Lawn Boy as performed by all

Date Venue Artist Set Song Before Song After Notes Comments
1989-11-30 The Paradise Phish 1 Antelope Frankenstein Debut.
1989-12-01 The Paradise Phish e *** > Possum
1989-12-03 The Front Phish 1 Antelope Frankenstein
1989-12-07 8x10 Club Phish 2 Antelope Possum
1989-12-08 Withey Hall Dining Room, Gre... Phish e *** > Fire
1989-12-09 Huden Dining Hall, Castleton... Phish 1 Bowie Gin
1989-12-16 Contois Auditorium, City Hall Phish 1 Bag > Mike's
1989-12-29 23 East Cabaret Phish 1 Lizards Mike's
1989-12-30 The Wetlands Preserve Phish 2 La Grange Golgi
1990-01-20 Webster Hall, Dartmouth College Phish 2 La Grange Esther
1990-01-25 Penny Post Phish 2 Walk Away Whipping Post
1990-01-26 Tree Cafe Phish 2 Bag MSO
1990-01-28 The Front Phish e *** > BBFCFM
1990-02-24 The Bayou Phish 2 Gin Contact
1990-04-18 Herman's Hideaway Phish 2 Bold As Love Bowie
1990-04-22 Cutler Quad, Colorado College Phish e *** Golgi
1990-04-26 Dionysus Club, The 'Sco, Obe... Phish 1 Antelope ***
1990-04-28 The Strand Theater Phish 1 Antelope ***
1990-05-13 The Front Phish 1 Divided > Bowie
1990-05-28 Jack McConnell's House Phish 1 Satin Doll Contact
1990-05-30 The Pterodactyl Club Phish 2 Antelope Fluffhead
1990-06-01 The Cotton Club Phish 1 Bowie Bouncin'
1990-06-05 Cat's Cradle Phish 1 Bowie > Possum
1990-06-07 The Bayou Phish e *** > BBFCFM
1990-06-09 The Wetlands Preserve Phish 1 Possum > Reba
1990-06-16 Townshend Family Park Phish 1 Timber Ho > > Possum
1990-09-20 Somerville Theatre Phish 2 Tube > Tweezer
1990-09-22 Student Union Ballroom, Univ... Phish 2 Lizards > Possum
1990-09-29 23 East Cabaret Phish e *** ***
1990-10-11 The Jade Elephant Phish 1 Antelope ***
1990-10-17 The Pterodactyl Club Phish e *** Golgi
1990-11-02 Glenn Miller Ballroom, Unive... Phish e *** > La Grange
1990-11-15 Lengyel Gym, University of M... Phish e *** Golgi
1990-11-16 Campus Club Phish 2 Weekapaug Tube
1990-11-17 Somerville Theatre Phish 2 Possum Rocky Top
1990-11-24 The Capitol Theatre Phish e *** Divided
1990-11-28 Clement's Brew Pub Phish e *** Rocky Top
1990-12-02 The Front Phish e *** Golgi Dave Grippo on saxophone.
1990-12-29 Campus Club Phish 1 Bowie Rocky Top
1991-02-02 Alumni Gymnasium Phish 2 Antelope > Gin
1991-02-04 The Front Phish 2 Antelope Funky Bitch
1991-02-08 The Music Hall Phish 2 Cavern > Mike's
1991-02-09 John M. Greene Hall, Smith C... Phish e *** Suzy
1991-02-14 State Theatre Of Ithaca Phish 1 Stash Oh Kee Pa
1991-02-16 The Marquee Phish e *** Fire
1991-02-27 Arnold’s Flamingo Grill Phish 2 Bowie > Oh Kee Pa
1991-03-09 Tipitina's Phish e *** > Golgi
1991-03-17 Wheeler Opera House Phish e *** La Grange
1991-03-28 The Catalyst Phish e *** Fire
1991-04-02 International Beer Garden Phish 2 Divided > Cavern
1991-04-04 WOW Hall Phish 2 Bowie > Landlady
1991-04-11 The Cave, Carleton College Phish 2 SOAMelt Landlady
1991-04-13 Biddy Mulligan’s Phish e *** Highway to Hell
1991-04-22 Billings Lounge, UVM Phish e *** > Rocky Top
1991-05-17 Campus Club Phish e *** Golgi Carl Gerhard on trumpet.
