Soundcheck: Three Little Birds, Pebbles and Marbles, Tela, Colonel Forbin's Ascent > Fly Famous Mockingbird, The Mango Song, Most Events Aren't Planned, Driver, Sleep

SET 1: The Curtain With > Fast Enough for You > Buried Alive > Camel Walk, Reba > Sample in a Jar, Pebbles and Marbles, Tela > The Mango Song > Driver > David Bowie

SET 2: Mr. Completely > Twenty Years Later > Big Black Furry Creature from Mars > Tweezer > Shade > Most Events Aren't Planned, Makisupa Policeman > Chalk Dust Torture > Suzy Greenberg

ENCORE: Punch You in the Eye > What's the Use? > Julius

BBFCFM contained a Your Pet Cat quote from Page and an Ass Handed quote from Fish.

© 2019 Phish (Patrick Jordan)

Jam Chart Versions
Ass Handed and Your Pet Cat quotes in Big Black Furry Creature from Mars
Debut Years (Average: 1994)

This show was part of the "2019 Summer Tour"

Show Reviews

, attached to 2019-06-30

Review by PhillyPhilly

PhillyPhilly Why do we see this band so many goddamn times??? Tonight’s show. Chef’s kiss. Larry David “prettay prettay good” meme. This was a Phish show folks.

Blending, and for my money surpassing, both the depth of jamming from Friday night S2 and the rocking peaks of Saturday, Phish delivered an epic Sunday throw down in Camden, slamming the calendar on June with authority.

And at this moment I realize that not one GotF or Kasvot song made an appearance tonight.... take from that what you will....

The Curtain is one of my favorite show openers. Aside: my other favorite opened the encore?! The “With” jam is beautiful and introspective. Just a lovely way to settle into a show.

Fast Enough for You bust out follows, and would be the first of many rare tunes this evening. FEFY is very nicely played, complete with tight soloing from Trey.

The fast paced cow funk of Buried Alive follows, another song which is high on my list of favorite show openers. Buried Alive gets the room shaking, and revved up for a funky Camel Walk. Nicely played, we funk our stuff, and then we get a Reba.

The Jersey crowd is pumped for this Reba and, after a not quite perfect but held-together composer section, the band rewards with a beautiful peaking Reba jam, the first really big peak of the night.

Wet whistles complete, we get to pump our fists and belt out the familiar lyrics of Sample. Trey rips a firey solo, much to our collective delight.

The next song to bust out is Pebbles & Marbles. Extremely well played version to my ears, especially given its rarity. It’s brought to a soaringly triumphant peak.

Tela is a cool down, I suppose. Another relative rarity, not perfectly played but soulfully played. A lullaby the breezes whisper.

Mango Song, fuck yes! Another bust out?? I love me some Mangoes, this one was no exception.

Driver, wow. String of bust outs continue. First time seen for me. This is a gorgeous song that I never thought I would get to hear.

Bowie straight up rips faces. Huge, huge closing string of peaks.

This was one hell of a S1. Friends are collected and dispersed again during set break, and before long the lights hit for S2.

Mr Completely! The Phish versions of this TAB beast have been very successful and tonight’s is no exception. Deeply funked out jamming ensues, stretching to the 17 min mark.

Twenty Years Later. No one saw you coming huh?? In fact mild disappointment could be seen on a few faces when this song rang out, presumably being less than thrilled with the setlist location. Instead the Camden 20YL snatches the ring from Reading ‘13 to become your new best-ever version. This 20YL was many things. A Funk Beast. A polyrhythmic psychedelic mind fuck. A multiple peaker. What do you want from your huge Phish jam? Listen to this 21+ min 20YL and ye shall receive it.

Instead of the expected cool down we’re ready to put our Metal faces on for the BBFCFM. This Creature shreds straight into the Sunday Tweezer that we all felt, and many called, all night long.

The Tweezer chords send Camden into a frenzy, and the band responds with a straight-up shredder version of this marquee song, recalling memories of the S2 closing version at this same venue from ‘09.

Finally, we cool down in the Shade. My first time seen for this pretty ditty.

What is this funk pounding rhythm that emerges next? Most Events Aren’t Planned??!! Sick deep S2 song choice, and a funk party ensues.

Makisupa Policeman continues the late set funk, including a short but sweet Mike solo followed by a brief Mike v Trey duel.

