This show featured the Phish debut of A Life Beyond The Dream. Trey teased No Men In No Man's Land in Back on the Train. Page teased HYHU after I Didn't Know. Birds of a Feather contained a Dave's Energy Guide tease from Trey and The Final Hurrah and Your Pet Cat quotes. Split Open and Melt was performed as an encore for the first time since November 12, 1991 (1,318 shows).

© 2019 Phish (Rene Huemer)

Dave's Energy Guide, The Final Hurrah, and Your Pet Cat teases in Birds of a Feather, No Men In No Man's Land tease in Back on the Train, Hold Your Head Up tease
Debut Years (Average: 2004)

This show was part of the "2019 Summer Tour"

Show Reviews

, attached to 2019-06-19

Review by kyleindeed

kyleindeed And so has come (finally) the triumphant return of the Phish to the one and only Blossom Music Center. After a fun little 3 peat of consecutive summer tours from 2010-12 (2011 in particular deserves all the praise it continues to get), the boys have not lit up Blossom as often as I would like (3 years later in 2015 and now 4 years later this year). Don’t get me wrong, I’ve traveled outside of Ohio to get my Phishfix.. but I always call Phïsh at Blossom home.

The boys came home tonight in exemplary fashion on this unassuming Wednesday night.

Soul Planet gives us liftoff to start. Tour debut and this was a great choice to get the crowd going and appreciating new mainstage material.

Moma crushes out of the 2 hole. Big crowd for a Wednesday and everybody was glad to be enthralled with an early funk boogie, ho ho!

KDF tour debut next. I think people used to complain this song got played too much. Now, it doesn’t get played enough. Great homage to the 2011 Blossom S1 opener. I was changing the words at the end to “Please Come Back to Cuyahoga Falls!” ... Indeed.

YPC, fun and playful (like a ball of yarn!).. another Haunted House song I can cross off the list.

BOTT, priceless. Get Back on That Blossom Train and never get off! Another first of mine for this song also came at the 2011 show (> Guelah Papyrus... bedlam kinda groovy).

Here they could’ve kept going w the feel good songs, but instead Phïsh felt compelled to educate us with some new tunes. Everything is Hollow was the last Kasvat song from Halloween that had yet to be repeated. Strong version even if other tunes from that set will ultimately warrant more airplay.

About To Run impressed me. It’s strong and composed while determined enough to bring a great full rock vibe.

Divided Sky highlights S1 showing the cohesiveness of the team. Even a slight flub from Trey on the high note is not cause for downvoting this show. This song was so well placed as the sun begins to fade.

First I Didn’t Know for me. Great vacuum solo from John Sullen Melancholy.. I wonder if Jack and Diane Melancholy were able to enjoy this little dirty in the heartland.

WOTC is always a quintessential S1 closer and rocks. It also opens the door for heavy deep S2 playing.

STFTFP leads off S2 surprisingly. Nice quick rendition to wake us up again and get our butts back to their seat/patch of lawn. As I was walking in the pavilion after a long concession wait.. I sang “Got a blank seat where my feet should be”.

This BOAF is utterly timeless. Hands down the best ever BOAF. Also the best jam of this young tour. I want to see it on the jam chart soon since there were at least 5-6 different parts of this structural masterpiece. It’s the best song of this show that will be lauded as such for many years to come. I’m not afraid to throw it up for JOTY consideration already since there will always be MSG, DICKS and (hopefully) west coast faithful patronage that will lose sight of this BOAF. Blossom fans unite! Let’s ruffle some feathers!!!!... Indeed

Crazy Sometimes, perfect landing and keeping awesome intensity going. Man do I love Paige on that Hohmer Clavinet in anything! Miss You gives the breather we needed (yes, mid week shows deserve breathers.. still work do to on Thursday/Friday for some). ER>CDT>Slave put this great set to bed in fine fashion. Bravo boys!

So they play SOAMelt (my favorite Phish song at my favorite Phïsh venue) in the ENCORE??? And for the first time since like 91??? AND, jam the heck out of it for 15 minutes???? CRAZINESS!!!!! I was grinning like a jackolantern. ALBTD was the perfect ending to this thoughtful show even if some would have preferred Melt take us home.