1991-07-19 Somerville Theatre Phish e *** > Runaway Jim Carl Gerhard on trumpet.
1991-07-21 Arrowhead Ranch Phish 2 Runaway Jim Sloth Carl Gerhard on trumpet.
1991-07-26 The Georgia Theatre Phish e *** Frankenstein Carl Gerhard on trumpet.
1991-08-03 Amy's Farm Phish 3 Fluffhead > > MSO
1991-09-26 State Theatre Of Ithaca Phish 2 Weekapaug > CDT
1991-09-28 The Rink Phish 2 Antelope > Lizards
1991-10-02 The Cubby Bear Phish 2 Runaway Jim Stash
1991-10-04 Barrymore Theatre Phish 2 Runaway Jim > Stash
1991-10-12 Roseland Theater Phish e *** > Rocky Top Artis the Spoonman.
1991-10-17 Great American Music Hall Phish 2 Bowie > Fluffhead
1991-10-26 Club West Phish e *** Fire
1991-10-30 Boulder Theater Phish 2 Antelope > Wilson
1991-11-07 Tipitina's Phish e2 *** Fire
1991-11-15 Trax Phish 1 Divided Golgi
1991-11-22 Sullivan Gymnasium, Universi... Phish 1 Divided Dinner and a Movie
1991-12-06 McCullough Social Hall, McCu... Phish e Wait > Rocky Top (The Christmas Song tease)
1991-12-31 Worcester Memorial Auditorium Phish e *** > Rocky Top (The Christmas Song tease)
1992-03-20 Broome County Forum Phish e *** Fire
1992-03-24 Flood Zone Phish e *** Fire
1992-04-01 Liberty Hall Phish e2 *** GTBT
1992-04-05 The Fox Theatre Phish e *** > Rocky Top
1992-04-12 Arizona Ballroom Phish 2 YEM NICU
1992-04-19 The Catalyst Phish 2 Llama Cold as Ice
1992-05-01 The Rave Phish e *** GTBT
1992-05-17 Achilles Rink, Union College Phish e *** > GTBT
1992-11-27 The Capitol Theatre Phish 1 SOAMelt Reba
1992-12-03 Bogart's Phish 2 Weekapaug > It's Ice
1992-12-05 The Vic Theatre Phish 2 Maze Mike's
1992-12-08 Barrymore Theatre Phish 2 Antelope > Sparkle
1993-02-04 Providence Performing Arts C... Phish 2 Weekapaug Uncle Pen
1993-02-06 Roseland Ballroom Phish 1 Divided Wedge
1993-02-11 Haas Center for the Arts Phish 1 Llama Bowie
1993-02-13 Bob Carpenter Center Phish 1 Stash > Maze
1993-02-18 Electric Ballroom Phish 1 Reba Antelope
1993-02-19 Roxy Theatre Phish 2 BBJ Funky Bitch
1993-02-23 The Edge Night Club Phish 1 Reba CDT
1993-02-27 Florida Theatre Phish 1 PYITE > Antelope
1993-03-03 Tipitina's Phish 1 Runaway Jim Cavern Carl Gerhard on trumpet.
1993-03-09 Pike's Peak Center Phish 2 Reba Mike's
1993-03-16 Celebrity Theatre Phish 2 HYHU > Llama
1993-03-21 Ventura Theatre Phish 1 PYITE > Possum
1993-03-28 East Gym, Humboldt State Uni... Phish 1 It's Ice Antelope
1993-04-01 Roseland Theater Phish 1 Fluffhead Antelope (Sugar Mountain tease)
1993-04-10 Aragon Ballroom Phish 1 CDT Bowie
1993-04-20 Newport Music Hall Phish 1 Uncle Pen Bowie
1993-04-23 Cotterell Court, Reid Athlet... Phish 1 Guelah CDT
1993-04-30 Sports Center, University of... Phish 1 Cavern > ATR
1993-05-03 State Theatre Phish 1 Possum > Cavern
1993-05-06 Palace Theatre Phish 1 Possum Why You Been Gone So Long? Dick Solberg on violin.