Chalk Dust > Suzy is just more rocking party music for a Camden crowd that could not get enough this weekend.

PYITE? What are you doing in the encore slot?? Rocking shit a little more is the answer. WTU? Another very non-standard encore, beautifully and delicately played, quiet and patient, before emerging for the big orchestral peak. Julius, hello, finally a familiar encore face!

Julius rock will give way to a Tweeprise bomb, obviously ?? No! Tweezer ICBM remains in its tube, guessing launch codes will be entered for SPAC.

Camden has to settle for a triumphant, deep, inspired, rocking inferno of a Sunday show to cap this three show run.

The band is officially on fire. Miss the rest of this summer tour at your peril. You’ve been warned.
, attached to 2019-06-30

Review by kyleindeed

kyleindeed Simply the best show of the summer. Top to bottom. Maybe my favorite show yet again. Phish continues to top themselves!

Energy in Set 1 incredible! First Reba!!! All sorts of other songs I’d never heard or hadn’t heard in a long time.

S2 Mr Completely opener killed!!! Best TYL ever!!! BBFCFM > Tweezer was utterly stupendous!!! MEAPsupaTorturedGreenberg FTW!!!

Encore PYITE >WTFU(?!?!?!)>Julius keeps the roof blown off after S2 sent it high into the depths of space!!!

Great summer tour for me... 4 lovely shows and great experiences.. now I’m going home to my couch for more!!!!
, attached to 2019-06-30

Review by Phunky_Mango

Phunky_Mango I attended the show and I have to say, that it was one of the best shows I have seen. The soundcheck added a hype around the show in which I did not think it was going to deliver. Never go into a Phish show with expectations. I did, and I was BLOWN AWAY. The song choices, placement and flow of the show just had added another layer of Phishy-ness that some shows just don't have. The crowd was so locked into every note, you could feel the energy and synergy between band and crowd.

Once The Curtain With opened, we all knew it was going to be one of those nights. The rarities started to pour and I was very happy to catch my first Tela and Driver. Add in Mango, Buried, Pebbles (!!), and Reba, and you have a delicious first set. Again, the flow of the set is just outstanding.

A lot has been said of the 2nd set already and rightfully so. Many fans have been chasing a Mr. Completely and it delivered. I think everyone in attendance knew that once TYL dropped, it was going to be a Reading 2013 type of version. We were ready for it to open up and boy did it ever. A MUST HEAR version. No breather was to happen after and BBFCFM > Tweezer lit the venue on fire. Begging for a cool down song to just take a drink of my beer, and here comes Shade. Again, the song placement in this show was just perfect. I needed Shade more than anyone to just BREATHE.

I was surprised Most Events Aren't Planned didn't get a bigger reaction. I may have screamed louder for this song than Tela. Such a treat to catch MEAP live and it was a song I have been chasing ever since the Bakers version. Everything else played was simply cherry on top. Makisupa, Suzy (haven't caught one in about 30 shows) and then the very fun encore of PYITE > WTU > Julius.

I have seen some excellent shows, but Camden N3 just had that different feel to it. It reminded me of a Bakers Dozen feel. The feeling that you know you are witnessing something special for Phish and its fans. If you were there you know. The old "Never Miss a Sunday show" was in full affect. Do yourself a favor and just take off work on Monday to catch a Sunday show. You will not regret it.

It may have been mentioned in this thread, but Camden N3 on paper, reminded me a lot of Alpine 08/09/2015. Its a must add to anyone's IPod.

Simply put, it was one of those shows that makes you feel like it was your first Phish show. A circus of lights, where dreams can take flight.
, attached to 2019-06-30

Review by montrealcanadiensuck

montrealcanadiensuck Just about everything you want in a Sunday Show. gnar. gnar.
BBFCFM coming out tha wazoo. show reallly flowed seamlessly. missed the first couple but hey couch tour will do you in. camel walking into sampol. wow. pebs n marbs so underrated in the phish catelog. tela who's that!? thought the s2 was gonna end with makisupa. wow. cdt into ol suzy. what a calaasic.
, attached to 2019-06-30

Review by gingerphish

gingerphish I personally crossed so many rarities off my list, some I wasn't even thinking about hearing (Driver) and some I've been chasing for a while (Pebbles & FEFY). The first set had ballads and high energy songs mixed in but the rarity of the ballads made it 100% worth it for. Not to mention a beautiful Reba jam and a high energy Bowie? Let's be honest, when's the last time they nailed the Reba composed section without a few flubs. It's just not going to happen anymore. Appreciate the jam and move on.