Final thought... Phïsh was not one bit predictable tonight and educated all of us the entire evening on what matters in our lives (esp set 2)... that being:

Dance, dance, dance
Being catty creates a lot of noise
The Blossom train is strong even if it took too long to get back on it.
New tunes deserve our attention.
Old school structural masterpieces never fade.
Vacuum solos kick ass and don’t be afraid of caves.
Even if our brains go blank by end of setbreak, Phïsh fans flock together for a long time and get damn crazy doing it.
Phish missed Blossom and will be back sooner than later.
All is right in the world when we live while we’re young and manage the insane traffic leaving the venue.
Oh, and don’t give up hope after your face melts!!!

Sorry for the length! I had a lot to say since I loved this show so darn much.. and I love you all for taking the time to read!!!
, attached to 2019-06-19

Review by hannibal76

hannibal76 Not your typical Phish show but a strong night from start to finish with long stretches of legit mind-blowing bliss. I wasn't crazy about the song selection in the first set but I liked the Type I jam in Soul Planet; About to Run was played flawlessly with Led Zeppelin-esque power; and Divided Sky was beautiful as always. The second set out of this world. My highlight of the night was Birds of a Feather's long Type II jam, which alone was worth the price of admission. Chalk Dust was vicious and fun. Slave was wonderful, as usual. The Split Open and Melt encore was dark, violent, and held together by the spacey threads of the universe. So good. A fun night in Ohio.
, attached to 2019-06-19

Review by Zands

Zands This was my first show and I had no idea what to expect but this was a great show. Getting Kill Devil Falls, Back On The Train, Divided Sky, AND a great Walls Of The Cave in the first set absolutely blew me away. Plus, getting a Fish vacuum solo in my first show? Priceless.

Set two blew my mind with an incredible BOAF jam, with one of the people next to me in the audience asking me "is this still Birds?" It was still Birds and it was awesome. Ending this set with a Everything's Right>CDT>Slave was quite enjoyable and I was absolutely along for the ride, having a great time.

The SOAMelt encore was amazing, having a dark tone that I did not expect but very much appreciated.

All in all I don't think I could have asked for a better first show.
, attached to 2019-06-19

Review by ScratchMoore

ScratchMoore Allow me to be happy to buck the trend of mentioning the first set in a negative light. The first five songs got me right where I wanted to be. It was my first Soul Planet and My Pet Cat (my first song of any of the Disney Halloween tunes, sonits automatically be bumped up to my favorite), and I’m always glad to check off new tunes. Foreshadowing: these would NOT be my only firsts of the night.
I’m a big fan of Moma, and getting it to start the night did wonders for my vibe. It was the slowest I’ve experienced, but that dark/slinky/syrupy vibe would pop its head up several times throughout the evening.
KDV and Train both hit the right notes for me. None of the opening 5 went anywhere spectacular, but they were an exciting and vital start to the evening.
About To Run gave me a chance to catch my breath for Everything Is Hollow. Both songs were debuts for me, and Hollow rawked Me in my jiggly parts. My neck is sore today from the head banging I did for that one. Great tune, great riff, great vibe, great placement. Not sure if I’ll want to hear it often, but last night? I couldn’t have asked for a better rock tune.
Set 1 finished with a bang. Not much more I can add to everyone else’s comments here.
Set 2 had a little bit of everything, and I’ll continue to praise that Birds Of A Feather. Sooooo tasty.

The encore tho. I’ve never seen Split Open And Melt, but that was beyond words. Phish went to a place I have never seen them go to at the end of the song. They were on a different plane of existence. I couldn’t even dance anymore - I just had to stare slack-jawed at the lights. Beyond incredible.
, attached to 2019-06-19

Review by dublindeuce

dublindeuce After a less than stellar night in Canada, Phish delivers a very memorable show in Ohio. The opening five song run is nothing special, and to be honest I was bored with the lack of jamming. The Moma Dance, Kill Devil Falls, and Back on the Train all have jam potential, but unfortunately, each version stays completely in the box. Up until the beginning of Divided Sky, I thought the show was panning out to be another clunker. Fortunately, Divided Sky is executed very well, and ultimately serves as the burst of energy that puts this show back on the right track. Walls of the Cave is also great, and is a terrific way to end a set that took way too long to get going.

