Tuesday 09/03/2013 by bl002e


It's time for another edition of Phish.net's Mystery Jam ... er ... "Monday." For roughly the one hundred and fifty-eighth time, here's the scoop: be the first person to identify the song and date of the mystery jam clip and win one MP3 download courtesy of our friends at LivePhish.com / Nugs.Net. Each person gets one guess per day, with the second “day” starting after I post the hint. A hint will be posted on Tuesday Wednesday if necessary, with the answer to follow on Wednesday Thursday. Enjoy!


These pretzels are making me thirsty!

Answer: The Blog snaps its seven-game losing streak, but only due to eking out a hint-aided loss, as first-time winner @kozb4209 quietly submitted the correct answer: the 12/28/96 Mike's Song. Well done! Given the Blog's appalling 10-133-15 record, you'll have to forgive me for the obscureness of the pretzel-related hint, and it sure didn't help us win this one. MJM will return on its regularly scheduled day next Monday.

LivePhish.com All-Time MJM Results


, comment by MiguelSanchez
MiguelSanchez I feeling a simple jam, but i don't have a clue as to which one... shot in the dark simple from 8/12/96
, comment by MiguelSanchez
MiguelSanchez i'm feeling not i feeling... i'm glad you can't be dq'ed for being grammatically incorrect.
, comment by gettinweird
gettinweird i'm hearing an extended mango, but i'm tired.
, comment by PickeringPhish
PickeringPhish Harry Hood....Not sure of the show but I will guess 12-30-95
, comment by phearless
phearless Totally sounds like a early to mid 90's reba jam to me... not the clifford ball reba though. Agh ill have to get back to this in a bit..
, comment by mcgrupp81
mcgrupp81 Too simple to be a Simple? It would be sweet if this was part of a Reba.
, comment by Brandonclick77
Brandonclick77 11/9/95 Simple> Reba?
, comment by uctweezer
uctweezer Yeah... my first instinct was definitely '93-'94 Hood, but I checked a bunch and no dice. My second instinct was Reba, but I haven't found anything yet -- though I have relistened to some of the most epic Rebas ever. So I got that goin' for me, which is nice:
, comment by mcgrupp81
mcgrupp81 @uctweezer said:
Yeah... my first instinct was definitely '93-'94 Hood, but I checked a bunch and no dice. My second instinct was Reba, but I haven't found anything yet -- though I have relistened to some of the most epic Rebas ever. So I got that goin' for me, which is nice:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBWcRqPesws[/quote] />
Hilarious. It's the first time in a long time that I've had the time to do some searching and I just listened to a bunch of 94 Reba snippets and didn't hear "it". Could be 93. Whatever it is, it's a nice source.

, comment by stevemott
stevemott Simple 12/2/97
, comment by Phish686
Phish686 Don't have time to check but thinkin' some mid 90's out there Reba.

10/18/94 Reba.
, comment by Tuddd
Tuddd 8/31/13 Chalkdust. :-)
, comment by PersnicketyJim
PersnicketyJim 11-30-1997 Wolfman's. The Phishtracks version is so close, so I'm banking that this source picked up some sounds better. This song was written about so eloquently this morning, which would also make for some nice community symmetry. But it's B Major, right? If type I it must be a Simple or Wolfman's. Of course, if type II it could be anything.
, comment by Babyrattlesnakes
Babyrattlesnakes Sounds a bit like a Fee jam to me.

Shot in the dark: Fee 11/19/97
, comment by Land2reform
Land2reform I need to get more phish shows on my computer. I would love running through tons of shows to find the mmj. Just have my 15 shows and the majority of the the material Phish released themselves.
, comment by uctweezer
uctweezer @Land2reform said:
I need to get more phish shows on my computer. I would love running through tons of shows to find the mmj. Just have my 15 shows and the majority of the the material Phish released themselves.
, comment by MiguelSanchez
MiguelSanchez @Babyrattlesnakes said:
Sounds a bit like a Fee jam to me.