The second set was just over the top. After a first set like we experienced, I'm always scared that the second set is going to be a let down and I'll think of the show that could have been (such as Camden N2 2018). You could tell from 5 minutes into the Mr. Completely that it wasn't going to be one of those nights. High energy, deep jam. 20YL had me scared but WOW. This jam has so many sections. At times, it seemed a little disjointed to me but by the end, it was a complete puzzle and definitely will be in the running for jam of the year. This set was just overall fantastic, a classic Tweezer that doesn't dive deep but is as energetic as the BBFCFM, a very well jammed Most Events Aren't Planned and a CDT> Suzy closer. Do I need to say more?

I do. This encore is nuts. People definitely waited around trying to get them to play Tweezer Reprise but that's alright. I heard it three times last year at MPP. That's not going to make or break a show this good. Listen at all costs. If you were there you know how special this was. So many times i turned around to friends and said "no way, are they playing ____" Special show for sure.
, attached to 2019-06-30

Review by whatstheuse324

whatstheuse324 Prior to 6/30/19, I had seen the previous four shows of the tour in Bangor and Camden with combinations of my wife and kids, sisters, close friends, cousins, nephews, and my niece. Night three of Camden was my grand finale for the summer. I’m a special education teacher and my summer program was starting up at 7:30 the next morning back in Pennsylvania. I was kid free for the night and ready to “completely” rock out one last time for the foreseeable future.

I had found a $10 parking lot on the first night up several blocks on Market St. It was about nine total blocks away but it saved me $30 compared to the $40 they were charging anywhere near the venue. It’s not necessarily wise to park too far away in Camden, but there were other Phish people in the know around. I made a new friend named Andrew who was parked next to me. I offered him a beer, but he told me that he was California sober. I found that extremely amusing. We had a nice conversation through Camden for the five minute walk until I found my friends Kevin, Alex, and his girlfriend Ashley in the main lot. Alex was rocking his “Gay for Trey” shirt. Everything was in its right place. Alex and Ashley had digital pavilion tickets that they shared with me and Kevin, so we were now able to traverse the lawn and seats.

After grabbing a beer, we stopped by speaker 2 on the lawn where I knew a whole crew of friends from Pennsylvania. We were only there for a few minutes when the show started. The butterflies in my stomach assumed the usual position.

The Curtain is a very special song for me, especially when it has the With ending. It reminds me of beautiful times from my younger years and also of Coventry. It’s figuratively the song that Phish chose to “die” to back in 2004 when they were ending their own story. For me, The Curtain With is like mass on Easter Sunday. Phish has now been back from the dead for ten years and this song has had magnificent versions played in the 3.0 era, especially the version on 6/10/11 from the very same venue. The version that opened this sunny and dry Sunday show in Camden felt just as incredible. Clocking in at more than twelve minutes, The Curtain With was played with precision and soul. It’s a fantastic version.

The opening strums for Fast Enough For You prompted me to turn to Kevin and say, “It’s gonna be one of those shows...” The band was bringing their A game tonight. Fast Enough For You was the song that opened the last set of Coventry and is a song that I play on the guitar for my kids at bedtime. For me personally, I saw this song for the first time exactly one hundred shows earlier in Camden 2003 and it was my first time seeing it since Merriweather 2010. I think of it as one of Phish’s most beautiful songs and I was able to hang on every note.

Kevin and I parted with Shelli, Eric, Amanda, Amanda, Alec, and Bob on the lawn and descended down to the pavilion as the drums for Buried Alive kicked up. This show was only three songs old and it was already blowing my mind. While Kevin got beer, I was out to find Alex and Ashley in the seats. First, I had to make my way through the sea of humanity in the concourse moat below the lawn. I have this patented walk/dance that effortlessly transcends my consciousness in situations like this. I break-dance-walked through about a hundred people on my journey to section 201 Mike Side. The seats were to the right just over from the top of the steps. There was plenty of room to dance and it had a great view of the stage. The current situation had gone from great to greater.