Set 2 is what makes or breaks a show, and I'm pleased to say that Phish delivers with arguably the strongest set of the tour. Faulty Plan works as set 2 opener, especially with the band using it to slingshot themselves into orbit with the monster Birds of a Feather that follows. This jam is not only the longest of the tour so far, but in my opinion, the best. Each band member improvises independently, yet in unison, forming an incredible cohesion to the jam. Crazy Sometimes is an interesting choice to follow up a monster jam, but it actually works perfectly, featuring a short but inspired Tweezer Reprise like jam. I actually like Miss You's placement here. Phish ends the show with one of the the strongest 4th quarters in recent memory. When Everything's Right started, I thought it was going to be another huge jam, but Trey makes a great move by cutting it short and transitioning into a very high energy Chalk Dust Torture. This Phish staple gets the hard rock treatment that Kill Devil Falls was lacking in the first set. The set ends with a spirited Slave to the Traffic Light that seems a little longer than usual. Can you think of a better song to get as an encore than Split Open and Melt? This version is not the longest, just over 14 minutes, but that's all the time the band needs to create a stunning, psychedelic shoe gaze that sends the fans home salivating for more.
, attached to 2019-06-19

Review by dr_strangelove

dr_strangelove Highlights from Set I: About to Run through Walls of the Cave.
-About to Run gives Trey the opportunity to play some great blues guitar, it falls in the category of pretty great song for the newer stuff that Phish & Co has been putting out, and Trey is obviously amped up to play these Ghosts of the Forest songs. They really crushed it
-Divided Sky was the first song of the night that really brought me that nostalgic old school Phish feel. I still smile like an idiot when the whole crowd is cheering during the pause before the titular note is played in the middle segment. And of course, the energy for the ending part of the song was a real tit ripper.
-I Didn't know... hard to hate a vacuum solo and Phish silliness.
-Walls of the Cave surprised me because Set I felt like it was pretty long, so I was glad to get a rager to end things

Highlights from Set II: I want to say everything, but I'll limit it to BOAF>Crazy sometimes, Everythings Right>Chalk Dust, and the Split open encore
-Birds of a feather was just nasty. Multiple interesting jam segments and the band pushed past a moment where things were beginning to drift into a lull to amp things back up again and explore more interesting musical spaces. Page and Fishman were the jam MVPs on this one. If you listen to one moment from this show, this is the tune you'll want to check out. The Crazy sometimes that followed was the perfect amount of dark energy that I want after a sick Type II jam and the song itself had some good funk jamming in its mid-section. I will also add that this BOAF>Crazy sometimes cue'd up the "Miss you" that followed beautifully. Nice song placement.
-Everything's Right was typically good fun, but the transition to Chalk Dust was what got me excited (even if it wasn't a true segue). I haven't seen anyone referencing the fact that Chalk Dust was also teasing BOAF throughout the opening verses, which made the song much more energetic and fun. Even though the CDT isn't too long, there are brief moments of Type II jamming worthy of a listen
-Remove the jaw-dropping fact of SOAM hitting the encore slot, and I'm pretty sure you will realize this was a very dark and nasty jam. Satan himself could have been on the stage during that jam. This might be second priority after the Birds of a feather for "must-listens" from this show.

Honorable mentions:
-Soul planet had some good, brief type I jamming that was fun
-A Life Beyond The Dream - I am admittedly not the most enthused about Ghost of the Forest (I probably need to dig deeper into this project, but for the most part I feel like its meh -- sue me). That being said, experiencing these tunes live has changed my perspective and this song in particular was a beautiful way to cap the night. I would love to hear this song again.
, attached to 2019-06-19

Review by aybesea

aybesea So, out of all of the outdoor venues that I've visited between active GD & Phish touring I can honestly say that Blossom is my very favorite. There's just something about this summer utopia, nestled in the absolutely stunning Cuyahoga National Park, that really agrees with me. This place is just so laid back and relaxing. It seems like the shows here are always superb and this one measures up quite nicely.