1993-07-18 IC Light Amphitheater Phish 1 Divided Uncle Pen
1993-07-23 Jones Beach Phish 1 It's Ice > > Cavern
1993-08-12 Meadow Brook Music Festival Phish 2 Maze BBJ
1993-08-21 Saltair Pavilion Phish 2 Llama > Bowie Béla Fleck on electric banjo, Vi...
1993-12-31 The Centrum Phish 2 Possum YEM
1994-04-08 Recreation Hall, Penn State ... Phish 1 If I Could Llama
1994-05-02 Five Points South Music Hall Phish 2 Julius > Mike's
1994-07-06 Theatre St. Denis Phish 2 Tweezer > CDT
1994-10-08 Patriot Center, George Mason... Phish 1 It's Ice > Antelope
1994-10-29 Spartanburg Memorial Auditorium Phish 1 Foam SOAMelt
1994-11-14 DeVos Hall Phish 1 Maze > Cavern
1994-12-10 Civic Auditorium Phish 1 Divided > CDT
1995-06-17 Nissan Pavilion at Stone Ridge Phish 1 Julius Curtain
1995-10-19 Municipal Auditorium Phish 2 Weekapaug > > BBFCFM
1995-11-18 North Charleston Coliseum Phish 1 Reba PYITE
1995-12-09 Knickerbocker Arena Phish 2 YEM Slave
1996-08-07 Red Rocks Amphitheatre Phish 1 Taste Ninety-Nine Years (and One Dark Day)
1996-10-22 MSG Phish 2 Mango SOAMule
1996-11-16 Civic Auditorium Phish 1 Bowie > Sparkle
1996-12-04 Sports Arena Phish 2 Reba Weekapaug Trey thanked the caterers.
1997-03-01 Markthalle Phish 2 Mike's -> > Weekapaug (The End (The Doors) quote)
1997-08-09 Alpine Valley Phish 1 Reba > Crossroads
1997-08-16 Loring Commerce Centre Phish 3 Llama > LxL
1997-11-21 Hampton Coliseum Phish 1 PYITE -> > CDT "Anti-drum solo." (Emotional Rescue quote)
1998-04-04 Providence Civic Center Phish 1 LxL Character Zero
1998-06-30 The Grey Hall Phish 2 Antelope Ya Mar
1998-07-05 Lucerna Theatre Phish 1 Water in the Sky > > CDT
1998-07-20 Ventura County Fairgrounds Phish 1 Poor Heart MSO
1998-08-01 Alpine Valley Phish 1 BOAF > Funky Bitch
1998-08-16 Loring Commerce Centre Phish 1 PYITE Ya Mar
1998-10-15 The Fillmore Phish 2 BOAF Hood
1998-10-31 Thomas & Mack Center Phish 1 CDT > Mike's
1998-11-18 BI-LO Center Phish 1 Guyute Love Me
1998-11-21 Hampton Coliseum Phish 1 BBFCFM Divided
1999-07-13 Tweeter Center Phish 1 NO2 Reba
1999-09-12 Portland Meadows Phish 1 BOAF Possum
1999-09-17 Shoreline Amphitheatre Phish 1 Ghost > > Peaches
1999-12-05 BlueCross Arena Phish 1 Tube Ginseng
1999-12-16 Reynolds Coliseum Phish 1 CDT LxL
1999-12-31 Big Cypress Phish 2 Free HYHU
2000-06-10 Zepp Phish 1 Piper Guyute
2000-07-04 E Centre Phish e *** GTBT Fireworks display on stage and i...
2000-09-17 Merriweather Phish 1 Moma Fluffhead
2000-09-24 Target Center Phish 2 Carini HYHU
2000-10-01 Blockbuster Desert Sky Pavilion Phish 1 Llama Runaway Jim
2002-07-24 Irving Plaza Vida Blue e *** CTB With Mike on bass.
