Soundcheck: Funky Bitch, My Soul, Evolve, The Connection, Crowd Control
SET 1: Strawberry Fields Forever, Crowd Control, Punch You in the Eye > 46 Days > You Enjoy Myself > Tube > Shade, Reba, Cavern
SET 2: Free > Esther > Blaze On > Scents and Subtle Sounds > Also Sprach Zarathustra > Split Open and Melt
ENCORE: Bathtub Gin
2022 PHISH (Rene Huemer)
Add a Review is a non-commercial project run by Phish fans and for Phish fans under the auspices of the all-volunteer, non-profit Mockingbird Foundation.
This project serves to compile, preserve, and protect encyclopedic information about Phish and their music.
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The Mockingbird Foundation is a non-profit organization founded by Phish fans in 1996 to generate charitable proceeds from the Phish community.
And since we're entirely volunteer – with no office, salaries, or paid staff – administrative costs are less than 2% of revenues! So far, we've distributed over $2 million to support music education for children – hundreds of grants in all 50 states, with more on the way.
Review by kyleindeed
S1 was what sweet dreams are made of. Energy abounds in the crowd from the jump. 46 Days > YEM early yet w outro jam post vocal jam.. whaaaaaat?!?! Thank you band for getting It. Whole set flowed wild style!
Free opens S2 as a monster jam and probably the best Free ever. No one sleeping on this song now, it has completely arrived. SASS > 2001 > MELT straight other worldly power and thick as sticky thieves. That MELT closer, just wow =D
GIN encore making everyone love this night for what it became. Intense top to bottom. Even Esther had extra sauce on her buns!!
All timer show for me tonight. Thank you band for lighting this place up and reminding why Blossom rocks!!!!!