Let me also say, that one of my very favorite Phish songs is the incredible Birds Of A Feather, and here we have not just a beautiful example, but probably the absolute best BOAF ever played! This song rates a ridiculous 382.42 on the SAT scale. To make that clearer, that's almost half the score of the entire Toronto show. This thing was a fucking monster and it's easily worth the entire price of admission... but there was a whole lot more to this show.

Other standout tracks are a Melt encore (151.43... for an encore) and a really pretty Divided Sky (143.67). But, even a bunch of the "standard fare" tracks from this show are among their best (Planet, Moma, Pet Cat, BOTT, IDK, WotC, ER, CDT)... Crazy Sometimes, indeed!

The overall SAT from this show is a very healthy 1261.58... and in case you couldn't tell... this was a really good show... easily the best of the tour so far! God, I just love this band.
, attached to 2019-06-19

Review by SplitOpenAndMalt

SplitOpenAndMalt Finally getting around to writing a review for my first show.

Prior to going to Blossom this night, I had zero exposure to the genre of 'jam' music whatsoever. No Phish, no Dead, nothing. My buddy invited me a few weeks prior to go with him and his family to the show and I had heard of Phish, so why not? The day of the show I got a call from my girlfriend of 2.5 years ending the relationship pretty unexpectedly. I'd committed to these tickets though and I wasn't going to flake so I begrudgingly fought my instinct and showed up at my buddy's house. As we made the 40 minute drive to Blossom, we talked about everything. His dad is a seasoned vet who has been going to shows since the early '90s and was catching me up on all the terminology and basic etiquette-- no talking during music, make friends on lot, all of the beginner stuff.

We show up and my first impression is an absolutely massive Shakedown. I hadn't seen anything like it and knew the environment was different than any live entertainment I'd seen before. The vending and communal sense of acceptance blew me away as I walked past unfamiliar faces and people from different aspects of my life alike. After strolling around and making our purchases, me and my buddy headed to our seats in the pavillion on Mike's side.

Set I opened with a nice Soul Planet. In hindsight, my lack of exposure to Phish or the genre made it difficult for me to differentiate when they were bringing out the 'magic'. After listening to this show on LivePhish 40+ times, though, I'm grateful for an mid-length Type I to start the show. Moma is what got most of the crowd going around me and the dancing really ensued. This was my first exposure to the wonders of what Page McConnell can do. Kill Devil Falls and Your Pet Cat were the first two songs that my buddy didn't inherently recognize due to the (relative) recency of KDF and the lack of play of a lot from Chilling, Thrilling since Halloween. Back on the Train was my highlight of the show at that point-- there was a more mainstream appeal and the funky-bluegrass sound distinguished the song from others; I also think it was the first display of Trey's true vocal work. On the way to the show, my buddy's dad explained the Kasvot Vaxt costume from Halloween to me which I didn't really get (was it a cover or not?) so I thought it was pretty funny that they played one of those songs. After About to Run, Divided Sky was my first Phish 'classic', all unbeknownst to my ignorant self. Upon relistens, I've found the bulk of the jam to be a little technically sloppy compared to other Divided Sky versions, but I will always be grateful for its appearance that night. To be totally honest, though, I Didn't Know was my first REAL introduction to Phish-- who the HELL is John Sullen Melancholy and why is he playing a vacuum on stage? And why is everybody going nuts? A nice Walls of the Cave took us to what I thought was the end of the show. Wait, these guys play two sets for THAT long?

Set break we went and caught up with my buddy's parents and saw a couple more extended friends out on the lawn with them. Got a little more spun and headed back down to our seats and I wasn't quite sure how a band could play THAT much improvisational music for a second set. I was in for a treat.