2002-12-31 MSG Phish 2 Divided Carini
2003-02-18 Pepsi Center Phish 1 BOAF WotC
2003-03-01 Greensboro Coliseum Phish 1 Foam Character Zero
2003-04-09 The Vic Theatre Vida Blue e *** No Quarter Duet with Page on upright piano ...
2003-07-10 Shoreline Amphitheatre Phish 1 Reba Moma
2003-07-19 Alpine Valley Phish 1 Rocky Top Julius
2003-08-02 Loring Commerce Centre Phish 2 Brother Discern
2003-12-31 American Airlines Arena Phish 2 Seven Below > CDT
2004-01-08 9:30 Club Vida Blue and The Spam Allstars e Army of One No Quarter Page solo on upright acoustic pi...
2004-01-10 Roseland Ballroom Vida Blue and The Spam Allstars e Army of One *** Page on upright, acoustic piano;...
2004-06-25 Alpine Valley Phish 2 Buffalo Bill > > Mike's
2004-08-12 Tweeter Center at the Waterf... Phish e *** Frankenstein
2005-11-14 McCarter Theatre, Princeton ... Trey Anastasio Band 1 LxL Waste Trey on acoustic and Tom Marshal...
2009-03-07 Hampton Coliseum Phish 1 Guelah Antelope
2009-06-06 Comcast Center Phish 1 Jibboo Let Me Lie
2009-06-19 Verizon Wireless Music Center Phish 1 SOAMelt Wedge
2009-07-31 Red Rocks Amphitheatre Phish 1 TTE Water in the Sky
2009-08-14 The Comcast Theatre Phish 1 BOAF Stash
2009-10-31 Empire Polo Club Phish 1 Divided KDF
2009-11-22 War Memorial at Oncenter Phish 1 KDF Heavy Things
2009-12-03 MSG Phish 1 Stash TTE
2009-12-31 American Airlines Arena Phish 1 Seven Below Julius
2010-06-15 nTelos Pavilion Phish 1 Slave Poor Heart
2010-06-20 SPAC Phish 1 Sleep Again Antelope
2010-07-04 Verizon Wireless Amphitheatr... Phish 1 My Friend > Bowie
2010-08-14 Alpine Valley Phish 1 Circus Sparkle
2010-10-23 Mullins Center, University o... Phish 1 Tweezer Sparkle
2011-02-20 House of Blues Trey Anastasio Band 1 BDTNL Let Me Lie Trey acoustic with Russ Remingto...
2011-02-23 Electric Factory Trey Anastasio Band 1 Waste Liquid Time Trey acoustic with Tony and Russ...
2011-03-01 The Ogden Theatre Trey Anastasio Band 1 Strange Design Let Me Lie Trey acoustic with Russell and T...
2011-06-05 Riverbend Music Center Phish 1 Taste Mound
2011-07-02 Watkins Glen Phish 1 Ocelot Divided
2011-08-08 Hollywood Bowl Phish 1 KDF Tube
2011-12-31 MSG Phish 1 STFTFP Jibboo
2012-06-16 Bader Field Phish 1 Horse Possum
2012-07-07 SPAC Phish 1 Maze Peaches
2012-08-24 Oak Mountain Amphitheatre Phish 1 BOTT DwD
2012-12-31 MSG Phish 3 Wilson *** A Cappella.
2013-07-10 PNC Bank Arts Center Phish 1 Gin > Ya Mar
2013-07-20 Northerly Island Phish 1 Cities IDK
2013-07-31 Lake Tahoe Outdoor Arena at ... Phish 1 KDF Ocelot
2013-08-05 Hollywood Bowl Phish 1 STFTFP Wolfman's
2013-08-30 Dick's Phish 1 Stash LxL
2013-10-27 XL Center Phish 1 Maze Nellie Kane
2013-12-30 MSG Phish 1 46 Days Heavy Things
2014-04-26 New Orleans Fairgrounds Phish 1 Wolfman's Party Time
2014-07-16 Pine Knob Phish 1 STFTFP Yarmouth Road
2014-07-26 Merriweather Phish 1 Nellie Kane The Line
2014-08-31 Dick's Phish 1 ASIHTOS Wolfman's
2014-10-18 Key Arena Phish 1 Sugar Shack KDF
2014-10-31 MGM Grand Phish 1 BBFCFM Saw It Again Fish drum solo.