Shot in the dark: Fee 11/19/97
I feel like that had a funkier feel, but honestly, it's been years since I've listened to that one.
, comment by lifeboy1975
lifeboy1975 roggae 2/26/03
, comment by PhillyZilla
PhillyZilla Reba 10-29-98 Greek Theatre
, comment by bushwood_a_dump
bushwood_a_dump Simple -> Lizards 12-8-94
, comment by DodgeStoleThings
DodgeStoleThings Roggae 7-1-99
, comment by FirstTubeCT
FirstTubeCT Reba 7.5.98
, comment by SkyTrainWand
SkyTrainWand Simple 11/6/98
, comment by pistilstamen
pistilstamen Mike definitely sounds like he is using the Modulus, which means it's post 1996. Trey's tone sounds pre-1999. The recording has an 'indoor sound', so Fall '97 or '97 (or Island Terr). I think Simple is, well, a bit too simple. Humm...
, comment by homerk
homerk Im pretty sure that hint is, "These pretzels are making me thirsty."
, comment by kidrob
kidrob @homerk said:
Im pretty sure that hint is, "These pretzels are making me thirsty."
definitely these pretzels are making me thirsty scene from seinfeld.
, comment by MiguelSanchez
MiguelSanchez I love seinfeld, but this hint isn't doing much for me.
, comment by homerk
homerk Water related? Woody Allen? He was having trouble parking cars, could it be a contact?
, comment by Phish1
Phish1 Water related..NYC..Cars..Pretzels..Salt...salt...MSG??

, comment by The_Lawn_Boy
The_Lawn_Boy I think I get the hint...
, comment by perpg
perpg tweezer 8/2/97?
, comment by WayIFeel
WayIFeel Simple 7.21.98....These pretzels are making me thirsty....
, comment by white_lightning
white_lightning my thought based on the hint is a Suzy...
, comment by Phish1
Phish1 Suzy...Susanna...but, I am NOT a Suz...
, comment by forbin1
forbin1 Bosco?
, comment by phootyjon
phootyjon Halleys from Red Rocks 8/05/1996
, comment by markhood
markhood REBA - 12-04-1991
, comment by bushwood_a_dump
bushwood_a_dump @markhood said:
REBA - 12-04-1991
I follow you on the date...
, comment by GottaJibboo
GottaJibboo I know I've said it before, but @bl002e is killing it with these MJM's.
, comment by The_Lawn_Boy
The_Lawn_Boy I thought it was 'Thank You' from 10/30/2012 Because of the comment on the video saying "Thank You :) " But it wasn't so...
, comment by The_Lawn_Boy
The_Lawn_Boy Thank You 10/30/10
, comment by phishncincy
phishncincy 11-14-97 Piper???
, comment by Phart_Door
Phart_Door Latex?
, comment by Mr_Incompletely
Mr_Incompletely Its def a suzy
, comment by PersnicketyJim
PersnicketyJim Pretzels are twisted. No luck there.
, comment by uctweezer
uctweezer The clue and all the comments since the clue have me so confused.
, comment by Harpua108
Harpua108 Reba 12/30/98 MSG...
, comment by bushwood_a_dump
bushwood_a_dump Isn't George's dream to be ensconsed in Velvet?
, comment by RunLikeACantelope
RunLikeACantelope 12-30-94 Harry Hood
, comment by rej8709
rej8709 FWIW, the original air date of "The Alternate Side" (i.e., "the pretzels are making me thirsty" episode) was 12-4-91, also the date of a show...
, comment by andrewrose
andrewrose Well I might as well share my line of thinking re. the hint as I'm stumped..

1: George! Could be a show from the Gorge in George, WA, but none of my searches yielded anything.

2: NYC... kind of an obvious hint and too general? But there's the whole Woody Allen/New York thing in that episode so maybe. Pick your MSG show..

3: 12/4/91 was the original airdate of that episode accordingly to Wikipedia.. and there have been lots of shows on 12/4 ... 94, 95, 96, 99

I agree with @pistilstamen on the timeline re. tones, and @PersnicketyJim is right, is does sound a LOT like a section of that 11/30/97 Wolfman's.

Other thoughts: it's got a bit of a Squirming Coil / Piper vibe with Page on the piano there, a bit of a island flair that could be a Ya Mar excursion.. Have a feeling it's something familiar from 97 that right under our noses.
, comment by SkyTrainWand
SkyTrainWand I don't think the MJM is from 12-4-91 though... This is tricky
, comment by Doctor_Smarty
Doctor_Smarty 7/1/97 "Jam" before Loving Cup

gimme little drink
, comment by uctweezer
uctweezer Only other thing that hasn't been mentioned here is a potential switcheroo -- Allen Woody played in Mule and the Allmans though he never sat in with Phish... Hmmm...
, comment by phishpyle
phishpyle 6/30/2000 Mango (It moved!)> Twist (these pretzels are making me thirsty!)
, comment by SkyTrainWand
SkyTrainWand Also, the MJM is in Bb major... indicating a possible Simple or Wolfman's. I would be surprised if it was Reba, I'm not really sure how many other songs are in F or Bb
, comment by NickSalv
NickSalv 7/29/97 Twist

