This on-air performance, as part of DJ Dennis Elsas’s daily Workforce Block afternoon show, took place at the “abandoned studio” of WNEW-AM; the FM studio down the hall wasn’t large enough for the band to play in. Band interviews and the Hoist version of Julius were interspersed between the live performances. Highlights of the interview included the announcement that the three-show Beacon Theatre run sold out in 33 minutes; Trey commenting that he had locked up both his skis and his motorcycle for fear of having a pre-tour accident and then ended up breaking his foot by stumbling into a hole on the side of the stage during rehearsals; the band joking about having been approached by Snapple fruit juices for a “Snapple in a Jar” campaign; and discussion of the Disease video (which prompted Dennis to ask them to play the song). At the beginning of Disease, Trey told Mike to “write it down brotha,” which became a running gag throughout the first half of the song. Trey continued repeating the phrase, causing him to laugh through the lyrics of the first verse and humorously fumble the lyrics at the beginning of the second verse.