Set II I was a little underwhelmed by Stealing Time From the Faulty Plan. At that point, it was because of the lyrics. Now, it's because I don't think it set the proper stage for the upcoming set with a low-key jam warmup. Obviously, the 20+ Birds of a Feather is the peak of the show. This was my exposure to what true chemistry can do to a band-- all four guys continued to feed off each other's energy and providing each the opportunity to take over the jam in a seemingly unending cycle of free-flowing creativity. I STILL listen to this version and am impressed and have yet to come across another BOAF that's quite as impressive and funky (but I'd love any show recs to prove myself wrong). I couldn't even tell when the band changed to Crazy Sometimes but I think it was a great follow-up from the extended jam that maintained the feel of the show. The tempo rested up with Miss You (I'm sure they were probably GASSED at this point) before Everything's Right ramped it back up seamlessly transition into an overly aggressive start CDT that mellows out as Trey takes over succeeding the vocal selection. The set ends with a high-energy Slave and everyone's face is properly melted by the completeness of the entire set.

We met up with my buddy's parents prior to the SOAM encore that was just on brand with the entire second set. They found their rhythm immediately after coming back out and jammed out the version for nearly fifteen minutes before making a debut of another song???? Kind of an unheard of and unbelievable introduction to the band.

We headed back out to the lot and ate some hummus and met some of our car neighbors before leaving the show. I gotta admit, I had LOVED the environment but hadn't exactly caught the bug for the music yet. There was something about being there, though, that made me forget about reality for a little bit, let alone the fact that my relationship had just ended, and all I was thinking about was being there.

That feeling didn't exactly leave. About a year later, all I could listen to was this show. I'd scanned my ticket and listened on the LivePhish app on repeat before buying tickets to Summer 2020. The pandemic hit--Then I started chugging through all of the free featured shows, then the DaaM streams, and eventually downloaded Relisten to listen to 2-3 shows a DAY. Fastforward to now, I'm reviewing this as I get excited for a Indy>Hershey>AC run (my second show) before hitting Vegas which will bring me to double digits. The band instrumentally changed my life: this show introduced me to my happy music, my sad music, my everything music. I cannot imagine how different my taste in music would be without that introduction. Regardless of what happens in the rest of my Phishtory, this show will always be 'my' show.