Camel Walk was a funky treat that kept all of the bodies in motion. It was a standard version with a little extra interplay between Trey and Fish during the final count pattern that ends the song. Kevin was back. I was still dancing in the aisle as Reba started up. Phish had their collective foot planted firmly on the gas pedal at this point. The sky viewed from the back of the pavilion was a dull pink as Reba put the sun to bed. We even got the whistling.

I thought the placement of Sample in a Jar as a cool down after Reba was great. It was played standardly but had all of the right feels.

Pebbles and Marbles made its first arrival for the summer as a mini-bust out, last played on the White Powder Baker’s Dozen show on 7/26/17. Released in 2002, it stood as the most recently written song of the set.

As Pebbles and Marbles faded out, the opening chords for Tela got a few yells that reached all the way to Gamehenge. Oh, Tela. Our souls were made of pebbles and marbles, but in her gaze, we crumbled into dust and drifted away on the wind. The wind from beyond Camden.

As the opening riff for Mango Song appeared, I realized that this show was going to be made entirely of favorite old songs. There was an abundance of riches tonight. The Mango Song was played spectacularly.

Driver came next with its first appearance of 2019, last played on 7/25/18 at Bill Graham. It was the first time I saw Driver since SPAC in 2012 and it was a delightful breather. My $15 beer was finished and I would have to stick with water for the rest of the night to fulfill my professional obligations. Party mode would never be higher than it was at that moment.

The hi-hat intro to David Bowie let me know that this first set party still had a few miles to go. David Bowie did everything that David Bowie is supposed to do. This version stayed in the box and was all business to close the first set.

Kevin and I took another stroll to the lawn during set break and reconnected with my Pennsylvania friends. As far as I could tell, we were all of the same opinion that we had just gotten our collective socks rocked off. Life was good.

The lights went down while we were still at speaker 2 and we waited for the second set to unfold. We all called different song openers, but no one called Mr. Completely. The last go round for Mr. Completely was in St. Louis after the Blues won the Stanley Cup. Fish batted up the iconic drum beat and the second set was on. The song took a quick left turn just after the chorus and we began our deep sea phishing expedition for the night. They focused on a few murky sections that shifted between B and F# minors before coming back to resurface in the key of A major. During this section of the jam, Kevin and I began our descent from the lawn back to section 201. We arrived at the seats for the peak of the jam, which was reminiscent of Down With Disease, before Fish brought back the Mr. Completely drum beat to end the song properly at almost seventeen minutes.

The Twenty Years Later that happened next was the jam of the night in my opinion. Clocking in at over twenty-one minutes, it was the longest song of the show and went the distance in two distinct jams. The first significant improv started around the 8:00 minute mark and floated on a soft, blissful D major melody to a quiet peak. Around 13:00, the song changed course and the dance party got picked back up by the mothership. F is for FUNK, and lucky for us, they landed in the key of F for a super-funky slow burning winner. Do I dare say the funkiest Twenty Years Later ever? I dare. Everyone was shaking it. A quick spacey interlude leads to…

...Big Black Furry Creature From Mars! The place went nuts. Mike’s shrill was on point. As the last lines of the song were sung, I turned to Alex and yelled, “Tweezer!”

Two seconds later, Tweezer burst on to the scene. Alex said, “The Oracle has spoken.” The Oracle likes when it’s right. Tweezer doesn’t veer too far in either direction, but instead stays straight on a long walk into the night through the dark shady alleys of Camden. At thirteen minutes, it makes the grade as the third longest song of the set, but it never makes it back to the car. Don’t park too far away in Camden.

Speaking of shady, the song Shade was next and it provided some of its namesake to the audience after we cooked in that hot kitchen of a third quarter. I caught my breath as the beginning to Most Events Aren’t Planned started up.

I first saw this song back in 2003 at a Vida Blue show in Philly. Page and the boys were sharing the bill that night with Train Wreck, a band featuring Kyle Gass of Tenacious D. Long since forgotten, Most Events Aren’t Planned was drastically dislodged from my memory banks with the sizzling version on the last night of the Baker’s Dozen. Fresh in my mind now, I was very excited to hear this version come to life. When the beat dropped after the “boundaries of my mind” line, the whole place transformed back into the super funky dance party again. This song is not played nearly enough. It’s just a total rager from Page and needs way more attention than it currently gets.