like a pretzel. and hot weather makes you thirsty. im lost.
, comment by NickSalv
NickSalv pullin for a type 2 here... cant get Phishtracks to play today at work, got a fresh new ipod but have yet to put on any 97-98. what am i doing with my life
, comment by TheNonArmenianMan
TheNonArmenianMan Definitely not from 12-4-91, the show is too high energy. Thought it might be hidden in that Lizards or Mango somewhere but to no avail...and the Reba is a typical whistle-Reba so it's not him either.
, comment by uctweezer
uctweezer @SkyTrainWand said:
Also, the MJM is in Bb major... indicating a possible Simple or Wolfman's. I would be surprised if it was Reba, I'm not really sure how many other songs are in F or Bb
Pretty sure the Reba jam is technically in Bb major and that Trey typically jams in F mixolydian over the top of it... but I don't remember.
, comment by Jackaroe
Jackaroe 12/30/97 Hood
, comment by freetorun
freetorun 3/11/92 Reba
, comment by SkyTrainWand
SkyTrainWand this is so HARD. damnit. Really picked a good one here, @bl002e
, comment by pistilstamen
pistilstamen I thought it would be one of those melodious Mike's Songs from '98, then I thought it might be a Limb from Fall '98 (which are really awesome, btw), then after the hit I tried the 12-30-98 Coil, but I keep coming up empty.
, comment by Wondrous_Glow
Wondrous_Glow 8-2-97 wolfman's
, comment by akjed
akjed 07/08/99 Fee
, comment by ekstewie1441
ekstewie1441 Wild guess...10/9/99 Simple
, comment by WayIFeel
WayIFeel @pistilstamen said:
I thought it would be one of those melodious Mike's Songs from '98, then I thought it might be a Limb from Fall '98 (which are really awesome, btw), then after the hit I tried the 12-30-98 Coil, but I keep coming up empty.
I'm convinced it's a '98 jam.
, comment by The_Good_Doctor
The_Good_Doctor 12/30/94 Simple
, comment by andrewrose
andrewrose I'm assuming all the 12/30/94 guesses have to do with the fact that Jerry Seinfeld was the guest on Letterman when Phish played on that day...
, comment by Cyrnix
Cyrnix I was tHinking the fact that he's drinking a Shasta...mt shasta...idk. I've tried to Find a correlation but I'm coming up empty.
, comment by forbin1
forbin1 12/30/98 Coil

, comment by kozb4209
kozb4209 mikes song 12/28/1996
, comment by 3PointOhKeePa
3PointOhKeePa 12-4-91 SUNY Plattsburgh Reba!
, comment by thebull288
thebull288 Reba - 12/4/96 in San Diego
, comment by likeaghost
likeaghost 8/16/96 Hood
, comment by phamilyguy91
phamilyguy91 Reba 8-7-10 Greek theater
, comment by bassbombaficionado
bassbombaficionado limb by limb 12.4.1999.
, comment by bassbombaficionado
bassbombaficionado shoot...i mean limb by limb 12.3.99
, comment by PersnicketyJim
PersnicketyJim What if it's Timber. You know, Timber (Jerry).
, comment by kevron79
kevron79 It really sounds like fall tour 98'

Im really stumped.....11-6-98 Kohl Center?
, comment by Blackeydsloth
Blackeydsloth 12/1/96 Simple
, comment by sirhotpants
sirhotpants @bassbombafficionado: What. An awesome. Avatar.
, comment by mcgrupp81
mcgrupp81 I heard those Page piano notes and thought it sounded like a trolley. I typed in "trolley",
"Phish", and "Page" and the first result was the link to the setlist to 12/4/91. The reviewer made reference to that trolley piano work as a tease of Mr. Roger's Neighborhood. Weird.

I could have done without the clue.
, comment by frankzappasmustache2012
frankzappasmustache2012 @uctweezer said:
@SkyTrainWand said:
Also, the MJM is in Bb major... indicating a possible Simple or Wolfman's. I would be surprised if it was Reba, I'm not really sure how many other songs are in F or Bb
Pretty sure the Reba jam is technically in Bb major and that Trey typically jams in F mixolydian over the top of it... but I don't remember.
It's Eb lydian I believe. F mixolydian contains the same notes, though.
, comment by walstib
walstib I'd think the Seinfeld reference is regarding a Suzy as somebody else mentioned.

