This show featured some great stage banter. Brother was dedicated to “the guy who offered us $10,000 to play a different song.” In the HYHU intro, Fish said “I hate this fucking song,” that the only reason the band plays the song is because he hates it and added “All I have do in this band is say I hate something, and it’ll be done forever.” Trey told the crowd that HYHU is the Henrietta theme precisely because Fish hates it. “It used to be ‘La Bamba,’” he noted, prompting Mike to play a bit of La Bamba. The HYHU outro featured Fish on trombone and later telling the crowd "you paid for this, this is what you bought." Trey said "If you only knew what a nightmare that was for poor Fish, having to listen to that song" and Fish responded with “they just do it out of HATE.” Trey asked who could tell him who wrote that song, and a fan answered correctly. Trey said the fan won the $10,000 the other guy was going to give them to a play a song and Page said the fan won a date with Fish, with Trey adding "and you can guarantee that he'll be late." After Golgi, Trey thanked the crowd, saying "we'll be right back with more songs that Fish hates, more songs that we love, and more songs that people are willing to pay $10,000 to hear." Trey introduced Page as Leon before his piano solos in My Sweet One and Rocky Top. Before Fish's trombone solo in I Didn't Know, Trey mentioned the last time they played in the area (see 4/11/91), they made Fish get up and tell a joke (The Prison Joke) that was "absolutely the stupidest joke ever" and that he (Trey) wasn't going tell the punchline. Trey went on to explain that most people around here thought Fish was a pretty bad joke teller and he wanted to give him a chance to redeem himself.  Fish's joke was "Why did the Siamese twins go to England? To let the other one drive for a while." Page also teased HYHU while Trey talked. Adeline was sung from the balcony without microphones to open the encore. Possum contained two Charlie Chan signals as well as Simpsons and Random Laugh signals in its intro and subsequently contained Rock On (David Essex) teases.
Jam Chart Versions
Hold Your Head Up tease in I Didn't Know, Rock On tease in Possum, La Bamba tease
Debut Years (Average: 1988)

This show was part of the "1991 Fall Tour"

Show Reviews

, attached to 1991-10-06

Review by Anonymous

(Published on the legacy site many years ago...)

After planning and planning Phish finally played at the Student Union at my school yesterday. I got to be a roadie for the day and it was quite fun!

We built the stage the night before. The show was to be in this big echo-y hall in the Union. We had to double the size of the stage to accomodate all of the equipment.

When Chris walked in the first thing he said was, "Wow...good stage." We were psyched. So we unloaded the truck and helped to set up. I was extra psyched because I've just ALWAYS wanted to be a roadie. Anyway, that took a while. The band showed up later and there was a sound check.

The show was GREAT!!!!!!!! There were only like 300 people there and it was someplace that was SO familiar to me. It was a very intimate feeling. They started out with a killer Suzy and into Foam. It took a while, but everyone ended up dancing!! Being here in the Midwest not very many people had heard of Phish and a lot of people were really skeptical of the show. It was definitely a success!!! The majority of people loved it!!

For the encore the band went up and did Sweet Adeline from the balcony!! I was up there to get a better view of everything and to have more room to dance (it was cut off from the crowd) and they just came up and started to sing. It was excellent. I heard Possum which I hadn't heard for a while. The only thing that I didn't hear in the 2 shows that I would have liked to is Lizards. I haven't heard that in the past like 5 shows I've seen. Oh well. Both shows I saw were definitely kicking!!!! Colorado, beware!!!!!!! They were psyched for the drive out there. This band is HOT!! I only wish I could go to CA and see them at the Great American Music Hall!!!!

The band seems very happy on tour. They really liked it at Mac, which made all of us who helped to bring them here very happy. All in all it was a terrific success and I can't believe that I can't see Phish again til New Years.
, attached to 1991-10-06

Review by kipmat

kipmat I love the other, older review for this show, but I couldn't help but LOL at the last thought, "I can't believe that I can't see Phish again til New Years". Hey bro, you think three months is a long time to wait for a Phish show, try waiting five years! And what's up with a college kid in St. Paul wanting to travel all the way to Massachusetts, just to see this band? IDK, that sounds too crazy to me ;-)

Anyway, this show is a winner for the fun banter, the double-dose of Fishman, and the setlist curveballs. Making their tour debuts on this night were AC/DC Bag, TMWSIY>Avenu Malkenu, and Harry Hood, three "rarities" of the band's repertoire at this time, although they don't sound rusty at all. Phish was a hydro-electric plant of power by 1991, and the SBD recording lets us revel in the glow these four musicians radiate. Easily the best show of the tour so far, but it wouldn't take very long for the band to top this night 8-)
, attached to 1991-10-06

Review by thelot

thelot The SBD source for this show suffers from multiple cassette generations but is still pretty listenable. Thanks to Todd for getting this rare recording into circulation and Arty for cleaning it up!

The first half of the set is standard fair for this tour. Things begin to get interesting starting with a decent Bag. Trey’s a little rusty in parts of TMWSIY. Another Solid version of Brother. After Brother Trey introduces the song and dedicates it to the guy that offered the band $10,000 dollars to play a different song that night. “Anytime you wanna come up and give us the money we’ll play it!” lol While Mike is changing his bass string they get Henrietta up for a little ditty. Fun banter around Fish’s distain for his Henrietta theme song, HYHU. Fish pulls out his bone for the HYHU outro. At the end of Golgi Trey says “we’ll be right back with more songs that Fish hates, more songs that we love and more songs that people are willing to pay $10,000 dollars to hear!” lol

An inspired MSO gets the second set underway. A decent Stash follows. Enjoyable Hood. During I Didn’t Know Trey apologized for Fish’s horrible joke the last time they played in the area at Carlton College. He offered Fish a chance to come center stage for his typical vac/bone solo to redeem himself with another joke. He ends up telling the same joke he told during BBFCFM at The Rink in Buffalo on 9/28. The Possum to end the show rips!
, attached to 1991-10-06

Review by kevinAreHollo

kevinAreHollo I've been obsessing over this Divided Sky since a local tour rat taper guy gave me a single cassette with 80% of this show on it back in '93 or '94.

There is a rawness and fire to the outro that I simply haven't heard matched by another (10/31/94 comes pretty damn close). The band plays with the tonic/modal center of the jam, Trey screeching into and out of dissonance, Mike sounding like a bebop horn player chasing the upper register of his instrument. Fishman is a freight train. I know some don't care for the electric piano but I love how it cuts through the noise and Page can jumps back and forth to the organ with each crescendo.

There are longer versions of Divided Sky. There are tighter composed sections. But none of them move me quite like this.

Time to add it to the jam chart!
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