5/5 because I'm a sucker for nostalgia.
, attached to 2019-06-19

Review by s1177375

s1177375 This was my 1st show since the show right before bakers 12 donuts the Pittsburgh show w the stellar Caspian and mr completely. And they were about equally a 4 out of 5. The fans got this one right. My shows in Redding 2013 and Camden 09 w lizards and sand and 2 22 03 w a bathtub gin one of the best 20 versions ever and merriweather 2011 2nd night w saw it again 2x into jumping jack flash and Camden night 1 03 right before IT w the nice lyrical mention in ain’t goin nowhere the best SASS I’ve ever heard the only one I heard close to it was their well what was supposed to be their last 2 set show in Camden to end set 2 I’m so glad trey got sober and hired all new none family and none friends. Business and family don’t always mix well and 2009 to 19 these ten years have been far better than all 2004 even the only great show 6 19 04 now those were all better shows than this one but this was still fun albeit much tighter rock w less jams overall. Right in the middle rated to me of the 30 shows I’ve attended not amazing but certainly not 11 29 03 that was my only show that completely sucked. It just was awful. The simple was even bad. So for my attendance it stacked up like 6 out of the 30 not too shabby. As for play by play..... I showed up late missing the opening catchy chords to soul planet. The people on the lawn seemed mildly disappointed as I meandered my way to my page side pavilion seat in section 38. The jam just starts when I arrive to find my seat is broken lol I really like the catchy song and I love the lyrics very joyful and inspiring and it is my 1st one live so I always like getting new songs live to catalog till I hear nearly the entire list from A to Z including covers and solo stuff like ghosts of the and I still wanna hear don’t u wanna go the classic Christian bluegrass song about heaven on a train to it into Let’s Go by Gordon on his latest OGOBOGO album. We got the other 1 that’s great Crazy Sometimes The Soul Planet just got the crowd going a bit cuz it wasn’t rocking or long enough to slay but was ok. Like another reviewer said they set the bar too high at MSG debut w the pirate boat visuals. The Moma dance I was hoping for the 14 minute version over the 7 and we got a hybrid. Not quite the slow beginning funky one but not short enough to be called standard either. Just ok now I’m officially dancing. Kill killed the crowds vibe people don’t love that song unless it goes over 15 min and this one was a straight rocker. So it looks like a Rock show not a bluegrass not a swinging dicks big band not a funky show exactly either just ROCK and roll. Then we get The first song that actually makes me go whoa and scream out loud my pet cat because I own three cats I think people around me were like why is he screaming for a four minute silly song was because of the context and I don’t think I’ve heard any chilling thrilling Halloween songs to that point now I’m officially happy This one’s for Ziggy Shakespeare and king James at home We don’t know at all what p fish is or what that songs aboutThen I go into one of my top 10 favorite songs and back on the train but it does not go 10 minutes like the one at 2 28 03 it was just good not great Like I’d hoped it be because I hadn’t heard it live till tonight. Then they played two rockers songs one I do not like at all To me everything is hollow is by far not only the worst on the play tonight but the worst song on Kasbah and that whole album is just terrible I despise that album I don’t care if it is a parity of Scandinavian bands it’s awful no matter whether it’s a joke I gag I don’t care it’s bad but ghost of the forest album is not bad and about to run is one of the best songs on that album so that I was happy to hear I also really like drift while you’re sleeping and the one they debuted is an encore tonight a life beyond the dream which is a great ballad. The part in about Jaron where he screams liar the second time the second verse is what Eric Clapton’s rock ‘n’ roll is all about I love that song I hope that gets into rotation then they get the crowd really going finally I was going at my pet cat but the crowd got into the show finally during divided sky because the sun was going down right when they hit the mid point where they stop frozen the pavilion Decibel level-goes crazy I’ve heard this song like five times live like Fzappa20 talking about seeing it 1/3 of the time I can relate to that but this one was a much better version than any I’ve heard to this point Trey was really hitting those nice little guitar licks and it was short and sweet but really good Maybe even jam worthy on this site I compare it to 1129 2003 and the Trainwreck version of it this is the first must listen to song of the night. Idk I got to hear that the very similar spot one next to the right it was the set closer at Cincinnati 2003 first night here run like an antelope was the walls and they were just inverted. I’ve heard run like middle of too many times so was the cables actually I was actually happier to hear that it builds really well and this whole set was just a rock set I thought already and that as the ending song the cave really clinched it as a rocker. A very short set break was cool Because I didn’t need to go to the bathroom and I had already had wine and water so I was good to go on liquids it felt like they were backstage only 15 20 minutes tops. Of the 2 They always play together and kill Devil falls and stealing time they always seem to play that at the same show and once again they did it tonight if I had to pick a favorite of those two it’s definitely stealing time both lyrically and it rocks better too. But as a second set opener where the bar is set so I was a little disappointing to say the least I thought man this is going to be just another shitty show. But then they finally did when I’ve been asking for a 20+ minutes song and they picked the one that I would least of expected like lawn boy at Madison Square Garden wasn’t quite that surprising but almost I don’t think there’s been a 24 minute birds of a feather until four nights ago and this one was not disappointing at all and even had the woman section from the audience for they slow it down to nothing but it only went on for about 10 seconds and they did a pussy drop and my pet cat sound made me chuckle when I heard the pussy drop Interrupt into a cat screeching. This is the must listen to song of the night by far !!! Even my wife who doesn’t like phish at all likes birds of a feather antelope steam and parts of mfmf This eagle really soared pecked out all the eyes in Cuyahoga before flying off leaving nothing Left for the vultures to eat it was truly amazing I asked for 20+ and it sounds like they even directly listen to me which is strange to say the least. Even though it’s pure coincidence I’m sure. Our rates mentioned crazy sometimes it’s my second favorite Mike’s solo song off the new albumAnd it did not disappoint had a similar jam to the birds. Everyone seems to hate miss you cause it’s such a slow zone and replacement is good in the middle of the second set to let everybody sit down and go to the bathroom but I like it lyrically because it reminds me of my dad who I missed tremendously as trey does his sister. I can understand the lyrics and the pain and I’m sure other people can to even ones that haven’t lost somebody but it is very slow and almost boring at times I can understand that and yet people love Brian and Robert Even slower so idk plans are picky and pretentious and hard to please Trey and other 3 surely do have strange demands piled up on them. I think Trey knows that we don’t like the song miss you we being the fans in general because I actually do like it but because of that he had to go into another rockin Chalkdust And it reminded me of the want to Camden 03 nice 10 minute rocker and it did not disappoint at all another must listen to into perhaps my favorite sat closer for a second set of maybe all songs a perfect slave and it was very pretty indeed much like the divided it was played really wellAnd as if that were not enough the encore was even better. I was calling two of the songs they played in the parking lot like I called about to run by screaming outlier in the parking lot to guy knew was lying to me and I also screamed out open and melt actually I said belt melt so I called those two but I did not think it would be for the encore which it had not been since 1991 Not a traditional passed out but a bust out in placement for sure and it was a nice long one too with really dark edgy Jimmy which is what you expect from a split open and I could tell they were going to offset right away so I stuck around and they went into a really nice pallet from ghost of the forest very pretty song I hope they play again on the tour because it is nice We can see Trey we can see I CAN SEE life beyond the grave!! For me what made the show just slightly better than the one in Pittsburgh is not that they had a better song than Caspian or Mr. completely birds of a feather was not better than those two but it built so it started out slow and it just got better as the night went on which I like shows like that
, attached to 2019-06-19