2015-01-01 American Airlines Arena Phish 1 Bowie Undermind
2015-07-28 Austin360 Amphitheater Phish 1 Possum Bouncin'
2015-08-04 Ascend Amphitheater Phish 1 Stash WotC
2015-08-14 Walnut Creek Phish 1 Waiting All Night Devotion To a Dream
2016-01-01 MSG Phish 1 Ocelot Antelope
2016-06-26 Klipsch Music Center Phish 1 Maze Breath and Burning
2016-07-03 SPAC Phish 1 Sugar Shack Sparkle
2016-07-15 The Gorge Phish 1 KDF Ass Handed
2016-10-18 Ascend Amphitheater Phish 1 Ghost Halley's
2016-10-29 MGM Grand Phish 1 Gumbo Wilson
2016-12-31 MSG Phish 1 My Soul Divided
2017-03-10 Troy Savings Bank Music Hall Trey Anastasio 1 Velvet Sea Summer of '89 Trey solo acoustic.
2017-07-16 Huntington Bank Pavilion at ... Phish 1 Ocelot Stash
2017-07-25 MSG Phish 1 Sample > My Friend Page on keytar.
2017-07-25 MSG Phish e Julius > ***
2017-08-06 MSG Phish e On the Road Again > > Tweeprise
2018-07-18 Lake Tahoe Outdoor Arena at ... Phish 1 Wedge BOTT
2018-08-07 BB&T Pavilion Phish 1 Blaze On Infinite
2018-10-23 Ascend Amphitheater Phish 1 The Old Home Place Cool It Down
2018-12-31 MSG Phish 1 Sand Steam
2019-06-18 Budweiser Stage Phish 1 Ruby Waves YEM
2019-07-12 Alpine Valley Phish 1 Set Your Soul Free > Camel Walk
2019-10-18 Riverside Theater Trey Anastasio e Sanity Say It To Me S.A.N.T.O.S. Trey solo acoustic.
2019-11-30 Dunkin' Donuts Center Phish 1 The Old Home Place IDK
2021-08-06 Ruoff Music Center Phish 1 Sand WACTOOB
2021-10-17 Chase Center Phish e *** Wolfman's
2022-07-22 Bethel Woods Phish 1 Meat > My Friend
2022-08-10 Budweiser Stage Phish e *** Say It To Me S.A.N.T.O.S.
2023-04-19 William Randolph Hearst Gree... Phish 1 Runaway Jim Halley's
2023-07-19 Live Oak Bank Pavilion at Ri... Phish 1 Hey Stranger BOTT
2024-07-31 Chaifetz Arena, Saint Louis ... Phish 1 BOTT BDTNL
2025-03-11 F. M. Kirby Center for the P... Trey Anastasio 1 Dog Faced Boy WGTYM Trey solo acoustic.

"Lawn Boy" was teased at the following shows

Show Date Artist Song (Tease Type) Venue
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1990-04-18 Phish David Bowie () Herman's Hideaway, Denver, CO, USA
1990-11-02 Phish David Bowie () Glenn Miller Ballroom, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA
1993-02-11 Phish David Bowie () Haas Center for the Arts, Bloomsburg, PA, USA
1993-04-10 Phish David Bowie () Aragon Ballroom, Chicago, IL, USA
1993-04-20 Phish David Bowie () Newport Music Hall, Columbus, OH, USA
1994-07-06 Phish Chalk Dust Torture () Theatre St. Denis, Montréal, Québec, Canada
1994-11-14 Phish Cavern () DeVos Hall, Grand Rapids, MI, USA
2005-11-11 Trey Anastasio Band Divided Sky () Utica Memorial Auditorium, Utica, NY, USA
2012-06-16 Phish Possum () Bader Field, Atlantic City, NJ, USA
2013-07-10 Phish Ya Mar () PNC Bank Arts Center, Holmdel, NJ, USA

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Yellow indicates you were in attendance.
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This project serves to compile, preserve, and protect encyclopedic information about Phish and their music.

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