When I was with my children at some of the other shows, we were playing the game of picking three songs that would be played for the given night. Makisupa was on my list each time. It never happened. I didn’t play the game on this night. Bam, Makisupa. That’s how it works. Trey skipped the code word to talk about how much he couldn’t wait to hear Mike play his bass. It was fun and short lived as Trey quickly took back the reins to unleash a late set Chalkdust.

Much like the version played a few shows earlier in Bangor, this Chalkdust stuck to the script and packed an energy punch to the crowd’s gut. Nobody was going to sleep yet.
Just when some were thinking that it might have been over, Suzy Greenberg stepped on the dance floor and gave us all one more reason to yell. Page’s first solo was the shampoo that cleaned the hair. Page’s second solo was the conditioner that made the hair silky and smooth. With some hee-haws and laughs, Suzy Greenberg came to an end as did the second set.

We waited in anticipation at the seats for the start of the encore. The opening muted strums from Trey led way to Punch You in the Eye. What? Really? In the encore!?! Some shows have a little more magic than others, and some shows have a vortex of magic erupting from the stage all night long. This show was the latter. As Punch You in the Eye came to a distorted end, the silky hair on the back of my neck began to stand up. The dissonant D feedback out of Trey’s amp became the opening wail of What’s the Use?

I have goosebumps writing this. Aside from Divided Sky, the song that made me fall in love with Phish, this is my favorite song. (For the record, I would like the version from 6/29/16 to be played at my funeral). I gave up on the idea of seeing it during this run of shows since they played it at Merriweather, but they must have known that I was in the audience and felt bad that I missed the other one. Sitting for the first time ever in the encore slot, What’s the Use? was played brilliantly. Phish brought the sound down to a faint whisper and the soundscape was generally respected. Out of the silence, one guy could be heard yelling, “I love you Trey!!!” It wasn’t me, but it could have been. From the stage, Trey gave the Han Solo look that said without words, “I know.” From a quiet whisper, What’s the Use? slowly ascended to its blinding summit. It was a truly beautiful version and the ultimate swan song for my summer Phish adventure. I felt like Mr. Completely.

As What’s the Use? kissed me goodnight, the only thing left was the Tweezer Reprise. Ha! That’s why Phish is Phish, the master pranksters. Like the Soup Nazi from Seinfeld, they said, “No Tweeprise for you! You come back in one show!” Not this time, Phish. I have a classroom to run. The opening riff for Julius floated up instead for one last dance on the summer tour.

What a show! The song selections were outstanding and the playing was just as marvelous. There were three songs that topped thirteen minutes in the second set including the twenty-one minute Twenty Years Later. They played my favorite song in the encore. To be conservative and give this show a 9/10 feels like I’m short-changing it. Outside of the Baker’s Dozen and Magna Ball, I’m going to say that this is the best stand alone show I’ve seen since 7/13/14 Randall’s Island night 3. It’s the real deal.
, attached to 2019-06-30

Review by s1177375

s1177375 Upon re-listening to not only is this obviously the best show of the tour of us far but 20 years later is the best jam of the tour also I hate to admit it because birds of a feather was slightly longer in the show I was that but it would not be the truth to say that bird was better this is the funkiest slowest most it’s just makes you want to dance it is the best best jam I judged the last 2 nights really harsh but this night made up for 2 crap shows prior. 4 great shows this tour so far. Bonnaroo night 2 Blossom NC And night 3 Camden that’s the only good ones so far. Trey teased these 2 notes all 2nd set from tweezer and in Suzy mostly such fun how a simple 2 note tease can tie the show together in such a nice big bow
, attached to 2019-06-30

Review by moonofjupiter

moonofjupiter Hype started as the soundcheck, song by song was being posted to dotnet.
Everyone was posting and calling one another.

Sure as shit.
Huge opener and with the (WITH). for me “With” is one of the ulitimate moments in Phïsh history.
And then FEFY. My first one since the 90s.
At song two, for me things are firing on all cylinders.
Then buried alive came not in the opener slot. Bam. Another.
Sample. Cool off. But the crowd flipped out.

Then Pebbles. Most people’s first ever. Second biggest bust out in pebbles history!!

Now TELA!!! What in the actual fuck! It’s still mid first set!!! And we have 5 bust outs!!
What’s next!!