Review by zepphead

zepphead Very awesome show, but i won't 'review' traditionally only because i am extremely biased since it was the first show for my two daughters (ages 10 & 8) and second show for my son (14).....also the first show i got to see with the wife and all 3 of our kids!! I just wanted to drop a note into posterity to thank everyone that helped me & my wife usher our young n00bs into our wonderful guys know who you are! A million times, thank you!

Also, it should be noted that the kids got to see Mike drive right beside us in his golf cart and said hello, thx for doing that Mike, and thx to Phish as a first show i was only 17 years old myself so it is beyond words awesome to take my family now!

I will note that this show gave me a number of firsts personally: SP, KDF, YPC, EIH, A2R, IDK, WOC, STFTFP, CS, MY, ER & ALBTD.
BOAF was killer and i cannot wait to revisit it, SOAMelt was an evil treat, and i really liked the debut of ALBTD.
I thought the show was great, some dirty, grimy jams that melted kids were so happy to be there.
, attached to 2019-06-19

Review by mykingdomforayem

mykingdomforayem My 7th consecutive Blossom show and Phish brought the jams.

First set was solid. They’re playing consistently well right now and you can tell they’re pumped to be out on stage. About To Run was fantastic. Really hope they keep it in rotation.

Second Set was the HEAT. BOAF was firemost and definitely jam of the tour so far. Crazy Sometimes was actually fantastic and I was impressed that Troy didn’t biff any of it. Miss You was well placed and I love the song even if it’s a bathroom break for most people.

CDT>Slave and the Melt encore were excellent.

A very strong show in the best shedd in the country. Updates to the venue are great.
, attached to 2019-06-19

Review by User_25597_

User_25597_ Looking at the setlist, I'd be really glad I wasn't at this show, particularly the first set. But that's why you go to them...because otherwise you'd never know that the dropped what is unquestionably the jam of the nascent tour during Birds. And segued into a very powerful Crazy Sometimes. Who woulda thunk it? Miss you effectively kills the momentum, but an old school Chalkdust>Slave pairing brings it home nicely.

Go back and listen to the Birds, obviously. No one has mentioned the very blatant China>Rider tease at 6:50 (LivePhish timing). And obviously the woos, which Trey courted but Page effectively nixed with Your Pet Cat and Shipwreck (?) teases. Maybe even page is getting tired of the woo?

See you in Charlotte. CAN'T WAIT.
, attached to 2019-06-19

Review by Real_out_casty

Real_out_casty Set I:
Odd beginnings until YPC>BOTT, Everything is Hallow, About to Run. This was the band in inspired form. purposely played all 4 of em. I thought the latter 2 songs showed Phish in a new light. Very
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Check our Phish setlists and sideshow setlists! is a non-commercial project run by Phish fans and for Phish fans under the auspices of the all-volunteer, non-profit Mockingbird Foundation.

This project serves to compile, preserve, and protect encyclopedic information about Phish and their music.

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