, comment by Dudeclark5
Dudeclark5 Maybe the hint is regarding the date or year? Anyone recognize that episode? Check the year it was debuted.
, comment by toddwcorey
toddwcorey I'm going with 12/4/91 Stash. That TV still is from "The Alternate Side" episode, which originally aired on that date. The drums sound Stash-like and a Dm jam could conceivably move to Bb.
, comment by mmbyem
mmbyem Mule 12/28/97?????
, comment by HighClassWook
HighClassWook @Dudeclark5 said:
Maybe the hint is regarding the date or year? Anyone recognize that episode? Check the year it was debuted.
, comment by stevemott
stevemott Simple 8/3/97
, comment by jragz44
jragz44 Coil 4/19/91
, comment by phellow
phellow It's gotta be Simple in Bb major. I've scrubbed PT thoroughly to no avail... though Reba in Eb maj fits just as well.
, comment by Brandonclick77
Brandonclick77 These pretzels are making me thirsty!
, comment by MJZ1974
MJZ1974 7-7-99 2001
, comment by uctweezer
uctweezer Is this it? That's all we g
, comment by uctweezer
uctweezer Phone fail. That's all we got? I HATE it when the blog wins...
, comment by GopherGuts
GopherGuts 09/10/1999 twist
, comment by TheBenWith
TheBenWith Timber 11/16/97
, comment by SkyTrainWand
SkyTrainWand Sid's nephew's foot operation in the Seinfeld episode made me think Bye Bye Foot or My Left Toe.

Checked... nope. still have no clue what this could be
, comment by IdRatherBeOnTour
IdRatherBeOnTour Twist 4/2/98
, comment by anaheim
anaheim suzy 6/17/04 (he tosses a hail mary, never having heard this version)
, comment by braindeadr
braindeadr In the end credits of early Seinfelds, the executive producer (or something like that) was listed as a Suzy Greenberg. Later episodes listed Suzy Mamman Greenberg. I always get a kick out of seeing that. This jam doesn't sound like a Suzy to me. I heard Coil first then thought Simple was possible. Hope this credit info helps somebody get it. Can t let The Blog get into double digit wins!
, comment by braindeadr
braindeadr This jam sounds way newer than '91 but what the hell. I don t have a better/real guess.

Squirming Coil 12/4/91
, comment by pauly
pauly The keys
, comment by nicu2
nicu2 I'm thinking gorge.....not George?
, comment by forbins0218
forbins0218 I was just going to say coil 1991 at Plattsburgh.
, comment by drshaws
drshaws I'm going with the only tour shirt I could find referencing pretzels - the 2010-11 NYE run. Hood 12/28/10
, comment by drucifer
drucifer 7-16-98 Coil
, comment by ottercreek
ottercreek i may be way of but it sounds like curtain to me
, comment by bushwood_a_dump
bushwood_a_dump I really wanted it to be one of the early Taste -> Water in the Sky combos (yes, these pretzels are making me thirsty), but no dice.

Whenever this bad boy is announced, I guarantee that I was within a week of it. If it ain't a '98, you can kick me to the curb.
, comment by Brandonclick77
Brandonclick77 I hear 96
, comment by RoundMound
RoundMound Based on the hint- George's Father is Frank, and the pretzel Line....

Frankie Says 04/02/98

Dont think its it but Twist Follows so maybe thats the hint?
, comment by BoxcarSocial
BoxcarSocial 8-3-97 Simple from the Gorge in George (Costanza), WA
, comment by uctweezer
uctweezer @BoxcarSocial said:
8-3-97 Simple from the Gorge in George (Costanza), WA
I think I checked '97 - '03 Gorge shows...
, comment by kozb4209
kozb4209 yay finally I won :)
, comment by uctweezer
uctweezer @kozb4209 said:
yay finally I won :)
Nice work phan!
, comment by drshaws
drshaws Funny - the 'obscureness' of the pretzel for NYE runs was the pretzel on the ticket - and I picked an NYE run with pretzel on the shirt.

Is the pretzel/NYE run relationship something to explore?
, comment by projmersch
projmersch @kozb4209 said:
yay finally I won :)
, comment by FirstTubeCT
FirstTubeCT @kozb4209 said:
mikes song 12/28/1996
Was this the winner?
, comment by bl002e
bl002e @FirstTubeCT said:
@kozb4209 said:
mikes song 12/28/1996
Was this the winner?
It was -- just check out the "Answer:" section of the blog entry, which is updated each week once the contest is over.
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