Mangos. Holy shit. Kidding me?? Whoaaaa.
Then driver.
Somehow I’ve cauggt the last three since 13. Super rare. Huge bust out.
Huge Bowie set finisher.

At set break it was clear (other then Charlotte) this was clearly the show of the tour. And some people’s show of their life. Song selection wise.

Mr. completely opener. I was at the 03 Utah show. So that was another holy shit rare moment. Then 20 years later. Absolutely masterpiece!!!
Then BBFCFM!!!! With teases of ass handed and Kasvot shiz!
Great shade chill down. Rare again.
Epic Chalkdust and my friend who missed her flights called “most events aren’t planned “
And sure as shit. The 10th holy shit moment of the night. Lol.
Then makisupa! Rare for many! And a great one too!!

Encore was only the third even PYite. And first ever WTU. (People please stay quite during the quote moment, paaaalease)
And Julius to end.
Everyone assumed Tweeprise. But most events aren’t planned and we already got 15 rare songs. Ten of which are straight up bust outs.

Holy shit. Show of the summer!! And my friends who have seen shows into the 200-400s even say it’s in their top 10.

Def top 10 for me to alltimers.
Perhaps even top 5!!!

This was the “HOLY SHIT” show!!
, attached to 2019-06-30

Review by CosmicJamz

CosmicJamz Stellar show from top to bottom. I've been to a bunch of Camden shows. My most memorable was sitting second row on 7/10/99 and the stellar July 4th 2000 celebration. Always are great way to spend a summer weekend (in Philly). Shout out to Camden BB&T for IMO have the best lawns. The sight-lines and sound are great. Lots of space where you can find it and a stupendous view of Philly skyline. Loved the fireworks from the lawn on Saturday. The egress is great, except for the crammed-in pits which looked toyt. I sat Pavs for this night Page side.
The show was captivating from the opening notes of The Curtain. Got the place shaking with a solid Buried Alive > Camel Walk. The rest sans P&M got me so 1.0'd. Lots of old memories resurfaced when seeing classics like Mango and Driver > Bowie. Second set was dimensional to the max, especially in 20 yrs Later jam. BBFCFM > Tweezer was pure high voltage hose. Page MVP with MEAP. The rest of the set is pure joy. The encore with the surprise Julius crushed it.
, attached to 2019-06-30

Review by Scottsquared

Scottsquared This was my first Phish show, and I'm just so glad it was. This was definitely a "greatest hits" show if you will, starting with the classic Curtain With opener. Then I heard what became one of my favorite Phish ballads, Fast Enough For You, which is actually kind of rare. Not a bustout necessarily, but is consistently a one-timer on every tour. Good Buried Alive, then a "goofy" song with Camel Walk, but very funky. Camel Walk has definitely become a bigger jam vehicle in more recent shows. Then, a really clean Reba, which was just great because at the time, Reba was one of the only Phish songs I really knew, followed by the classic rocker Sample in A Jar, which I also knew. It was also cool to see Trey switch guitars for Pebbles and Marbles at my very FIRST show because he only ever switches guitars for that song or for a popped string (which I also witnessed on 1/11/20 with TAB at the Capitol Theater). My first Page song was Tela, and it still holds up as my favorite Page vocal song to this day. Next was Mango Song, and I knew it was a heady bustout the moment I heard it just based on the crowd's reaction and the goofy lyrics. Then came Driver, which was a nice display of Tom Marshall's subtle lyrics. My first Phish set closed with a loud, heated jam in the form of Bowie. They opened Set 2 with a very experimental, free-form Mr. Completely>Twenty Years Later jam, followed by a screeching BBFCFM. Then we got the fan-favorite Tweezer, which my dad really enjoyed before what was probably the most heartfelt song played that night, Shade. Then came Most Events Aren't Planned, a nice mellow follow-up, and Makisupa Policeman. This time, Trey said "So I could hear Mike play bass!" The show ended with a fiery Chalk Dust Torture>Suzy Greenberg and a fantastic 3 song encore. Great show!
, attached to 2019-06-30

Review by Juliusismypetcat

Juliusismypetcat What can I say that hasn't already been said about this show, besides for adding in my own personal takes on it?

