Esther into Col Forbins into Harpua into 500 Miles into Harpua into Maze into Horn into Guyute set 1 closer or an all and I mean ALL animal 2 or it might require 3 sets or even a Big Cypress al nighter to get them all in if they include Jams like that Lawn Boy from a few nights ago in the Rasperry JAM theme. I am trying to think how that might go down when the boys are ready for Spelling shows like the Spelling of S . . maybe spell the letter E or the letter T cause then u can do all the songs that start w THE like The Curtain With. How would the all animals Noahs Ark go anyways. . lets see. .
Runaway Jim opener
The Lizards > Gone> Esther
Col Forbins>Mockingbird
Hapua (the spastic dead eyed hound pit bull mix) >Golgi Apparatus >The Squirming Coil (If microscopic ameaba counts as animals instead of micro organisms - they are alive afterall)
The Birds > My Pet Cat> The Dogs>Dog Stole Things >The Sloth>The Birds > Vultures> I am the Walrus
Fee>Wolfman's Brother(does a Jon Fishman count as an animal - - ahhh awww hell to the yes it does - Party Animal that is)
Guyute set 1 closer
Set 2 opener Funky Bitch
Birds of a Feather
Mike's Song >Martian Monster>BBFCFM>Alvenu Malkenu>I Saw it Sgain> TMWSIY>I Saw It Sgain>Weekapaug Groove>Camel Walk>Pigtail>Reba (do witches brews count as the thing that is bagged and tagged and sold to the butcher store lol) that gets me thinking of an all FOOD setlist like Gumbo and Harry Hood milk and The Mango Song and Coconuts Choc Rain Peaches en Regalia Sugar Shack Scents and SS etc
Wombat >Crazy Sometimes>Everythings Right>More>Bug Set 2 Closer
Set 3 opener Possum
Ocelot the cat >My Pet Cat >Poster Nutbag part section part of Harpua before she dies
Piper the red red worm w a sweet jam like 200-10-01
Run Like an Antelope set 3 closer
I Didnt Know >Peaches en Regalia>Life on Mars >Space Oddity
Fluffhead >Grind

That is my wet dreambut until then shows like 2-28-2003
Big Cypress
Sugar Bush 1994
Pershing 1995 Crossroads Eric Clapton the king of Rock and Roll NO NO NOT elvis
will have to suffice.
Peace and Love
Jesus loves you this I know for 66 books of love and future Revelation judgement tell me so so put down the drugs and pick up the WORD of God. Marijuana is not i repeat NOT a drug and watch Dave Chapell and Bob Sagets Family House told me that unless you suck dick for it or are willing to eat a mans ass for it, it is not a drug lmao
Weed is ok God made it but that argument only goes so far cause God made Opium and it grows in the ground to so watch your weak straw man arguments i learned this in English Creative Writing 101 and 102
Cause i am Alumini and i have the blues and a Cedarville Baptist Unvisersity acredited to prove it . . and I am not Jimmy Page nor do i wanna be a rockstar. Trey has enough on his shoulders for all of us ( DWD Tube and 2 Versions of Me and A Case of Ice and Snow all reference how hard it is to juggle family and rockstar groupies and still love your kids when u cheat on them w groupies . . oh to be Prince Caspian indeed to have stumps instead of feet and a boat instead of a car. . .if I can dream of a better land (Heaven and NO NOT vegas Elvis or Memphis GRACEland) where all my troubles melt hand in had tell me why cant my dreams come true
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