This was one of those DAYS (not just SHOWS) that I chase in my dreams all the time. My two buddies and I made our way through Philly from the hotel and grabbed a pre-show drink at a bar in center city (this is important later). We met a guy from NY who said he was planning to leave at set break because of work the next day. "Hey, seeing half a show is better than not seeing it at all right?".....yeah....right.

We meet up with old and new friends on lot and the weather is spectacular for this time of year. The vibe is just "on". We all keep whispering about this, but nobody wants to jinx the whole thing by saying what we were all thinking: It just FEELS right. Sometimes, when you surrender to the flow, it all goes accordingly. We hear rumors about what was sound checked, and my buddies know I'm hoping for that Camel Walk.

When The Curtain opens up, I will forever remember my buddy (who has far more shows under his belt) turning to me in the summer sun and saying, "Just relax man, they're taking us in for a nice little Sunday Show". What a genius. FEFY was perfectly placed and the Buried Alive keeps that flavor of "Good Ole Phish". THEN....we all get to strut our stuff to a nice little Camel Walk. At this point everyone is all-in...but what's that you say? REBA!

Reba is Reba of course, but, still wanting some "Good ole Phish", the opening notes of Sample play right into my heart. I highly suggest checking the solo on this Sample, even if it doesn't go "deep". Hearing Pebbles and Marbles, I turn to my friend (who is at his 2nd show) and mumble, "Dude this is special right now." I NEVER thought I'd catch this one!

Tela (which had been sound checked, but I thought they were saving it for SPAC) was as gorgeous as ever. The sun setting in the background and the breeze truly resonated with me as "Wind from beyond the mountains."

I should note here that I was fully satisfied with the set already, when Mango hits. A nice little version to keep the energy up, but what really stood out to me this set was the Driver, again, a song I never thought I'd hear live. This one brought me to tears and just hit the feels in all the right places.

Next up, is it gonna be Maze? Damn it, "just" Bowie!!! To this listener's ears, this was nice and tight, still bringing the thunder. Set break? Cool, we just got my favorite set out of the three nights of Camden so far. I turn and say, "They can play whatever second set, and I'm fully satisfied." Guess that guy from NY earlier wasn't so crazy for leaving?


The opening half hour or so that is Mr. Completely and TYL all blend together for me as a gelatinous dance party. Nobody was talking, just exchanging those knowing glances that, "Hey, this is GOOD right?"

I know TYL is getting all the props from this show, but for my tastes, I personally liked the Mr. Completely a little more. The riffs at the end were so spicy, and upon re-listen, the soundboards really don't do it justice.

After coming down out of the cosmos for the first time in 30+ minutes we get a spectacularly place BBFCFM! The placement of this song at this point in the set cannot be overstated. It really broke up the tension and reminded us all about how not to take it too seriously, then BAM we all get to step into the Freezer. This Tweezer is short, but there about 3 peaks as I recall. Don't be fooled by the length! At this point, I was ok with going home a satisfied customer, so when the groans for Shade came round, I was totally ok with it. MEAP was phenomenal, and again, I cannot over emphasize the flow of this second set.

A pause: My buddy HATES Makisupa. For the rest of my crew who know this, it was like one big inside joke that the band was in on as they let that one fly. I couldn't have had a bigger smile on my face. He was rewarded by waiting through that one though with his own favorite, CDT which scorches what's left of that Camden lawn.

Another pause: One guy in our crew had left the 2018 Camden N2 early due to work obligations and the only song he'd wanted to hear was Suzy, which they encored with that night. He got his due when they closed down the 2nd set with a standard, if not "sing me home boys" version here.

Are we gonna get a tweeprise or what? Who cares! PYITE for the encore? Bring it the hell on!

The first few notes of WTU indicate to me that we might get a three song finale (you could hear a pin drop during the quiet part), and when Julius hits (my little furry buddy at home's namesake) the place goes bananas. Alas, no tweeprise, but again nobody cares. We all knew that the perfect Sunday afternoon with friends was just had by all.
, attached to 2019-06-30

Review by moonofjupiter

moonofjupiter Hype started as the soundcheck, song by song was being posted to dotnet.
Everyone was posting and calling one another.

Sure as shit.
Huge opener and with the (WITH). for me “With” is one of the ulitimate moments in Phïsh history.
And then FEFY. My first one since the 90s.
At song two, for me things are firing on all cylinders.
Then buried alive came not in the opener slot. Bam. Another.
Sample. Cool off. But the crowd flipped out.

Then Pebbles. Most people’s first ever. Second biggest bust out in pebbles history!!

Now TELA!!! What in the actual fuck! It’s still mid first set!!! And we have 5 bust outs!!
What’s next!!

Mangos. Holy shit. Kidding me?? Whoaaaa.
Then driver.
Somehow I’ve cauggt the last three since 13. Super rare. Huge bust out.
Huge Bowie set finisher.

At set break it was clear (other then Charlotte) this was clearly the show of the tour. And some people’s show of their life. Song selection wise.

Mr. completely opener. I was at the 03 Utah show. So that was another holy shit rare moment. Then 20 years later. Absolutely masterpiece!!!
Then BBFCFM!!!! With teases of ass handed and Kasvot shiz!
Great shade chill down. Rare again.
Epic Chalkdust and my friend who missed her flights called “most events aren’t planned “
And sure as shit. The 10th holy shit moment of the night. Lol.

Encore was only the third even PYite. And first ever WTU. (People please stay quite during the quote moment, paaaalease)
And Julius to end.
Everyone assumed Tweeprise. But most events aren’t planned and we already got 15 rare songs. Ten of which are straight up bust outs.

Holy shit. Show of the summer!! And my friends who have seen shows into the 200-400s even say it’s in their top 10.

Def top 10 for me to alltimers.
Perhaps even top 5!!!

This was the “HOLY SHIT” show!!
, attached to 2019-06-30

Review by mismatch_healer

mismatch_healer A Solid Sunday in Philly

and here’s what stood out to me. Curtain’s a beautiful opener, it set the tone for a breezy Summer evening. Camel Walk’s groove started the momentum which Reba & Sample would spring-boarded into face. Then several nice picks and I checked off a bucket list song.... Drum Roll Please....”Driver”... Wooh-Whee!! I’ve been waiting on that one. :)

2nd Set Started out chill with energy picking up for BBFCFM & then a Tweezer. Got another bucket-list dropped on me when they threw a “Shade” in there. I was a happy dude :) . Makisupa, Chalkdust & Suzy just felt like a well oiled tricycle. Leading to a smooth finish with a happy vibe. By that point, I just felt content. Yes!!! That’s what a F’n Phish show sounds like. (High Five Homies!!)

Then they came back & for the encore they lifted the crowd with punchs in the eye. When the closed with Julius, I realized I was rocking a perma grin. I was fully satisfied. It’s not the best show I’ve ever seen. But it was a great time and a great show and I’m so glad I was there!!
, attached to 2019-06-30

Review by s1177375

s1177375 Finally a show w no ghosts of the forest or Kasvot. I’ll take the Forrest over the skandonavian garbage but prefer a show w 0 about to run life beyond the dream and drift while your sleeping they are all ok songs but compared to guyute Petrichor YEM simple maze coil horn if I could sanity etc they just don’t compare to 2000 and prior phish. I love round room the song not the album I love sass and 7 below and Mexican cousin and that’s about it from 2003. The rest is garbage. 2 versions of me now that trey is sober should not even apply except I guess rockstar and daddy dichotomy. Best show of the tour thus far. W that sound check and curtain w opener I swore we were gonna get a Harpua or icculus or at the very least they were practicing them for a reason but alas no shitting bird tonight or a man climbing a mountain w his shit ass Still a great set list inspite that it coulda been a dream encore but Julius wtf I hate Julius that was a big middle finger I hate zero I hate all chomper anthems but even Julius couldn’t kill this show just like the 2nd best show thus far couldn’t be killed by another shit encore more into what shoulda finished tonight reprise? No tweezer reprise tonight interesting who the fuck knows. I think the band either just doesn’t care anymore or has so many shit songs they just love throwing miss u or secret smile or ruby waves or spices or time turns elastic or magilla curveballs just to say fuck u secretly phans. I can’t prove it but they know what we wanna hear but they do their own thing nightly to spite us. Tonight they listen to the phans but NJ shows are the rarity not the norm and even here only 1 outa 3 was for the audience. Trey is deep down a jerk I’m convinced He only loves himself and close family . I’d love to be proven wrong but he will always be Brian AND Robert not soul planet I don’t buy his snake oil now that I’m sober anymore. Best show of the tour but still not epic just a 4.3 at best
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